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"Mackenzie" my mother said walking in my room.

"Sam I'll talk to you late. PITD."


"Parent in the room genius."

He chuckles. "Okay bye babe."


I smile and hang up the phone. Mom slumped on the side of my bed.

"I have good news."

"What is it?"

"Your dad got tickets for you and Chelsea to go home for two weeks. Nikki's mom said you can stay with her."

"Mom I'm with Sam now. I don't really want to see Jake."

"Then don't. Nikki lives blocks away from us, you don’t have to see him."

"When do we leave?"

"Three days. I thought you'd be excited to see your friends Mac."

I nod. "I am! I’m just going to miss Sam that’s it."

    She kisses my forehead and walks out the room. My pout wasn’t because of Sam, not completely anyways. I wanted to see Jake more than anything but that was something I just wasn't ready to admit.


"You're not serious?" Chelsea said when Sam's dad dropped him off at the airport. "I actually like Jake."

"And what? You don’t like Sam?" I respond quickly.

'I never said that. I just don't want you getting hurt Mac. You're my baby sister." She says.

I wrap my arms around her. "I know. I won't get hurt, every choice I make from now on is going to be a good one."

    Sam walks up to us, says a quick hi to Chelsea, and presses his lips against mine. The kiss was long and simply breathtaking.

"What was that for?' I ask.

He shrugs. "No reason, I just needed to do it."

    Sam was scared, I could see it all over his face. It not only was for his fear of planes but also the fact that I was going to see my first love again. No guy wants that.


Dear Diary,

            This is not going to end well. That's all I'll say for now.

              When we got out the airport Nikki, Kyle, and Jace was waiting with Nikki's mom. They held a big sign that said, "WELCOME HOME MAC AND THE OTHER ONE." Which got Chelsea angry because she was the other one and they didn't even bother to write her name.

 They all wrapped their arms around me and tears came faster than another breath could. My heart felt heavy. I didn’t realize how much I had missed them. This was home.

"Hi Chelsea." Nikki says finally acknowledging my sisters presence.

"It’s good to see you guys." she responds.

         Sam walks over to me. I noticed that he stood back before.

"This is Sam." I say grabbing unto his hand.

He smiles. "You must be Nikki, Kyle and Jace. It's great to meet you guys."

"You’re the boyfriend. Mac said some great things about you in her emails. I heard you’re a great kisser."

I blush. "You weren't supposed to repeat that."

"Sorry, anyways Sam you'll love it here and if you're anything like Mac, we'll be quick friends." Nikki says.

        We follow Nikki into her mom’s car and allow the boys to bring the suitcase behind us.

"Where's Jake?" I asked because he was all I had been thinking about.

Kyle smiles. "He's waiting at Nikki's house. I guess you have a lot of explaining to do."

"Me? Jake dumped me, remember? I don’t have to explain Sam to him." I respond harshly.

"I guess I'm invisible." Jace mumbles.

"No I missed you a lot Jace. I spoke about you guys every second I was in California." I tell them.

      The hour long drive didn't seem so long since we talked all the way through. Jace had managed to move on and get over his crush on me even he states I’ll always have a place in his heart. Kyle and Nikki's relationship was stronger than ever. Jake spent most of his time home or in the neighborhood. Nikki said he's been asked out a lot since I left but said no to any girl who came his way. I felt worse now. If Jake realized I had someone now and he didn't, that would completely suck.

"We've arrived." Nikki's mom said when we arrived at our house.

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here." Chelsea says finally breaking her silence.

     Then I stepped out the car and all I saw was him walking out the door. A thin awkward smile across his beautiful face. I wasn't over him. Not in the slightest bit.

"Mac" He says and wraps his arms around me.

"Jake! I missed you so much." I tell him. He was warm. The scent of his shirt was the still the same smell I remember from months ago. His hair still shaggy, shiny, and brown. He was still perfection.

       We stood there arms wrapped around each other as if we hadn’t seen each other for years, it did feel like years.

"Mac?" Sam says reaching to touch my hand.

"Who's that?" Jake says calmly.

"Mac's new boyfriend." Jace answers quickly. He had been waiting for this moment.

"You moved on? Already?"

"Can we not talk about this right now? Please, I just got back."

Jake nods. "Whatever you want, as usual."

           He was hurt. I was hurt knowing that he was. 

Dear Jake,

I am so sorry, my love.

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