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I hadn't spoke to Jake in weeks. I called back once just so that his voice would keep me from going to Sam. yet he didn't answer. so I never called back. then he called back and I didn't answer. So that was it. Jake and I were officially over. I was with Sam now.

"Mac?" Sam says and I look quickly at him.


He wraps his fingers around mine.

"You look lost."

"You have a nice room." I mumble.

He laughs. "what's going on?"

I shrug. "it feels like I betrayed everyone in my hometown. I told them I'd come back and that distance wouldn't change anything. Yet everything changed."

"You're talking about your ex, right?"

"No, not just him. All of my friends."

"Well maybe if you tell me about them, it'll make you feel better."

By that, Sam meant he wanted to hear about Jake. I couldn't tell him that it was Jake t. Austin. The last thing I wanted was for Jake's getaway becoming everyone's business. He didn't want any part of Hollywood anymore so I wouldn't let anyone jeopardize that.

"Well there's Nikki, the best friend a girl could have. She's incredibly beautiful and kind of a rebel without a cause. Then there's Kyle, her boyfriend, and the smartest boy I know. There's also Jace who has made my relationship with Jake the craziest thing ever."

"In what way?"

"Well jace had always had this crush on me. I just didn't know how much he liked me till Jake moved to town. He even kissed me in front Jake once causing us to break up."

"Jace sounds like trouble."

"He is complete trouble, but he's an amazing friend."

"Good to know. Jake?"

I look at Sam. Most guys wouldn't be interested in their girlfriends talking about their exes. Yet Sam was.

"Well he's a good person and very talented.I loved him but people drift apart. it just wasn't meant to be."

"Do you have a picture of him?"


"I want to see my competition. I can see that your very much in love with him still. Do you?"

"Yeah, but Sam if I show you this. You can't tell anyone. I'm trusting you."

He nods and I pull my phone out my pocket. I scroll through the pictures until I reach the one of Jake and I. the one that Nikki had taken the day before I left.

I hand Sam the phone.

"He looks familiar."

"That's Jake t. Austin."

"Jake t Austin, I've heard the name before."

"He's from wizards of waverly place, that Disney show that ended. Also the fosters. He's on a break though. He moved to my town to get away from it all for awhile."

"Wow Mac, you dated a star. That's great. He is talented."

I smile. "Yeah he is. Back home everyone in my neighborhood agreed not to announce where Jake was. We have to keep this between us."

He kisses me. "I don't care who've you dated Mac, I have you now and that's all that matters to me."

"Good. you do have me. Jake doesn't matter any more." I tell him. Yet we both know I was lying. Jake would always matter. He was my first love. That never dies.

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