Chapter 1 - First meet

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Kara was standing outside her new school, terrified. She heard a familiar voice spook her from behind, ''Don't be scared, no one will bite you'', Alex said as she came hand-in-hand with Maggie towards her. ''Haha, says the one who didn't want to leave her bedroom when she started college'', Kara said bumping Alex' shoulder. ''Well, that's true, but only because I was gonna miss you, mom and dad'', Alex replied giving Kara a hug. ''I missed you sis! Finally you get to come out here, now we can hang again. I mean unless I'm busy'', Alex said with a smirk on her face looking at Maggie. ''Oh Maggie, hi. So sorry, my sister was kind of being a dick, so I had a hard time concentrating on other stuff'', Kara said giving Maggie a big hug. Maggie smiled, and just said, ''Well I'm glad you're here Kara, do you know where the administration is, because we can show you''. Alex and Maggie showed Kara where she could get the key to her dorm room, and a map over the whole campus. Alex and Maggie didn't live on campus, they lived in their own apartment, more central in the city. Kara was super excited about her first year in college, ''May it be the best year ever'', she thought.

Kara was super excited about her dorm room. She was excited about her new roommate and how they would decorate the place, because she would be spending some time there.

Kara's dorm room was locked, no one was there yet. ''I get to choose bed first, yes'', Kara thought. She entered the dorm, and it was huge. It had a kitchen, a bathroom, two big beds and closets, and a livingroom. It also had a ''study corner'' with two desks and computers. ''OMG'', Kara screamed.

Kara started unpacking a bit of her clothes, when she heard someone knocking on the door. She felt her heart raise. Kara opened the door, and a girl with long, dark hair was standing there with a suitcase and a few bags. Her skin was pale, her eyes were blue and shiny, and she looked stunning. ''Hey, my name is Lena Luthor. Is this room 218'', she said. ''Ummmm, yes, hi. I'm, I mean my name is Kara, Kara Danvers'', Kara replied blushing. ''Well, Kara Danvers, you can stop gazing, you found me'', she said with a smirk. Kara stuttered. ''I'm joking, nice to meet, Kara. I can't wait for us to be roomies'', Lena smirked again as she shoulder bumped Kara. ''Uh, well, you can take the red bed, or we can switch if you'd like the other bed'', Kara said, as she continued to embarrass herself. ''I'll take the red bed'', Lena said as she gave Kara a wink.

''So, what are you studying'', Lena asked as they both sat down on the couch after they finished unpacking. ''I'm studying journalism'', Kara replied. ''Really, I thought maybe you were studying politics'', Lena questioned. ''No'', Kara smiled. ''Well you could've fooled me'', Lena smirked. Kara blushed. ''So, what are you studying'', Kara continued. ''Umm, I'm studying business. When I finish my education, I want to have my own business'', she answered. ''Well, you couldn't have fooled me. I think you'll be a great businesswoman one day'', Kara replied, felling more comfortable around Lena now. ''How do you know, we barely know each other'', Lena blushed. ''I can tell. You seem like you're a very strong person, and I'm looking forward to finding out more about why I get that vibe. I mean it's great, but I find you easy to read'', Kara said, ''and I mean that in a positive way'', she added. ''You're one of a kind, aren't' you, Kara Danvers'', Lena smiled as she got up from the couch and headed for the fridge.

''We really, need to go grocery shopping, we literally have no food'', Lena said as she opened the fridge door. They both bursted out laughing because they were starving. At the end, they ended up ordering pizza.

The next day they both went grocery shopping together. They had made a plan that they would go shopping together every Monday after school at the supermarket near campus. As well, they made a list for what they would eat for dinner every day, so that they knew what they needed, no unnecessary procurements.

At the supermarket they ran into Alex and Maggie, they were shopping for a party that they were hosting that weekend. ''Hey'', Alex screamed at Kara across the hallway. ''Hi'', Kara and Maggie said in sync as they came a bit closer. ''This is Lena, my new roomie'', Kara blushed as she locked eyes with Lena. The eye-contact between the girls was cut when Alex broke in to introduce herself. ''I'm Alex Danvers, her sister'', she said, kind of frustrated. ''And I'm Maggie Sawyer, Alex' girlfriend'', Maggie continued. ''So you guys want to come to our party on Saturday night'', Maggie said during the awkward silence. ''Sure'', Lena smiled, and dragged Kara in the arm to continue shopping, but Alex stopped her. ''Can I just have a word with my sister'', she said.

''Did I just see you blush over Lena'', Alex stuttered. ''What? No'', Kara laughed. ''I swear to the Lesbian God, Kara, do not mess with me'', Alex gushed.

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