Chapter 5 - Messed up

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''Lena, I'm heading out now'', Kara shouted from the door. She was ready for her date with Mon-El. ''Wait, I wanna see you'', Lena shouted back, and came running from the kitchen. ''Wow, you look beautiful'', Lena stunned. ''Thank you. You don't think I'm too overdressed'', Kara asked. ''No, you look outstanding. This Mon-El dude, is a very lucky guy'', Lena continued to compliment Kara. ''Stop it, but thanks'', Kara blushed and gave Lena a goodbye hug. The hug was intense, and they both could feel their heart beat faster. Kara broke the hug when she caught herself smelling Lena's hair. They stood there looking at each other, no words, just staring. From the lips to the eyes, and then in the end they both ended up staring at each other's lips. Lena stepped closer to Kara, and they could feel each other's breath. Just as Lena was supposed to make the move, there was a knock at the door. But still though, it took them both a while to move an inch after their moment.

Kara opened the door. It was Mon-El. Lena ran into the kitchen, because stuff just got a whole lot more complicated. ''You ready'', he smiled with his blan-some smile. ''Yeah, let's go'', Kara said with a fake smile.

''So Kara Danvers, tell me something about yourself'', Mon-El said as they waited for their food. Kara's mind was somewhere else, she couldn't stop thinking about her moment with Lena. Two thoughts repeatedly went through her mind all the time, ''I like Lena'', and ''Did we almost kiss''. Mon-El kept talking to Kara, and Kara answered him, but the answers didn't have any meaning. ''Kara, are you okay'', Mon-El said. ''Umm, I just don't feel well'', Kara said. ''I have to go'', she said. ''But we haven't eaten yet'', Mon-El whined. Kara grabbed her wallet, and left 20 dollars for her meal, and left Mon-El.

''Alex, are you home'', Kara asked Alex over the phone. ''Yeah, why'', Alex questioned. ''I'm coming over'', Kara said, and hung up. 10 minutes later Kara knocked on Alex' and Maggie's door. ''Wow, Kara you look nice'', Maggie said. ''Yeah, sis, what's the occasion'', Alex continued. Kara closed the door behind her. ''I just came from a date'', Kara said. ''With who'', Alex said. ''Mon-El, and I left him in the middle of the date'', Kara answered. ''Why did you do that'', Maggie and Alex said in sync. ''Lena'', Kara said with a low voice. ''What about Lena'', Alex said as she stepped closer to Kara. ''We almost kissed, and it was right before my date'', Kara started crying. ''Why are you crying'', Alex questioned. ''Because I'm in love with her! And I just ditched my date, and I left Lena at our dorm, and everything is so messed up'', Kara sobbed. ''Kara, I'm sure everything is gonna be okay. And I'm sure that Lena is still at your dorm'', Alex said. ''Really'', Kara said. ''Really'', they both answered her. ''So, little Danvers, you like girls too, huh'', Maggie smirked. Kara didn't say anything, she wept away her tears and gave them both a hug. ''Listen, I got to go find Lena'', Kara said and ran out of the door. Kara ran 4 blocks before she arrived at campus. She struggled to find her keys when she arrived outside their dorm room. ''Lena? Are you here'', Kara shouted repeatedly, but receiving no answer. Kara sat down on the sofa and started sobbing, but then she heard a familiar soft voice. ''Kara? What are you doing back already'', Lena said as she came out of the bathroom. ''Lena'', Kara said and got up from the sofa. ''Wait, what's wrong'', Lena asked with a concerned voice. ''Don't worry about it, I'm fine now'', Kara said as she gave Lena a tight hug. ''Kara, listen'', Lena broke the hug to look in Kara's eyes. ''Lena, don't'', Kara said. ''Don't what'', Lena said. ''Say anything'', Kara continued. ''Lena, I have realized something the last couple of weeks. I think about you, all day. When I'm in class, when we're apart, even when I'm on a date with another person, I think of you. When I'm apart from you, all I can think about is being with you. And when I see you, every time it makes me catch my breath, just a little. And my heart speeds up and my palms sweat. Seeing you and talking to you, that's all I can think about, and to be honest, these last couple of weeks, there's something else I've been thinking about as well'', Kara said as she stepped closer to Lena. ''What'', Lena said with a lack of breath. Kara took another step closer to Lena and grabbed her waist. She pulled her closer to her, and looked into her eyes like there was no one else in the entire universe. Kara glanced at Lena's lips, and grabbed Lena's face gently and pressed her lips against Lena's. They both were left breathless. ''Lena, I'm crazy about you'', Kara said.

''Lena'', there was a knock at the door, and someone was outside shouting Lena's name. Kara and Lena were on the couch making out, and Lena got up to open the door. ''Lyra, what are you doing here'', Lena questioned as she opened the door. ''Can I come in'', Lyra asked. Lena turned to Kara, and Kara just nodded, and went in to the kitchen. ''Make it quick whatever it is'', Lena said and let Lyra in. ''Listen Lena, I've been thinking about the party the other night, and I realized what a bitch I was back then. I am so sorry'', Lyra said with a begging voice. ''Lyra, what do expect me to say or do'', Lena answered. ''I want another chance'', Lyra said. ''Lyra, I'', Lena started, but before she could finish her sentence Lyra kissed her. ''Lena'', Kara said from the kitchen opening. ''Kara, it's not what you think'', Lena said and pushed Lyra away. Kara grabbed her phone and keys, and ran out of the door. ''Lyra, I thought I made myself clear at the party. I obvs need to make myself clearer, I'm in love with Kara'', Lena shouted. ''Now, get out of here, before I kick you out'', she continued.

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