Chapter 7 - Caught

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''Lena, I have to start thinking about what to tell my mum and dad'', Kara said. Kara had invited Lena with her home for a week. When she called her mum, she told her only that she would bring her friend. Kara and Lena were going to drive together back to Mill Valley, California, with Maggie and Alex as well. Kara and Lena have been dating for almost two months, and Kara, she can't fully be in a relationship with Lena before she's come out to her parents. ''Kara, I'm sure they'll be fine with it. I mean, Alex came out, right? And we're all gonna be there for you'', Lena said wrapping her arms around Kara's waist. ''Yeah, I guess you're right'', Kara answered. She turned to face Lena and gave her a soft kiss, ''Are you packed? Because we're leaving early tomorrow, so you won't have anytime then'', Kara added. ''Of course, I'm packed, are you'', Lena questioned. ''No, I really have to start packing'', Kara laughed.

The next day Alex and Maggie showed up outside Campus at 8 am to pick up Kara and Lena. ''Hey, lovebirds. You don't look tired at all'', Alex said with a smirk on her face. ''I was just about to say the same thing'', Kara hinted back, pointing at Maggie sleeping in the front seat. ''Just get in'', Alex laughed. ''So, will be there in like 12 hours or something'', Lena asked. ''Something like that'', Alex said.

''Are we there yet'', Kara whined from the back seat after 2hrs. ''Kara, this is the 7th time you've asked in the last 15 minutes, we still have got like 10 hours left'', Alex said. ''Well, I'm hungry'', Kara whined again. ''You're always hungry'', the other girls said in sync. ''Maggie and I prepared a picnic, so we're gonna stop in like an hour to have lunch close to Vacaville, they have a nice camping place there'', Alex added.

They drove for another hour before they arrived at Vacaville. ''Babe, wake up, it's lunch time'', Alex said, waking Maggie up, who had been sleeping for most of the drive so far. ''What did you guys make'', Lena asked. ''I prepared sandwiches'', Maggie yawned. ''And I prepared sodas'', Alex added. ''Well, they better taste amazing, because you have starved me for an hour now'', Kara grinned.

8 hours and 50 minutes later, Kara was beginning to feel nervous. They all had agreed that it would be best if she told her parents that same night. ''Guys, I'm really nervous'', Kara said as they were driving in the driveway. ''Kara, you'll be fine. Tell them during dinner tonight'', Alex confidently told Kara. ''Okay, promise that you got my back'', Kara said. ''We all got your back'', Maggie smiled.

When the girls parked their car, Mrs. Danvers was standing in the front door waiting for them arrive. They all hugged, and Lena introduced herself. ''Hey, I'm Lena, Kara's g, Friend'', Lena said, almost spoiling the whole thing. ''Hey, Lena, I'm Eliza, make yourself feel like home'', Mrs. Danvers said. ''And may I add, that your father, Mr. Danvers, won't be home this whole week, he is away on a business trip'', she added. ''Shit, what do I do'', Kara turned to Alex. ''Well, you still got to tell mom'', Alex replied.

''Lena, I have prepared the guest room for you, and Kara your room is ready as well. As for you two, you know where Alex' room is'', Eliza said. ''Thanks, we're just gonna go unpack'', Kara said and gave her adoptive mum a kiss on the cheek.

''Girls, dinner is ready, have you finished unpacking'', Eliza shouted from downstairs. ''Yeah, we'll be right there'', Kara shouted back and ran into Lena's room. ''Shit, I'm so nervous'', Kara said as she entered Lena's room. ''You'll be fine'', Lena said wrapping her arms around her. Alex and Maggie passed Lena's bedroom, ''Come on, you can do that later'', Alex said. ''Come on'', Lena said and gave Kara a quick kiss.

''Wow, this tastes amazing, Mrs. Danvers'', Lena said referring to the chicken and rice that Eliza had prepared for them. ''Thank you, darling. Oh, and please call me Eliza'', she replied with a smile on her face. ''Sure thing'', Lena smiled.

''Mom, there's something I have to say'', Kara said and dropped her fork. ''What is it darling, are you okay'', Eliza seemed worried. ''Yeah, yeah I'm fine, it's just that'', Kara stumbled for a few seconds, ''I have missed you so much, and this is really great'', Kara said taking a deep breath. She couldn't do it. Maggie, Alex and Lena, they all looked at Kara and saw that she was struggling. ''I totally agree'', Maggie said with a huge smile. ''We're gonna go to bed, mum, thanks for dinner, it was amazing'', Alex said and got up. All of the girls thanked Eliza for dinner, and went upstairs to go to bed. ''Kara wait, you have to tell mum tomorrow'', Alex said, ''goodnight''.

''Babe, sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow'', Kara said to Lena. She was in her room to say goodnight. ''Give me a kiss'', Lena whined. Kara gave Lena a kiss, and went into her own bedroom.

The next morning, Kara Danvers woke up early. She went down to the kitchen to see if anyone else was there. Her mum had left her a note that said, ''I'm at a yoga class, I'll be back around 9:30 -Eliza aka Mum''. Kara decided that she wanted to make pancakes for breakfast. ''Hey, babe'', Lena had gotten up, and stood in the kitchen opening watching Kara. ''Good morning, sunshine'', Kara replied blushing. ''Where is everyone'', Lena wondered. ''My mum is at a yoga class, and the other two, they are asleep'', Kara said wrapping her arms around Lena. ''Oh, really'', Lena smirked. Lena started kissing Kara's neck, ''Wow, wow, not so fast'', Kara said. She took a good grip around Lena's waist and lifted her up on to the counter. ''Kara Danvers, are you'', before Lena could finish her sentence, Kara smashed her lips against Lena's. Kara and Lena had yet still to go all the way, but they were definitely getting closer. ''What is going on in here'', Kara and Lena broke the kissing immediately to see who walked in on them. ''Mum'', Kara stuttered.

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