Chapter 9 - Coming home

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The next day Kara Danvers, woke up, with her arms wrapped around her girlfriend's waist. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes, was Lena. The light shone perfectly on Lena's face, and Kara could swear Lena is the most beautiful thing ever. Kara didn't wanna wake up Lena, so she just stared at her until Lena woke up.

''You do know that I can feel you looking at me'', Lena said with her eyes still closed. ''Good'', Kara replied, and kissed Lena's lips, ''Good morning, beautiful'', she continued. ''Good morning, babe'', Lena said as she moved closer to Kara. ''This is the best feeling ever'', Lena continued, ''I love you so much''. Kara and Lena locked eyes, it was like looking at the one they had been searching for without really searching. ''I love you uncontrollably'', Kara cupped Lena's jaw, and kissed her.

''You know, I was thinking, maybe we could have a shower'', Lena smirked. Kara's jaw dropped. From the moment she met Lena, Lena had always been very flirty, but then lately Kara had been the flirty one. Until last night, when Lena took totally control when they got back to the hotel room after dinner. ''Really'', Kara's jaw continued to drop. Lena nodded. Lena crawled out of the sheets, and let her naked-self into the bathroom. Kara followed her. ''Wait, what do we wear after we shower'', Lena clinched. ''Babe, do you really think that I would leave home, without bringing change clothes for both of us, especially when we're spending the night away'', Kara said and dragged Lena into the shower.

At the drive back to Kara's childhood home, they had a little chat about the family dinner that was supposed to happen the next day. ''So, tell me about this James guy, what was his deal'', Lena asked. ''It's no big deal really, it's just that he had a crush on me, and I turned him down. But we were like best friends still. Winn, James and I, we were like the ultimate squad'', Kara replied. ''So there's like no romantic history with you guys'', Lena acted a bit jealous actually. ''Babe, you have nothing to worry about. I have never had, and will never have feelings for James'', Kara grabbed Lena's hand. ''Okay'', Lena hinted a smile.

''Where were you guys yesterday and the whole night'', Alex shouted as soon as Kara and Lena entered the house. ''I know where they were, and that's enough'', Eliza said and gave Alex a glare. ''Curious much'', Kara said as they entered the living room, ''I took Lena to the park, where we ran into James btw, and we invited him and Lucy to dinner. After that I took her to the field, where we played soccer. When the evening struck, I took her to an hotel, where we ate at Cat Grants restaurant and after that we slept over at the hotel'', Kara smiled as she intertwined her fingers with Lena's. ''Uhhhhhh'', Maggie and Alex said in sync. ''How wonderful that you invited James and Lucy'', Eliza smiled. ''Yeah, sure. Who else is coming'', Kara wondered. Lena and Kara sat down in the sofa next to Maggie and Alex. ''J'onn and M'gann, Clark and Lois, and your dad will actually be home tomorrow afternoon, so he'll be at the dinner as well'', Eliza replied. ''Well, shit. I have to tell him about me and Lena then'', Kara sank down into the couch. ''It's okay, honey'', Lena stroke Kara's hand. ''It's just that I couldn't come out to my mum, like for real, she caught us. And to tell everyone at dinner, I'll die'', Kara soaked. ''You don't have to do it at dinner'', Alex said. ''I have to do it at dinner'', Kara replied. ''Why'', Maggie said. ''Because, then I can tell my cousin Clark as well, and uncle J'onn, and you know, dad, at the same time. It'll be the happening of the evening'', Kara joked.

Later that day, Maggie took Kara aside because she wanted to talk to her about something. ''What's up'', Kara smiled. ''Well, you know the dinner tomorrow, can you like tell everyone at the beginning of the dinner about you and Lena'', she smiled, but she was kind of nervous. ''Maggie, sure, but what's up'', Kara wondered. ''I am going to propose to Alex'', she opened a tiny box and showed Kara a diamond ring. ''Maggie'', Kara gave her a tight hug. ''That's great, does mum know'', Kara asked. ''Of course, I had to ask for her permission'', Maggie was super excited. ''That's amazing, well you definitely have my permission'', Kara hugged Maggie once again. ''What are you guys doing'', Lena entered Kara's bedroom as they were hugging. They both quickly broke the hug, and just stared at each other. ''Guys'', Lena repeated. ''Come here'', Maggie said, ''Okay, promise that you won't say anything'', she continued. ''I'm gonna propose to Alex'', Maggie smiled. ''That's amazing'', Lena clapped.

Later that evening, Alex and Maggie went to bed early, while the rest sat around the kitchen table. ''Mum, now that you know about me and Lena, I was wondering if it was okay if Lena moved into my bedroom'', Kara asked. ''Listen, as long as I don't hear anything, I'm okay with it. The first couple of sleepovers that your sister had here with Maggie, well, they ended with me having to sleep on the couch downstairs. They know the rules now, do I have to say anything else'', Eliza replied. ''No, thank you, mum'', Kara smiled. ''Don't worry, Mrs. Danvers'', Lena replied. ''Okay, I think that we're gonna get ready for bed as well'', Kara grabbed Lena's hand. ''Have a good night'', Lena said polite. ''C'mon, babe'', Kara dragged Lena out of the kitchen, and started running upstairs. Lena almost couldn't keep up. ''Kara, I need my stuff'', Lena said as Kara closed her bedroom door behind them. ''Get them tomorrow. Right now, I can't keep my hands of you any longer'', Kara slammed Lena against the door. ''We can't. we have to be quiet'', Lena stunned, wanting Kara's touch. ''Then, be quiet'', Kara pulled Lena's shirt off and started kissing her neck. ''Kara, you know I can't let you do that'', Lena grabbed Kara and switched positions with her. ''Do what'', Kara tried to kiss Lena. ''Take control'', Lena pulled away from Kara. Lena held her against the door, and started unbuttoning Kara's flannel. After unbuttoning her flannel, Lena gazed at Kara. ''What'', Kara blushed. ''You're beautiful'', Lena said. ''Kiss me'', Kara replied. Lena smashed her lips against Kara's. Lena pulled Kara close to her, and they were both pretty sure they felt fireworks in their body when their skin touched. Kara led the way to the bed, where they continued their sparkles.

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