Chapter 3 - The Party

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''So what time do we have to be over at Alex' place'', Lena shouted from the bathroom. ''Umm, I don't know. Like, 10pm'', Kara replied. ''Wait, what time is it now'', Lena laughed. ''9:30'', Kara said. She was so ready for Alex' party. In the beginning, she was really unsure on what to wear, but she chose black skinny jeans, with a white blouse and white sneakers. She wasn't to overdressed, and she wasn't to comfy either. As for her hair, she chose to just let it be the way it was, wavy and beautiful. ''Okay, I'm ready now'', Lena said as she stepped out of the bathroom. She wore blue skinny jeans, with a black tank top and white converse. Her hair was down, and she was just beautiful. ''Wow, you look great'', Kara gasped. ''Thanks, so do you. I like the blouse'', she winked. Kara blushed, as she always does when Lena compliments her.

''They're here'', Alex shouted as she peaked through the hole in her door. ''Who'', Maggie questioned. ''Kara and Lena'', Alex yayed, ''Oh, and they brought Winn'', she continued. ''Hey guys'', Alex said. ''Welcome'', Maggie continued as she put her arm around her girlfriend. ''Hey'', Winn said before Kara and Lena were able to say anything, and gave Alex and Maggie a hug. ''Okay, so the drinks are over there. And just have fun'', Alex smiled. ''But be responsible'', Maggie added with a smile. ''Of course'', Kara nodded.

''Do you guys want a drink'', Winn said. They nodded. ''Great, I'll go get something'', he smiled. ''So, is this your first college party'', Lena asked. ''Yeah, I didn't really go to that many parties in high school, so this is a change'', Kara laughed. ''Really? I thought you were like a cheerleader in high school'', Lena laughed. ''Are you kidding? I played soccer, and I was a nerd'', Kara blushed. ''OMG, really? That's amazing'', Lena laughed, ''I was president of the Math club''. Kara and Lena talked for a while, before they both noticed that Winn hadn't come back with their drinks yet. ''Should we go see if we can find him'', Lena asked. They got up from Alex' and Maggie's comfortable couch, and walked towards the table were all the drinks were. ''There he is, he's talking to some girl'', Kara laughed. Winn saw the two girls coming towards him, and the girl he was talking to turned around to see who he was pointing at. Lena stopped walking. ''Lena, are you okay'', Kara asked concerned. Lena didn't answer her, she just stood there, staring at the blonde girl. Winn and the blonde walked towards them. ''Hello, Lena'', the blonde said. ''Lyra, hi'', Lena said with a very low voice. ''Wait you two know each other'', Winn said, ''that's awesome''. Kara remembered Lyra in Lena's story from the other day. But there seemed to be more to the story. ''Of course Lena and I know each other'', Lyra smirked, ''We used to plan our future together''. Kara looked at Lena with a shocked face. ''You two used to date'', Winn asked. ''Yeah, for two years'', Lyra said. ''Does that mean that I don't stand a chance'', Winn laughed. ''I never said that. I don't like to label myself'', she answered. ''So what are you doing here'' Lena asked. ''Well, I quit school, and started a job here in National City'', Lyra smiled. ''No, what are you doing here, at this party'', Lena corrected. ''A little birdy named Roulette mentioned earlier this week that you were going to this party, oh what? She didn't tell you that she met me'', Lyra smirked. ''No, she didn't. And if you think I have any interest in talking to you, you're wrong'', Lena said as she grabbed Kara's hand and walked away. ''What was that'', Kara said to Lena as they entered the bathroom. ''I don't want to talk about it'', Lena said looking away. ''That's okay, but why didn't you tell me that you didn't just like this girl, you actually dated her'', Kara questioned. ''It's no big deal. It's a part of my life I'm trying to forget'', Lena said. Kara just nodded and gave Lena a hug. ''If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay, but you should know that I'm here for you, okay'', Kara said with a soft tone. ''Thank you. It's just that I don't open up to people often'', Lena said and broke off the hug to look at Kara, ''I've always been alone. Even as a child, and I'm afraid I'll always be alone, because I don't know how else to be'', Lena opened up. ''Lena, you're not alone. I know we met like a week ago, but you can tell me anything'', Kara confirmed. ''I haven't told anyone this, except Roulette, but the reason that Lyra and I broke up is because she cheated on me with my brother's friend. On prom night, they were casted king and queen, and after the dance, they hooked up. I caught them, because they hooked up in Lyra's car, and originally, Lyra and I was supposed to go home together that night. I was so hurt, and Winn should be careful with her'', Lena said. ''Lena, I'm so sorry'', Kara said and gave Lena another hug. ''If you want to leave we totally can'', she continued. ''No, no, we came here to have fun, and I'm not gonna let her ruin that'', Lena answered.

''Have you seen Winn'', Kara asked Alex as she broke up her make out session with Maggie. ''Excuse me? And I think he left with some blonde girl'', Alex blurted out. ''A blonde girl, you have got to be kidding me'', Kara whispered to herself. ''What'', Lena questioned concerned. ''Winn left with Lyra'', Kara said disappointing. ''It's okay, I mean I don't mind, but do you want Winn here? Do you want to go'', Lena answered. ''No, no. I'm totally okay with it being me and you'', Kara blushed. ''Hahaha, okay'', Lena laughed. ''Then let's get this party started and get some drinks'', Lena shouted. ''I'll get them'', Kara laughed.

''Hey there, pretty face'', some guy said, ''I'm Mon-El''. Kara turned to the guy with a surprised face, as if like she was shocked that he was talking to her.

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