Chapter 10 - The Dinner

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''You guys look tired'', Alex said the next day. ''Sleep much'', Maggie added. They both laughed. ''Well, it doesn't look like you guys have slept that much either'', Kara shoulder bumped Alex as she walked past her. ''Someone is broody today, everything alright'', Alex said. ''I'm just not looking forward to the dinner, if you know what I mean'', Kara said. ''Babe, you'll be fine. I'll be right by your side the whole time, and you know that you have us'', Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's waist. ''Yeah, and we support you'', Maggie said. ''I am pretty sure they won't even care'', Alex added. ''Your happiness is way more important than your sexuality, you know what I mean? I mean of course it's important to you, but they will hopefully be more worried if you're happy or not'', Alex reached for Kara's hand. ''Besides, they biggest gay in the family is already out, so no worries'', Maggie smirked. ''What is that supposed to mean'', Alex turned to Maggie with a shook face. ''You know what I mean'', Maggie smirked again. ''Guys, please, we're trying to have breakfast. You can flirt and all of that when people aren't forced to listen and watch'', Kara grinned her nose. ''You're so grumpy, get it together'', Alex said and left the room, Maggie followed.

Later that day the doorbell rang, and Alex ran to open the door. ''Hey guys'', Alex greeted everyone, except her dad, who hadn't arrived yet. ''Welcome'', Kara joined her. Eliza was still in the kitchen preparing the dinner, while Maggie and Lena helped her set the table.

''Mum, do you know when dad will arrive'', Kara asked, as they all got ready for dinner. ''He was 15 minutes away, and I spoke to him a little while ago. So he better be here soon'', Eliza replied.

''Okay, everyone. The dinner is served. I hope you like roasted chicken'', Eliza said.

Everyone sat down around the table, when they heard someone walking in the front door. Jeremiah entered the dining room, and greeted everyone. ''Dad, this is Lena. My... friend from college'', Kara stuttered disappointed in herself not being able to introduce Lena correctly. Because all she really wanted to do, was hold her hand and show everyone how in love they were. ''Lena, I am Jeremiah, Kara's dad'', he said. ''Lovely to meet you, sir'' Lena answered. ''Call me, Jeremiah'', he smiled and sat down next to Eliza.

Later during the dinner Kara felt someone kick her shin under the table. She glanced over at Alex, who tried to get her to stand up and tell everyone. Kara got up from her chair, and she started to feel her heart beat. ''Okay, everyone there's something I have to tell you. Especially you, dad. I... like girls they way that I'm supposed to feel about boys. And Lena and I, we are together. And I... just wanted to tell you that I am so proud of it'', Kara said quickly and then sat down. Jeremiah got up from his chair, ''Kara, honey, I am not surprised. You haven't had a boyfriend, like ever. I am proud of you, honey'', he raised his glass, ''And Lena, welcome to the family''.

''The dinner was delicious'', Lucy said. ''It really was'', Jonn said. ''You're really quite the cook'', James smiled. ''Thank you, stay seated, I have desert prepared as well'', Eliza said. ''Thank you for the invitation, it's always nice to get together'', Clark said and grabbed Lois' hand. ''No problem'', Eliza said and got up. ''Wait'', Maggie said, ''there's something I have to say first'', Eliza sat down again. ''Babe'', Alex was really confused. Maggie got down on one knee in front of Alex, and pulled out a black box and opened it,


When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. I realised I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you the moment I met you. You are my best friend, my human diary and my other half.

You make me happier than I ever thought I could be, and if you'll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. And no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life.

I love you.

Alexandra Danvers, will you marry me'', everybody in the room was shook. Lena and Kara were crying, and Alex was left breathless and just stared at the ring.

''Yes, of course I'll marry you'', Alex said and kissed Maggie. Everyone clapped. Maggie put the ring on Alex' finger, ''I love you too'', Alex said.

''Who'd have known, Maggie Sawyer, the biggest romantic of them all'', Kara smiled

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