Chapter 4 - Confession

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''Are you talking to me'', Kara blushed. ''Of course, can you see anyone else more beautiful than you'', Mon-El flirted. For some reason Kara immediately thought of Lena. ''Well, I don't know. Depends on what you think beautiful is'', Kara answered. ''Good answer, now, will you tell me your name'', he smiled. ''Oh, sure. I'm Kara'', she smiled. ''Well, Kara, do you think that I could maybe have your number'', he asked. ''Depends what your gonna do with it'', Kara flirted. ''I thought that maybe I would call you later and ask you out'', he smiled. ''Well then, sure. That sounds nice'', Kara smiled, ''but I have to get back to my friend'', Kara said and left.                                                                                                  ''Who were you talking too'', Lena wondered. ''Oh, no one really. Just some guy that wanted my number'', Kara said. ''Did you give it to him'', Lena asked with a jealous voice. ''Umm, yeah. I was thinking about what I told you earlier, that I don't like ever give the guys a chance, I might give him one'', Kara smiled. Lena just nodded to Kara's explanation of it all. They enjoyed the rest of the night, talking, drinking and dancing.

''Winn, were did you go last night'', Kara said to Winn over the phone. ''I went home with Lyra'', he stumbled. ''Winn, why would you do that? That's Lena's ex girlfriend, and she didn't treat her very nice'', Kara yelled at him. ''Well, it's not like I hooked up with her. She just didn't wanna be there anymore after what Lena said, so she asked if I wanted to come back to her place and watch a movie. So, I did, cause the party kind of sucked'', he answered frightened. ''Really? You swear that nothing happened'', Kara questioned. ''Yes'', he swore. ''I talked to Winn'', Kara said as she entered the living room where Lena was. ''Okay'', she questioned. ''He told me that he didn't hook up with Lyra, and that she was upset after you two talked and that's why they left. He just went with her because she asked him'', Kara said. ''That's okay. I really don't mind, I got my eyes on someone else, so it's okay. Just make sure that if something happens with them, that she doesn't fool or hurt him'', Lena smiled as she stole a glance at Kara. ''Oh ok then'', Kara blushed. ''So what do you wanna do today'', Lena asked. ''Umm, I don't know. You don't have any homework this weekend'', Kara answered. ''No, I'm all free. Wanna have a marathon of a kind'', she replied. ''Sure, as long as it doesn't involve running'', Kara laughed. ''So, movie marathon or series marathon'', Lena smiled. ''TV-series, Alex told me to watch a show called The L Word, have you heard of it'', Kara asked. Lena bursted out laughing. ''What'', Kara questioned. ''Have I heard of it? Kara, darling. The L Word is a show where basically all of the characters are lesbians. The L stands for Lesbians'', Lena continued laughing. ''Well, how was I supposed to know'', Kara laughed. ''I don't know. That was a good one by Alex, but we can watch it if you want to. It is a really good show'', Lena smiled. ''Maybe I should since my new roomie and my sister are gay. It may be good for me'', Kara blushed. ''Hahaha, okay. Well, The L Word it is'', Lena said.                                                                                                                     

''Ok, so let me get this straight. They spend an entire season on showing how much Tina and Bette are meant for each other, and then Bette just cheats'', Kara said one season of The L Word later. ''Kara, there are still 5 seasons left, I'm sure they'll work stuff out'', Lena laughed. ''Well, we're starting season two right now'', she continued. ''Only if you order a pizza first'', Lena said. ''Okay, where's my phone...... wait, I have a missed call and they left a voice mail'', Kara said. ''Hey, Kara, it's Mon-El. We met at the party last night, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner in two weeks. I'm going to New York for a week, but I would love to take you out when I get back. So, let me know when you get this. Have a good one'', Mon-El left a voicemail. ''I'll be right back Lena, I just need to answer a text'', Kara yelled from the kitchen.                                                                   

''Who had called you'', Lena asked with a smile. ''It was Mon-El from the party last night. I'm going out with him in two weeks'', Kara smiled. ''Oh really? I thought you weren't gonna go'', Lena questioned. ''I'm giving him a chance, is there a problem'', Kara grinned. ''No, no. Did you order the pizza'', Lena changed the subject. ''Yeah, it'll be here in 20 min'', Kara said. They continued watching the L Word and they ate pizza. ''I think I'm gonna go see Roulette before I go to bed'', Lena smiled, ''Don't wait up for me'', she continued.

''Roulette'', Lena said as she constantly knocked on her door. ''What, it's like 12am'', Roulette said as she opened the door. ''I need to talk to you'', Lena rushed in and closed the door behind her. ''What, you're scaring me'', she questioned. ''First of all, what the hell is the deal with Lyra and you? She showed up at a party and was acting like you were besties and all'', Lena said a bit angry. ''I'm sorry about that, but I only ran into her, and I mentioned by accident that you were going to that party. Long fucking story'', Roulette said with a soft tone. ''Okay, I believe you. Just don't talk to her. I don't want her to fuck with my life again'', Lena said. ''Of course, Lena. Now, what did you wanna tell me'', Roulette said excited now. ''Okay, so don't freak, because I know this is bad'', Lena said looking down at her feet. ''What is it, you're scaring me now'', she answered. ''You know Kara? I think I like her, I like, like her'', Lena stunned. ''Lena'', Roulette didn't say anything else. She didn't know what to say. She gave Lena a hug, she saw how much I bothered her. ''Does she like you'' Roulette said. ''She's going on a date with a guy in two weeks. She doesn't like me like that'', Lena said sad.

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