Chapter 2 - Lena's story

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''Winn, I need you to help me find an outfit for this party, that's what besties do'', Kara said convincingly over the phone to her bff. ''I'll do it, but only if I can come to'', Winn replied.

Later that day, Kara and Winn met each other at the mall to get Kara a ''party outfit''.

''So why can't you just wear some of your old clothes'', Winn whined after 15 minutes of shopping. ''New city, new school, new parties and new people, and that doesn't mean I'll change, I just need a new outfit for this party'', Kara replied. ''WHY'', Winn asked again. He wouldn't stop whining, so Kara told him the main reason. ''There is no big ''why'', I'm just going with my new roomie, and she's kind of stunning'', Kara blushed. ''Ooh, do you have a thing for her... wait, she's a girl? When did this happen'', Winn was shook. ''I do not have a thing for her, we're just going together, and I know that she's gonna look great, so I wanna have a new outfit, that's it'', Kara said really fast, and ended the conversation.

At the dorm Lena had her friend Roulette over to help her prepare dinner for Kara and Winn for when they got back. ''So this new roomie of yours, how much have you told her about yourself'', Roulette asked Lena. ''Well, the first night we talked a bit, and she said something about thinking that I'm a strong person, because I'm easy to read, but I didn't say anything'', Lena answered. ''She is right about you being strong, hell I wouldn't be able to keep it together if I got kicked out by my parents for being gay'', Roulette continued, but she didn't notice the blonde-brunette standing in the kitchen door, Kara. ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything'', Kara said. ''It's okay, umm, I was gonna tell you anyways'', Lena said as she put on a fake smile. ''I'll leave you two alone'', Roulette said and left. Halfway through the door she met Winn, she just dragged him with her.

''Lena, you don't have to say anything if you don't want too'', Kara said supportive. ''No it's okay. When I was 16 years old, I fell in love with this girl in my class. Her name was Lyra. I was only 16, so for a while I was unsure, but then, man I was so sure. I told my parents. My mom, Lillian, didn't accept it, so she kicked me out, my dad was on a business trip when she did it, so he didn't know. He died, 3 weeks later. Anyways, I lived with my older brother Lex for about 3 months, but then, he was arrested for robbery and murder. So, I had to live on my own, that's when I met Roulette, well, a while after that. Her family has helped me a lot, and I wouldn't be here without them'', Lena said while a few tears rolled down her cheek. ''Lena, I'm so sorry'', Kara said walking towards Lena to hug her.

''It's okay, I'm fine'', Lena replied, but still accepted the hug. ''Anyways, I made you and your friend dinner'', she continued. ''Well, he left, your friend dragged him out of here'', Kara laughed. ''Well then, I guess it's just you and me'', Lena smirked as she gave Kara a plate with beef and baked potatoes.

''Wow, this was really good. Where did you learn to cook'', Kara asked. ''When I lived on my own, I actually had a job at a restaurant. Roulette's mom owned it, so she let me work there'', Lena smiled proudly. ''Well, this tastes amazing'', Kara smiled. Lena blushed at Kara's compliments. ''You flatter me'', she said. Kara blushed at Lena's comment.

''Are you excited for your sister's party on Saturday'', Lena shouted from the bathroom. ''Umm, sure'', Kara answered hesitant, ''What about you'', she continued. ''Yeah, your sister seems pretty, cool'', Lena smiled as she sat down in the sofa next to Kara. ''Hahaha, she's fun'', Kara replied. ''Can I ask you something'', Lena said. ''Sure'', Kara smiled to reassure. ''When did your sister come out'', she asked. ''I'm not sure I remember. She's 21 now, and she's been with Maggie for 4 years already, I think it's 5 years ago, maybe. Why'', Kara replied. ''No reason, I was just wondering. She seemed so happy'', Lena smiled.

''Yeah, they are perfect for each other'', Kara laughed. ''What about, anyone in your life'', she continued. ''No, not right now. Haven't really found anyone yet'', Lena gushed. ''What about you, Kara Danvers, all the guys must be swooning after you'', Lena laughed. ''Not anyone I like. They are not really, my type'', Kara smirked. ''What is your type'', Lena wondered. ''Well, what fun would that be if I told you'', Kara laughed back. ''Are you serious'', Lena asked with a surprised face. ''What? I'm kidding. I don't have a type. I just don't like the guys that like me. Any of them'', Kara blushed. ''Interesting'', Lena smirked.

''Good night, I'm just gonna call Winn before I go to bed'', Kara said to Lena late that night. ''Okay, yeah. Good night'', Lena smiled. Kara went into the bathroom, and called Winn. ''Where did you go earlier'', Kara asked. ''Hi to you too. I was met by Roulette in the door, and she told me that you and Lena had to talk. So, I had a burger with her'', he answered. ''Okay, well, I walked in on a very private conversation, and Lena basically opened up to me about her whole life'', Kara said. ''What did she say'', Winn replied. ''Well, I'm not gonna tell you everything, but she came out to me'', Kara answered. ''I knew that she was too good looking to be straight'', Winn laughed. ''That's what they say about guys'', Kara laughed. ''Well, I don't know'', he laughed back, ''Good, for her''.

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