Chapter 6 - I'm in love with you

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''Alex! Maggie! You guys awake'', Kara shouted from outside Alex' and Maggie's apartment. ''Kara, what's wrong'', Maggie said as she opened the door. Kara bursted out crying. ''Kara, what happened'', Maggie said, wrapping her arms around her little sis in law. ''Lena, again'', Kara sobbed. ''Alex will be back soon, she out with Gertrude'', Maggie said, referring to their dog. ''Do you wanna tell me what happened'', Maggie offered. Kara and Maggie sat down, and Kara explained everything that had happened. ''Kara, I'm so sorry. What did Lena say when you caught them kissing'', Maggie asked. ''It's not what you think'', Kara said. ''Well, according too your story, and if Lena has told you that she ''hates'' Lyra, then maybe she's telling the truth'', Maggie comforted Kara. ''Kara, what are you doing here'', Alex said as she entered the apartment. ''I'm sorry, Alex, but it's a long story. Maggie will tell you. Do you think I can crash here tonight'', Kara asked. ''Sure, yeah, the guest room is all yours for the night'', Maggie smiled. Kara got up, went into the guest room, and closed the door behind her. ''Babe, what happened with her'', Alex said after a she gave Maggie a cute fore-head kiss. ''Lena happened'', Maggie awed. Maggie told Alex everything, before the two lovebirds went to bed themselves.

''Kara get up, it's 11 am'', Alex shouted as she banged on her door. Kara came running out. ''OMG, I'm late for class'', she said. ''No you're not, it's Saturday'', Alex laughed. ''Shit. Where's Maggie'', Kara asked. ''She went to get breakfast, do you want some'', Alex said. ''Absolutely, I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back yet'', Kara said. ''I get that, Maggie told me what happened. But what if Lena told the truth, what if it wasn't what it looked like'', Alex said. ''Most of the time when people say <<it's not what it looks like>>, it is what it looks like'', Kara answered and got herself a glass of water. ''I really don't think so with Lena'', Alex admitted. ''Have you seen my phone'', Kara asked, pretending not to hear Alex. ''Yeah, it's on the counter'', Alex said. Kara walked over to the counter, and grabbed her phone. When she turned it on, she had 5 missed calls from Lena and a few texts. ''Wow, she really is sorry'', Alex said. She had sneaked up behind her, and accidently saw Lena's name pop up on Kara's phone multiple times. ''Stop, don't look'', Kara whined. ''I think you should call her'', Alex said. ''No, I'm not ready'', Kara said.

''So what do you wanna do today, Kara, you're obvs not going anywhere'', Alex said. Maggie, Alex and Kara spent most of the afternoon watching Wynonna Earp. ''Omg, I almost love this show as much as the L Word '', Kara said. ''You've seen it'', Alex freaked. ''Eh, Lena and I started it, but we're not finished. It's great'', Kara laughed. ''Yeah, I know'', Alex laughed.

''I think Alex and I have seen the entire show, twice'', Maggie smirked. ''Omg'', Kara laughed, and at the same time someone knocked at the door. ''I'll get it'', Alex said. ''Hey, is Kara here'', a familiar voice said from the door. ''Who is it, babe'', Maggie shouted from the living room. ''Kara, it's for you'', Alex shouted. Alex got back in the living room, and Kara walked to the door. ''Who is it'', Maggie asked Alex again. Alex sat down next to Maggie and put her arm around her. ''It's Lena'', she said.

''What are you doing here'', Kara said. ''I had to talk to you and see you'', Lena said. ''Lena, I get it. You still have feelings for Lyra, and I made a complete fool of myself'', Kara said. ''Kara, it's not what it seems like. Let me explain'', Lena begged. ''Lena'', Kara said with an indifferent tone, but like she wanted her too. ''I didn't want her to kiss me, I swear. She said all kinds of stuff about how she wants me back and that she's sorry. Then she must have heard that you were about to come out of the kitchen, because she suddenly kissed me, and I absolutely didn't want her too and I get that you think otherwise. But right before she kissed me, I was going to tell her that nothing was going to happen because I'm in love with you. And I did tell her that, after you ran out on me, because I don't want her, I want you, and that won't change'', Lena explained. ''Really'', Kara awed. ''Kara, when I kissed you, it felt like finally. I just, I've never felt like this before, and I came here to tell you'', Lena stopped for a second, ''I am so in love with you'', Lena said. Lena turned around to leave. ''Lena, wait'', Kara said. She pulled Lena's arm, and kissed her, like never before. Alex and Maggie were standing in the doorway watching them, without them noticing. ''See, I knew Lena wouldn't hurt her'', Alex whispered to Maggie. ''You're always right, Danvers'', Maggie answered and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

''Guys, thanks for the advice and stuff. I guess I should've listened'', Kara said to Maggie and Alex as she was standing hand-in-hand with Lena, ready to leave. ''See, I knew this would all sum up'', Alex said with a smile on her face. ''You're the best, but I think we're gonna go. We still got some talking left to do'', Kara said. ''Oh, and just so I don't forget, don't tell mum or dad about this, I'm not really ready yet'', Kara added. ''Of course, baby sis'', Alex said giving Kara a hug. ''Thanks, talk to you later'', Kara and Lena said, and left the apartment.

''Finally'', Alex said and turned to Maggie. ''What'', Maggie laughed. ''We have the apartment to ourselves'', Alex smirked. She grabbed Maggie by the waist, and pulled her close. Just close enough to tease her. Then she pulled of her shirt. She kissed her neck, ''I love you, Maggie Sawyer'', and then pulled her into the bedroom. ''Alex Danvers, is this all you've been wanting to do while your sister has been here'', Maggie smirked and pulled of Alex' shirt. ''I love you too'', Maggie continued.

''Okay, so now that we're already living together, and are dating, should we like have rules? Because I don't want us to move forward to quickly'', Lena said. ''What do you mean'', Kara said. ''Like, how about we wait before we take stuff to the next level, and by that also, I mean no teasing. So, no walking around in your sports bra showing off your abs'', Lena said. ''I have too cut in just for a sec, we then you're not allowed to be all flirty, and do the things with your eyes'', Kara said with a serious face. ''What'', Lena smirked, and raised her right eyebrow. ''That right there'', Kara said and touched Lena's face. ''I didn't do anything'', Lena said and kissed Kara. ''You do know that you're already breaking the rules, right'', Kara said and broke the kiss. ''I can kiss you'', Lena laughed. ''Yeah, but what you did before, that's teasing, and that's not okay. That's breaking the rules, and I just, I wanna do more when you do that'', Kara blushed. ''Well, that's definitely breaking the rules'', Lena smirked, and basically jumped on top of Kara. ''Listen, it's not that I don't wanna, it's just that I wanna make sure that we're ready'', Lena continued and kissed Kara. ''Well, do you wanna know what I think we should do'', Kara smiled. ''What, babe'', Lena laughed. ''Watch the L Word'', Kara smirked. ''Only if you'll be my arm candy'', Lena smirked back. ''Done deal'', Kara was so excited.

This is only part one of my story, these first 6 chapters. I'm working on the sequel for the story. That story is called ''Coming out''.

Thanks for reading.

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