Chapter 8 - The perfect everything

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''Mum, let me explain'', Kara said letting go of Lena. ''Please do'', Eliza said in shock. ''I was gonna tell you, but I just couldn't'', Kara stuttered. ''What? That you're gay too'', Eliza said. ''I don't know, I think so'', Kara said, ''The only thing I can tell you, is that I'm in love with Lena'', Kara confessed. ''You're in love with Lena'', Eliza questioned. ''Yes, I am'', Kara answered. ''Kara, honey, I don't understand why you're so scared, just as long as you're happy, I don't care who it's with'', Eliza said with a huge smile, ''But, please, don't have interactions like that on the kitchen counter, I don't know how many times I had to tell Alex that, and the same rules apply to you'', Eliza said a bit more serious. ''Of course, Mrs. Danvers'', Lena was embarrassed. ''Eliza, and come here you two'', Eliza replied giving them both a hug. ''What's going on in here'', Alex said as she walked in to the kitchen with Maggie right behind her. ''Alex, turns out you're not the only Danvers in this house with a girlfriend'', Eliza laughed. ''You told her'', Alex said looking at Kara. ''No, she didn't tell me'', Eliza said. Alex and Maggie gave them a weird look. ''I walked in on them all over each other, and the kitchen counter was involved'', Eliza said giving Alex a glare. Maggie and Alex bursted out laughing. ''What did you do'', Alex said looking at Kara. ''We just made out'', Kara said blushing. ''On the counter'', Maggie laughed. ''Well, you two, you are the last two that should be laughing because it's not like I haven't walked in here before with you guys on that counter'', Eliza gave them a glare. Maggie and Alex stopped laughing, and instead Kara and Lena started laughing. ''Well, who want's breakfast'', Kara said still laughing.

After breakfast, Kara had planned the day for her and Lena. She wanted to take her around town and show her different places and attractions. ''Babe, are you ready'', Kara shouted from downstairs. Lena came walking downstairs, and she looked stunning. She wore a white tank top, with blue jeans and a black flannel tied around her waist, and as for her shoes, she wore white converse, Kara's converse actually. ''Yeah, I am ready'', Lena said. Kara was left breathless. ''You look amazing'', Kara wowed. ''So do you'', Lena said referring to Kara's black jeans, black boots and red top. ''So where are you taking me'', Lena said. ''Well, I have planned a very special date for us, and that's all I'll tell you. The rest is a surprise'', Kara reached for Lena's hand. ''Guys, we're heading out'', Kara shouted. ''Have fun, girls'', Eliza shouted back. ''But not too much fun'', Alex added. Kara and Lena closed the door, with the sound of Maggie's and Alex' laugh fading as the door shut. Kara led Lena to the car, ''Ready for an adventure'', she said. Lena replied with a smile.

The thing that Lena didn't know was that Kara had actually planned a very special date for them. First they were gonna go for a walk close to Kara's favourite park, and have lunch there after the walk, that Eliza had prepared for them. After that Kara had rented her former school's soccer field, she was gonna show off for her girl.Then when the evening comes, Kara was planning on taking Lena back to a hotel, where she had rented a room for them and prepared something very special.

''This park is beautiful, what is it called'', Lena asked enjoying the beautiful view of the lake in the middle of the park. ''It's called Mill Park'', Kara replied. ''And may I add, it's not as beautiful as you'', she smirked. ''Wow, smooth'', Lena laughed and then giving Kara a kiss. ''Kara'', someone said from behind. They both turned around to see who it was, ''James, how long has it been'', Kara said letting go of Lena and hugging him. ''Lena, this is my friend James from high school'', Kara said. ''Hi James'', Lena smiled. ''Oh, James, this is my girlfriend Lena'', Kara grabbed Lena's hand. ''Girlfriend, huh? When did that happen'', James questioned. ''When I was born I guess, if you're talking about me liking girls, but if you're talking about when we got together, then it's almost two months ago'', Kara replied friendly. ''Well, this explains why I never had any luck with you in college'', James smirked. ''What about you, James, anyone special in your life'', Kara said pretending that she didn't hear his last comment. ''Well, I'm dating Lucy Lane'', he said with a cocky smile. ''Lucy, huh? I remember her. You two should come over for dinner later this week. How about Thursday, we're having a family dinner then'', Kara asked. ''Yeah, sure'', he replied. ''Great, at 6? Anyways it was good to see you James, we got to go'', Kara wanted to continue her date. ''Sure, and likewise'', James said.

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