grown women

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Many women speak apologetically, in soft, scared little voices more suited to girls than grown women.

June 30, 1990

At the end of June the shop becomes a complete mad house. Everyone is getting ready for family vacations and the fourth of July holiday weekend that will be coming up soon. We work full on up until the last weekend in the month.

Around noon on the first day of my vacation. I am sitting at the small table in my kitchen. The Saturday paper is spread out all over it. I am going over the days news coffee cup in hand. To celebrate my week off I have slept late. Cindy called to remind me that I was to join them for the atv ride.

I grudgingly get up and dress in some faded riped jeans and a old t-shirt. I lock up my house and make my way to borrow an atv from my dad. It is only a ten minute drive to my family home.

I pull up to the place where I grew up. A large two story farm house with a wide rap around porch. My granddad build this house for his bride. He made sure she had every thing she wanted. He took pride in taking care of his woman. He had offen told he hoped that I would find the same type of man.

There is a large red barn that was just a short walking distance away. There I can see the only man I will ever love. He was the only man I had ever allowed to do things for me. I see my dad is tinkering on 1924 John deer. He loves working on the old tractors.

As I take the short walk to the barn. I watch my dad move from tractor to tool box. My love for this man knows no limit. He fought for my life even before he knew who I was. When the girl he fell in love with found out she was pregnant, her first reaction was to end the relationship along with my life. My father hit the roof. He fought hard to stop her. He talked her into giving birth and signing her rights away. He with the help of my grandparents raised me on this beautiful land.

I can't help my smile as I walk up to him and greeting him with a warm "hi daddy." No matter how old I get I will always be his little girl.

"Well hello beautiful." He grabs a rag and wipes his hands. Then brings me into one of his best big hugs. "I thought you would be hold up in that little house of yours." He speaks into my hair before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Cindy wanted me ride today, so I told her I would ask if I could use the truck and 4 wheeler." I can't help but snuggle deeper into his chest. The safety and warmth I feel in his arms can't be replaced.

"You know you don't have to ask everything here is as much yours as it is mine." He drapes a arm around my shoulders as turns us to the barn.

"So, how is it? And make it sound nice. Give me something to look forward to." I watch his hands work with the lock of the barn door. The past month he fully stepped away from the shop. I couldn't help to notice how relaxed he looked.

"It's been good." He went on to tell me all about the things he had time to finish now and all the things he now could start. "Now, you tell me. Any problems?" I could see the look of worry in his eyes.

I looked up at him, and put on my best smile.."It's fine daddy. Anyone who don't like me working on their cars can just kiss my ass." There was no way I was going to tell him about the Mayor's threats. I wanted to show him that I could handle it on my own.

He shook his head and laughed "There is the old man's infuriating stubborness." My dad often compared me to my granddad. This makes me smile bigger.

"I am a result of my granddad's upbringing." I give him my best all American smile as I flutter my eyelashes. He chuckled at me.

All he can do is shake his head as he holds the door open for me to go frist to enter the barn. Most barns in this area hold any number of livestock or farm equipment. Not my dad. His barn is his man cave. From the black and white tile floor to the hard wood panel walls. This barn holds the first car my granddad bought (a modle A) to the last car my dad restored ( a 57 chevy). Plus all my toys I learned to drive on.

We walk past go-carts, drit bikes and a dune buggy. "I topped off all the tanks last week. I never know when you may want to play." My dad informed me.

"Thanks daddy." We work on getting the atv loaded into my dad's 4x4. The atv and the ramps just fit in the bed of the truck. With a final kiss from my dad I make my way to meet up with Cindy and her new friends.

She has informed me that Griffin wants me to ride. He has been trying to talk to me all week. Yesterdays events make me even more nervous to see him. Cindy and Marc even talked me to going out with them on a double date. I am still not sure how I feel about Griffin. There just something about him.

The place where we meet is what the lcoals call 'Big Al's country kitchen'. A restaurant/ hardware store belive it or not. The only place in town where you can get wire fenceing and a prefectly cooked stake.

When I arrived the crowd had already gathered. The summer sun is hot enough to fry an egg. I quickly unload my atv without help from the masses. Several of the bike club members have offered me a hand. They are cute, especially John, but I would rather do this myself.

Once unloaded I make a bee line for the shade of the entrance of the store. It is to hot just to stand around in the sun. As I stand there I see a older couple pull into the lot. Mr. Joe Wilson steps out and shuffled his way around to open the door of the car for his wife. He helped her out of the car and locked the car up. They are the cutest things, both are well over 75 and still are deeply in love. She never has to lift a finger while he is around.

I can't help remembering when I was a kid, pretending that I was a princess waiting for my knight in shining armor. Mr Joe is the type of knight I was looking for.

"Ok, everyone over here!" Griffin deep voice breaks into my thoughts. He stands in the middle of the crowd of riders. All eyes turn to his commanding vioce. I watch fascinated as he oders the few girls that don't have rides of their own to guys that they can ride with. Griffin then tells the group the rules we have to follow, and the facts about riding on dirt roads.

Everyone drinks his words in like they are coming from God himself. My stomach flutters as I watch. He is a natural leader, all follow his commands.

"Everyone needs to fall in behind Charlie and me. Remember keep close and don't stray to far from the group." He locks eyes with me. I feel the flutter again.

This is going to be a long ride.

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