assemble your equipment

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Daddy's quilt^^^ quilts in this chapter were made by me for my customers. They would be alot bigger if they were to fit Charlie's king size bed.


You may prefer to keep the mystery(and the power) by choosing and laying out the equipment yourself, merely commanding your sub to dress in the garments you have laid out on the bed and present himself to you immediately , bringing the hairbrush with him. (That's a command that will strike fear into his heart.)


July 27, 1990

"Well, that should be the last of the clothes." Cindy huffs and runs the back of her hand across her brow.

It has taken us more that a week to pack and move all my things back to dad's house, and pack up all of dad's things to make room for mine. It helped out alot that Marc was still looking for a place to live. He took over my lease. "I am going to drop this stuff off by Helping Hands. Then swing by mom's house. Oh! She wanted me to tell you that the quilt made from you Grand's clothes is ready. Also you need at least fifteen of your dad's t shrits for the other one, up to 36 if you want it to fit your king bed."

When we started clearing out dad's things we found two lime green totes filled with my gramdmother's clothes. There was a note in my dad's hand writing as to how the quilt should look for Cindy's mom. It was dad's plan to have this quilt made for my Christmas present.

Cindy quickly snatched the note from me and push the boxes to Marc and commanded he take them to her mother's house. Cindy's mom had learned how to make quilts from her grandmother.

"That's great Cindy!" I moved over to my dresser and picked up the check that would cover the cost of both quilts. I pushed the check in her hands. "D-Daddy's t shirts are next to the door in the trash bag. There should be about 40 of them." It still took me some effort to say the word daddy but it was getting better. "The check should cover both quilts."

"You know mama told you she would do both as a gift for you." Cindy's mom was to sweet. I knew how much work went into one quilt. Cindy and I had both spend part of our summers helping her I was not about to let her do this for me without paying. Dad had even put the check in the boxes for her.

"Take the check. Then we can load up the last of this stuff. If you are a good girl I will let you help me decide which room I will be painting first." I patted her on the head as I walked pass her grabbing one of the boxes in the hall.

After loading up and deciding that the dinning room would be my first victim. We had a light lunch and Cindy went on her way. I was finally alone in the house. I took my ice tea that was left over from lunch and fell into the couch.

Suddenly I was gripped by a case of nerves. The thought of being alone in the house made my stomach lurch. I loved living alone in my little house. The independents of not having to answer to anyone was great. I guess it was the reality of the fact that I would be in this house alone without dad. It had me regretted moving in.

The loud ring of the house phone had me jumping from the couch. I laughed at myself as I went to answer it. "Hello?"

"How tried are you of me?" Griffin low voice sounded from the other end of the line.

"Well, considering we just saw each other yesterday..." I trailed off. Griffin had taken me to the club house for a bar-b-que. It was the first time I had been out socially in three weeks other than working.

"If you are not to tired of me I thought I would get pizza. Maybe rent a movie. It could just be us. What do you think?" He sounded like a kid asking to go to the fair.

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