learning dominants

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Dominance will be a delightful bedroom game;for others, it will become the basis for a whole new way of handling relationships.


May 13, 1990

"Can I get you ladies some coffee?" An older woman in a dark brown apron asked in a broad voice. I can only guess at 3 am her shift in is nearing the end. She looks dead on her feet.

With this being the only place open at this time I am sure she has served all the drunks that came from th bar. It looks like we are the last to arive. There is no telling what she has had to put up with.

"No coffee for me, I will just have a sweet tea." I know that if I plan to sleep at some point on this Sunday I can't drink the coffee here. They brew it extremely strong to keep truckers up from the long hauls. I plan to sleep my day away when I get home.

"Coffee for me, and make sure you put all the big guy's meal on my tab." Sandy points in Bull's direction. The waitress raises brow at the big guy. Bull sat at the dinner bar looking over the choices they offered. His large fram look odd in the small bar stool.

As the waitresse walks away I look back at Sandy she nods her head at Bull. It looks like they are having some sort of silent conversation. I don't want to interfere, but I cant contain my curiosity any more.

"So you going to tell me what this is all about?" I insisted. From what she started in the bar I am beyond intrigued.

She shifts her eyes back to me. "Tell me, what do you know about BDSM?" I am shocked. This is one of the most taboo subjects she could have come up with. Good southern girls do not talk of such things. I on the other hand, sit up a little more on the bench, all ears.

"Not much, the only thing that comes to mind is a line I remember from a movie. Something like chips, dip, chains, and whips." I can't help the chuckle that slips past my lips. At that moment the waitress comes back with our drinks and takes our food orders.

Sandy smiles. "Well it is alot more than that. First of all, do you letters stand for?" I feel like I know but I would rather hear it from her. I shake my head no." Bondage, discipline or dominants, sadism, and masochism. Each is a different aspect of the lifestyle."

"Lifestyle?" I feel totally out of my element. I watch fascinated as Sandy whole posture has changed. She sitting taller, her back is ramrod straight. This must be her dominant personality.

"Yes this is not something you enter into lightly. Being a Dom comes with alot of responsibility. Especially if you take in a sub. It is the dom's responsibility to care for all the sub's needs. Some dom's pick what jobs the sub does. A dominant may also take care of all financial needs the sub may have. The dom make sure the sub is healthy and happy at all times." Sandy eyes drift to Bull, who is ordering his meal from the waitress.

"Wow, that's a lot. I thought it was just stuff did in the bedroom." I never knew it would involve so much.

Sandy shakes her head. "Their are some who only play in private for the sex. Others, who live like myself use their dominant personality in day to day life. "

"So Bull?" It is hard to think of a big man like Bull as a submissive. He did not look weak to me.

"Is my submissive, but don't get the wrong idea. Submissives are the one who holds all the power. Being a sub is not a sign of weakness. It takes a strong person to give up complete control. Also they say how long or hard the dom can play. A good dom knows the sub's needs and never goes beyond what the sub can stand." At that time the waitress arived with our food. I am almost thankful for her presence. I need a break from our conversation. All this information was a little much.

We take some time eating before I come up with my next question. "So how do you know this will be something I will like? I don't want to keep a sub. I don't want a full time guy around, just every once in awhile."

"Well you don't have to just use your dominants for the sex. Just think what it would feel like if you used it on your job." Sandy's friendly smile is back. I can't help but smile in return. This may be what I have been looking for. To get the upper hand on someone like Big Jim or the Mayor.

"I can see the wheels turning in that head of yours. Once you experience the full power of the dom, you will find it easy to get into dom mood." She informed me.

"And how do I get the experience? I know nothing about this." I starting to get frustrated. How do I learn this if I am only just finding this out now.

"I can teach you. I have been a certified dominant for three years. I got my training in a club in Altanta. That's where I met my boy. There are some thing you can read as well. As for the practice with the sub...." her eyes stray to Bull.

"Bull!?!" I almost spit out the eggs I just put in my mouth. The waitress hearing my raised voice comes by to see if we need anything. Sandy waves her off.

"I told you. He thinks you are good looking. We have added others before. It's not that big of a deal. He will be glad to help with your training. He has work with training dom's before." She leans back in the bench with a look of satisfaction. "Think about it. Take a week think it over an call me when you want to know more. The best thing I can tell you to do is get yourself a journal. Write out what you want and expect from the lifestyle. If you have any questions just call me I will give you what I can over the phone. " As she slides out of the both she drops a napkin with her number on it. Bull stands at the bar waiting for her. They move to pay for their meals

"Just call me when you are ready." She calls to me as they both head out the door. I sit there and stare at the napkin.

"Excuse me." I look up into the dark eyes of Bull. He stood just a few feet away from me. He heald out a book to me. "She said you should read this." The book was a collection of writings by none other than the Marquis De Sade.

"Thanks?" I looked back up but, Bull was already folding himself into the passager side of Sandy's car. She waved at me before backing out of the parking spot.

This could be it, the thing that will help me get the upper hand on the men in this town. It is all I can think of as I go to pay for my meal.

It is just after 6 am as I unlocked my back door. I step into my small kitchen and I noticed that the light is flashing in my answering mechine. I drag myself over and hit the button to hear the messages.

"Hey girl, you missed a good time in the big city. I meet a great guy! Call me I will tell you all about him. You will love him.

I can only shake my head. For some reason Cindy has spent all this week trying to get me hooked up with one of her so called catches. I have not talked much to her after she said the things she did. The next message is my dad.

Hey baby, Jake Morrow called are asked me to go fishing tomorrow so we can do supper in stead of lunch. I take us out some steak's. Call me.

This message I am thankful for. At least I can sleep a little longer. I pick up the phone and call dad.

"Morring baby." My dad and I had the same habits. He was a early riser like me.

"Hey dad, where you going fishing?"
I take sit at the small kitchen table. Working all the day before and spending the night at the bar is starting to catch up with me.

"We're going to the state lakes. Jake said he had good luck there last week so we are going back today." Dad loves fishing.

"Sounds great dad. What time do you want to grill out? How about 6:30?" I crossed my fingers hoping I would be able to sleep most of today away.

"Sounds good baby. I'll see you then." We say our good byes and I drag myself to my bed after locking up. As I lay there my mind will not stop going over what Sandy said. I replay the whole conversation. I know I want this. I make a mental note to get me a jurnal. To have the control Sandy talked about would be great. Though I will take the week to think, like she suggested. Though I have a feeling that I will be calling her long before the week in over.

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