physical pain alone

110 4 2

Physical pain alone cannot satisfy a submissive.


July 4, 1990

The annoying sound of my phone ringing on my night stand is the first thing that registered in my brain. The shrill sound has me groping for the monster that has intruded on my sleep.

I let my annoyance take over as I answered the phone. This can only be one person. Cindy is the only one who would dare call me early in the morning.

"Someone better be dying and on their way to the hospital to call me at..." I try to get my eyes to focus on the clock by my bed. "What time is it?" I mutter as I turn on my side. Wedging the phone between my ear and the pillow.

All I hear is the muffled sounds of men laughing. "Hold on a sec." Griffin's annoyed voice wakes me almost instantly.

I hear his heavy foot steps as he moves. There is the sound of a door slamming followed by more distant laughter. "That's better, now if I have to have a raging hard on because I can't stop thinking of you in bed I don't have to do it with the guys watching. Just for the sake of my next wet dream could you please tell me, in great detail, of the corset you have on?" He asked.

Even though I pushed him out of my house Saturday, with no sex, it has not stoped him from calling and talking to me. I thought he would never talk to me after not getting what he wanted but I was wrong. This only made me like him more. He didn't make me feel bad about the whole thing. He told me he would wait till I was ready.

"Would it help, if I told you I didn't have one on?" I made my voice as sexy as I could. We had fell into this game of flirting over the phone with each other. At the moment I was winning the game.

"That information could go either way, but that's not why I am calling." His voice has dropped to a low sexy sound. "What are you doing today?"

"What did you have in mind?" I asked in the most alluring way. I am rewarded with a under the breath curse. "This better be good. I only get one week a year to sleep late, and you are stopping the process."

"The club does a charity thing. It's something my old man started a long time ago. Every year the group picks a different one. With the move we were not able to spend a whole year raising money. We are going to do a one day event for the local food bank. We will pick a new one tomorrow. We will spend the next year working on it. I was wondering if you would be my date for the day?" I had to admit that I would never pictured the big bad biker's as the giving back type. Griffin has just gained another ounce of my respect.

"You know that the children hospital could use that kind of help. I volunteer there once or twice a month." I never fail to come home from my time at the hospital and cry my hart out. It is so sad to see the kids suffer.

"If I make that the clubs next project will you go with me?" He asked again.

"What are we doing?" I sat up in my bed. Ready to get my hands dirty to raise money for the food bank.

"Well there is a poker run this morning, a bake sale with food vendors around lunch, and a bike show after that. Then the club will give the money to the food bank director at the fireworks display tonight. There are a few other things going on after but you don't need to worry about that." He rattled off the list like he had worked on this event for years rather than on a month.

"What time, and where?" I was all ready moving off my bed to my closet to get my clothes.

"Can you be ready in 30? You need to drive the Indian. It would be a big draw at the bike show. I'll come by we'll ride together and be a team for the poker run." He sounded like he had this planed for awhile.

"See you in 30." I did not care what his bigger plan for me was, as long as the food bank got the money. I would take one for the team. Lots of my customers used that bank. Dad and I did what we could to make it easier for them to keep their ride going. Making money for the food bank was another way I could help out.

Griffin was in my yard by the time I was pulling the Indian out of the shed out back. I don't know if it was my Saturday night with him, or the content flirting over the phone. When I saw him, he had my mouth watering. He hair was lose and he had nothing on but his club cut, jeans, and riding boots. His tattoos peaking out just enough to keep me looking for longer than normal.

"I know you will refuse, but do you need help with that?" He gestered to my bike.

"No I believe I can handle it." I winked at him. It didn't take long before we were at thr poker run. The ride lasted for three hours. Because Griffin was a club member he could not play. I insisted that I pay the entry fee to played, and never got better than a pair of eights.

We set up our bikes up for the show at the courthouse parting lot. Once that was done Griffin and I walked to Broad Street, and ate from the food vendors. I bought my dad some homemade fudge. He loved the stuff, but it was to sweet for me.

When we went back to the bike show there was a crowd around my Indian. I spend alot of time talking to people about how I build it when I was younger. Griffin sat back on his ride and watched me.

Griffin invited me to eat at the club house. It was a cook house on the property his dad owned. The place was really nice. They had a large log cabin, a pond, and the cook house. The cook house had been added on too. There was now space for a pool tables, bar, and a small shop along with the original kitchen.

At dusk the club gears up to ride to the rec. department for the fireworks. Griffin's dad takes the lead, but instead of his vp riding on his right Griffin takes that spot. I am directed to ride behind him with his best friend John on my left. I am not sure why this happen but it is not for me to question.

We arived at the ball field just as the sun has fully set. The check that the club gives for the days events is over $5,000 dollars. Once the crowd hears the amount they go wild. After a everyone calms down. Walt stands in the center of the crowd.

"Could I have everyone's attention?!" His deep booms over us. "We have one more order of business. Griffin, it's time son." Griffin who had been standing beside me, walked over to his dad. John also made his way to stand next to Griffin. "It's been a long time coming but it is time I pass the club over to your next president. Griffin, I know your are ready and I feel confident that you are the best man for the job." With that he took a new president patch out of his pocket and handed to Griffin.

The crowd again goes nuts with the what Walt just said. I became aware that I am a witness to the changing of the guard of the club. Griffin then takes command of the crowd. All he did was raise his fist in the air. The crowd went deathly silent. "As my first act I choose my vp. John, you are the only man I want to watch my back, brother." He then passed a patch to John.

I am so shocked that I don't hear someone call out to me. It's takes Cindy to get my full attention.

"Cha-cha, Barry looking for you." She was pushing her way through the crowd. Barry Clark a local cop was hot on her heals.

"What's going on?" I asked. There was still alot of noise around I couldn't hear what he was saying. Griffin was suddenly by my side looking like he did not like the cop being in the middle of his club.

When Barry was closer his face told me how serious he was. His next words chilled me to the bone. "Charlie, you need to come with me."

"What, what going on?" I studder.

"You just need to come." He took my arm. Griffin stepped up to him. His face was hard.

"What is this about?" He questioned

The crowd had become quite again. All listening to hear what the cop wanted. Barry looked me in my eyes. "Charlie, it's your dad. He in the hospital. I need to get you there fast."

With those words I let myself be pulled away. I was barely aware of Cindy voice telling me that she would be behind the cop. I could hear Griffin shout that the club should mount up and follow him.

The only thing I could think of was...not daddy..


What wrong with my daddy.......

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