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Grand's wedding dress^^^

"She was an Amazon. Her whole life was riding at breakneck speed along the wilder shores of love" Lester Branch

May 22, 1991 3:30 am

Today is the day..

I stand at my at my bedroom window watch as the light fog moves across the lawn and down to the barn. I don't know if it is the excitement for today, or nerves that have me up so early. I just could not slept any longer. Today is the day I give my life to Griffin.

Cindy and I spent last weekend in Altanta. It was her idea of a bachelor party for the girls. It was just us, and we spent more time shopping that partying. Her being a old married woman. Me not being one to party to much.

The sound of Cindy mumbles in her sleep again makes me roll my eyes. I swear I don't know how Marc stands to slept with her. Cindy's sleep talks always bothered me. So I moved out of my room, and down the hall to go make breakfast.

Even when we were younger, I could never sleep at one of her sleep overs. My dad would tease me about how tired I look upon my return home. I was have to lie and tell her dad wanted me home on Sunday. I did this so I could get some rest before school.

I decided to make us a simple breakfast. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen, and pulled out eggs and bacon. As I waited for the coffee to brew, I looked back into the living room. There was my Grand's wedding dress. It was simple, and understated just like my Grand.

The dress was created out of a fine cream color silk. It had buttons lined up all the way down the back ending with a bow. The short sleeves would come in handy with the heat that the weather man promised for today. Of course there was a modest train flowing behind the dress.

Cindy's mom had helped with the alternations. She did a beautiful job with them. Her and Cindy both went crazy when they saw the corset I chosen for today. It was a simple victorian antique. Blue silk with lace trim at the top.

It was my something blue and the dress was my old

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It was my something blue and the dress was my old. Cindy let me borrow her Grandmother's perils. Cindy's mom gave me a penny for my shoe. The corset fit in prefectly with the dress and ring. I found it wile I was shopping in Savanna at a second hand store. I could not my pass it up went I saw it.

I was just finished up with the breakfast when Cindy shuffled in the kitchen. It was obvious she was following her nose. She rubs her eyes and drops into one of the chairs at the table. It did not take long for her to wake up when the coffee kicked in.

"After we eat, you need to jump into the shower. I will meet your room and help you get dressed after I am done with mine." I knew I could count on her. With my lack of sleep Cindy would pull me through the day. Cindy had this day planned down to the minute.

We both knew that when the day came we would be each other's maid of honor. Back in February I did this for her. Now it was her turn to help me. This just made my friendship for her stronger.

As we ate she went through her check list. I could not see anything going wrong to day with her in charge. She was a bit ODC when it came to things like this. I was glad she let me have some say so as to the where and time it would take place.

We ate quickly and cleaned up the dishes. As it seem to be getting closer to 4:15am. I went to the bathroom in my bedroom. Cindy took the guest bathroom. She soon was fussing with me over how my hair and makeup.
She finally allowed me to get my way on simple light makeup. My hair I left down and hanging lose.

For today Cindy was going to be wearing a beautiful light blue dress that sweep the floor. By 5:45am Cindy's mom dropped by to help us with getting our dresses on. Her and Cindy keep going on and on about beautiful I looked. They both looked like they were in pain as they watched me put on my corset.

Just as the last of my bottoms were fastened into place on my dress Walt was walking through the door. He took one look at me as I stood in the living room and said. "You are a stunning bride Charlie. Griffin is one lucky SOB. " His smile on his face shown with a father's pride. It reminded so much of my own dad. I was glad that I asked Walt to walk me down the aile.

"It's time," Cindy handed me the bouquet of shasta daisys tied with a white ribbon.

She slowly began to make her way out on the porch. Walt took my hand and lead me to the front door. We waited for Cindy to clear the porch steps before we walked out of the house in the predawn light.

From the porch we could see that the whole driveway was lined with the motorcycles from the club. They stretched all the way to the barn. There a small bush arbor had been erected. Under a archway of more daisys and roses Griffin was waiting for me.

The club and my few of friends were seated in chairs sit up for the crowd. Jerry, my dad's best friend, pastor was with Griffin and John his best man at the make shift alter.

As we walk between the motorcycles I began to see quite a few faces I didn't know. It seems like Walt was right. The whole eastern division of Road Worriors club had made it to the wedding.

During the last few steps to the alter I locked eyes with Griffin. It was the first time I could really say that he was shocked by just looking at him. For the rest of the cemetery I keep my eyes fixed on him. The dawn broke over the trees just as we exchanged our 'I do's' .

After it was all over and we were being congratulated by everyone. My thoughts turn back to my dad. I would love to see him here. I wandered what he would say about this. Would he like my choice?

I could only hope he would be happy for me.

This starts a new chapter in my life. I will become a wife and eventually a mother. I don't know what will happen in the future. I can only hope to live my life and be the best wife I can be......

For my husband.....

May 22, 2017

I have always known what I wanted. I was raised by a wonderful man in a very loving home. He gave me a strong independent upbringing. I never doubted myself. I never had to answer to anyone other than myself. Now that I am older I find I have done the one thing I said I would never do. I am totally depended on a man. I was a dominant once, and I know what I wanted. Now finding the way to get it, is a different story. Now you may say 'just go for it'. It always don't work that way.

I am a dominant in a very submissive relationship. I have allowed life twist me into someone I no longer know. I sure all of you are expecteding hot and steamy story. I can no longer see myself that way anymore.

This is not a happily ever after.

This is real life.

At the age of 22 I dated and married the president of the local motorcycle club. I gave this man my heart, my soul, and everything that made me, me. I gifted him two beautiful children, and 24 years of my life.

Now for the disclaimer.

This is not fifty shades.

This is way south of that.

I hope all of you are ready, because one day all of you will be where I am at now.

A woman struggling to find the person she left behind.

The end.....for now?

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