a thousand different ways

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Given the basic dynamic- between a powerful Female and a male who is not quite her equal- the Amazon fantasies can work it self out in a thousand different ways.


January 15, 1991

"So do you like it?" Griffin asked. I walk around his new candy apply red Ford f150 king cab. The bright paint job made it glow in the cold sunlight. "Check this out." He moves the passager seat and pulls the lever to lift the back of the seat up. Then moves a small hidden door in the side to reveal a small sit it the extra part of the cab. "I can ride four people if I want to."

I laugh at my silly train of thought. "Yeah, I can just see you stuffing Marc, or John in there for that matter in this small space."

"It's not for meant for adults, you nut." He scoffed as he returned the little seat back up. Once the passager seat is back to its original position. "It's there to haul kids." He explains.

I chose to not reply to that comment, and continued to inspect the truck. "Why do you need a truck anyway?" I run my fingers along the chorm rails on top of the bed. I kick the tire on my way to the back. He still had his bike, but I suspected he got this truck because I refused to ride on the back of his bike. I was not ready to become a 'ol lady'.

"Well, if Marc keeps taking out fence's. I need something to haul the stuff to do the repairs when his mess ups." He has followed behined me to the tail gate.

I peek over into the bed I can see three big rolls of wire, and fence posts. "How much did he take out?" I look at him with a smile tugging at my lips.

Marc and Cindy had a date last night that ended late. By the time Marc got her back to her parents house it was well passed one in the morning. He fell asleep while driving back to his place. He hit a fence and barely missed a cow.

"30 foot of wire, 15 fence posts. He did not even remember crossing the Big Creek Bridge." Griffin shook his head in disbelief.

"I bet this took a chunk out of their wedding funds. Cindy must be mad as a wet sittin hen." I laughed as he held the passager door for me to get in. The plan was for the club help Marc replace the fence so he would not have to file it on his insurance.

"Oh yeah, she yelled at him for a solid hour. She tried to get him to stay, but he told her he was ok to drive. Not a good move on his part." Now it was my turn to shake my head. He held out his hand to help my into his truck. I watched him as he move around the hood, then climb in the truck. I could not deny that I like to look at him.

"Ready to go put up some fenceing?" He asked with a cheeky smile, as the truck roared to life. He drove away from my house to the site of the now destroyed cow pen. I let my mind wonder to the past few months as we drove.

In the months that have passed since I closed the shop. Many things had changed. Steven and Amanda fell back in love and married. To save money they went just over the state line. They are now are living in her small place. With no other options Steven was forced to work at Hobbs Chevrolet. The Mayor never let the opportunity pass by to let me know how well Steven was working out for him.

Jay pulled up stakes and relocated to Florida. He was now living in Tampa. He worked for some big time shop. Often he would send me pictures of the hotrods he worked on. He had even got the opportunity to work with his idol Big Daddy Dom Garlits. The drag racing giant had came out of retirement for one more race. Jay was thrilled to get the chance to work for him.

Cindy and Marc were hot into planning their wedding. It was to take place February 14. Cindy was on cloud nine. Marc had got a job with one of the local banks. You wouldn't know to look at him, but he was a wizards with money.

The biggest change of all was me. I refused to sale the shop after it closed. The building and the lot it set on was paid for years ago by my granddad. So I did not have to sale if I didn't want to.

When I locked the doors on the shop for the last time. I drove straight to daddy's grave. I spend hours there crying and apologizing to him on how I failed him. I would still be there had not Griffin not dragged me away.

With his help I was able move own. I got a nice job at one of the manufacturing companies. They had me working with the sales men. I made the samples they use to get the companys products into the big time retailers.

It was far from what I wanted to do, but it payed the bills. Because of the good pay I was able to keep the house and land. The last thing I wanted to do was lose daddy's house the way I lost his business. In my mind it would always be his house.

"Babe? Char did you hear me?" Griffin voice knocked me our of my deep thoughts.

"Im sorry what did you say?" I blinked out the window to see we were almost at the spot where Marc had his wreck. I looked back to Griffin. Today he looked like the prefect bad boy. Dark jeans, his club cut covered a black t-shirt. His hair was down and hanging lose. I found this look so sexy.

He took a hand off the wheel and leaned over to open the glove box. To my surprise a black box tumbled out and fell on the floor board. Griffin swore under his breath. "Can you pick that up, and open it."

When I had the box in my hands I was surprised at how heavy it was. I could not imagine what was in the box, but I definitely wanted to know.

When I pulled back the lid I saw one of the most stunningly beautiful rings I had ever seen. The stone was ruby red, and set in platinum. There were two bands on ether side of the rube ring made from the same platinum. The bands were in the shape of dragon claws holding the stone in a tight grip.

I was so lost in the beauty of the ring I did not realize that the truck had stoped. Griffin spoke in the most nervous voice I had ever heard him use." Char, I want us to get married. I love you. I can't think of anyone I would rather spend my life with. We are good together. What do you say?"

Something about the fact that he was nervous scared me to death. I wanders if he was unsure of marriage. When I looked up into his eyes I saw no nervousness. He was as he had always been with me. Strong, sure, so Griffin. He was the man my world now revolves around now. I could not see myself with anyone else, but him.

"Yes, let's do this." I took the wedding bands away from the ring, and slipped it on my finger. The weight of the ring was alien on my hand. I know I would get use to the feel of it. I watched the rube sparkle in the sun that shone through the window.

I looked up as he got our of the truck. He walked to Marc and they talked. Suddenly Marc grabbed Griffin and hugged him. He looked deeply happy for Griffin.

I wondered if my daddy would have been as happy for me.

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