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I dedicate this chapter to clueless897 sorry babe......

All punishment is a balance between intensity and pain.


July 4, 1990
8:59 pm

Barry pushes me through the crowd as he makes his way to the patrol car. "Out of the way!" He growls at the people milling around. Even though he only stands at about four foot people move out of his way.

Barry is one of the most respected cops on the force. When he worked in the jail he was involved in a near deadly crash. A prisoner and Barry were making their way back to the jail when they were t-boned by a drunk driver. The car they were in bursted into flames. Barry was trapped behind the wheel. The car was totally engulfed in flames. If not for the quick response of the prisoner, Barry would have died. Instead both of his legs were burned off. He never allow himself to get down by this.

He is the drug k-9 cop, a volunteer firefighter, and also worked as dispatcher. When he spoke to people they moved. Even with no legs he could out work most of the cops on the force.

The closer we got to his patrol car the more I had to squint. The bright strobes of the bar atop the car were so blinding I was forced to look back at where the club had gathered with the towns people.

I felt like I was looking at a slow motion movie. Cindy and Marc were racing to his bike. John was shouting at the other members to mount up. Walt and his vp Daniel Riggs had got a few of the bulky men to load my Indian into the back of a Dodge Ram.

Where is he?....

Barry unlocked the back door of the cop car. "Watch your head Charlie." He began to help me fold myself up to fit in the cramped space of the back seat.

"Can't you tell me what's going on?" I begged him.

"Chief just said to get you to the hospital fast. I didn't question him." I had known Barry since our school days. I had never seen him this deadly serious.

The warm night was suddenly shattered by the blast of a confederate cannon. It was followed by a volley of rocket trails charging across the sky. The red, white, and blue of the rockets load were splatter over the black sky. Just as Barry slammed my door.

I frantically pressed my hands against the tented windows. I couldn't see what was happening other than the flashes of the fireworks.

"Just sit back, I will get you there in no time at all." He reassures me.

It is 24 miles between the rec-center in our town and the next town where the hospital is. The road it pitch black, I only get a brief blue tinted view of the houses as we passed by. The fact that Barry only runs the lights makes my heart jump into my throat. I have seen this happen once before. When the driver of a car died in a crash that happen in front of the shop.

"Shit!" Barry snaps stomping on the breaks. I look up in time to see a flash of brown fur and a white tail. "Damn deer, DNR should raised the limit on the damn things." He looks in his rear view mirror. "Yeah buddy you need to back up."

I quickly try to turn in my seat to see who he was talking to. The back glass is filled with the bright lights of a Harley Davidson. I look further up the road behind us. Many more lights are topping the hill, following us.

I closed my eyes and tried to figure out what has happened to my dad. The last time I talked to him. He and his friend Jake were going to work on the 'popping john'. Had the tractor slip out of gear and hit dad? This was a far to common for a farm accident.

Please be ok daddy...

"We're here Charlie." Barry somber voice makes my head snap up. I did not even know we had stoped. I looked out to see we were at the emergency room. I slowly step out of the car and look around. The first person I see is Jake Morrow. He is talking with a few people. We lock eyes, and I know it's bad. I haven't seen him without a smile on his face in years.

I waste no time in getting in the hospital. I go directly to the front desk. The woman behind the desk looks up at me with a very board expression. "Patients name?"

"Reese, Don Reese my dad" I whisper. She looks back at the computer in front of her.

"Their still working on him. Take a seat, I will let the doctor know you are waiting." With a very no nonsense voice she leaves me standing there.

I turn and walk the short distance to a small group of chairs near the doors. I lace my fingers together and place them in my lap and close my eyes and wait. I begin to pray for my dad. I feel the burn of tears behind my eye lids. I know they will fall as some as I open them. I just squeeze my eyes tightly to hold them at bay. I can hear motorcycles pull up outside, but I keep my eyes closed. Now is not the time for me to be weak.

The ER doors begin to open to let people in. My scents are suddenly asualted by the metallic sweet smell of White Diamond cologne. As an arm slips around my shoulders. This can only be Cindy.

She starts talking to me, but her words bounce off of me with no affect. I can't even understand what she saying. My mind is so filled with the things that could have happened to dad I barely noticed when she walked away.

Just let him be ok....

For the next two hours I do not move. Different people keep filing in the ER waiting room. Jay and Cindy had appointed themselves as my spokesmen. Every time someone new enters the ER they block me from them. Giving out what little we know about what's going on.

At some point I began to bounce my leg up and down. I squeeze my hands together until I can no longer feel them. A strong hand covers my hands another clamps down on me knee. "Cha cha, do you want something to drink or eat?" Jay asks

I only shake my head no. I don't think I could hold anything down. My stomach is in knots. The door that lead back to the exam room open. She up. All eyes turn to the nurse in blue scrubs.

I hold my breath waiting for her speak. "Libby Jones?" My heart studders in my chest. A woman stands up and follows her through the doors. They close again the whole waiting room has gone deathly silent.

Please tell me what going on!!

I clenched my eyes shut again and try to have good thoughts about what's happening. The low voices of everyone around me starts up again. I can only imagine my dad giving the doctors hell. He probably bossing them around. Trying to tell the doctors how to do their job. A small smile pulls at the corners of my mouth.

The doors of the ER open again. I look to see Dr. Phillips walk out. He sees me and walk over. My eyes grow big aa he makes his way over to me. The room has grown quite again. He carefully kneeled in front of me. He places a resuring hand on my knees. I brace myself for the news.

"Charlie, Im sorry. We did everything we could. I wish I could give you some good news, but you dad pasted away. It was a massive hart attack. I am very sorry for your loss." With this he stands and walks away.

At that moment my whole world crumbled.

When my eyes focus again Griffin comes over to me. He gathers me up in his arms. I cling to him and let my tears go.

Daddy died?!?

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