in charge

90 4 5

June 29, 1990

Remember, you are in charge.


The past few weeks have been strange. It started with that lunch date. I tried to take Griffin out to eat. My plan was to pay for the lunch but he beat me to it. I played it off like it didn't bother me, but in reality it did.

The waitress comes over to drop the ticket for the meal on the table. I go to plck it up but Griffin grabs it up. "Hey I am paying for this." I try to take it from him.

"Nope, I may look like a hood, but my ol'man raised me to treat my woman right. I got you." He stood and walked over to the cash register. I thought how Jim called me some girl. Now I was letting Griffin pay for my lunch like I was his woman. What was next.

It was then when I felt my dominants silp. I have tried to get it back but nothing works. All the men who have come in just get on my nerves. I have lost my cool more than I care to talk about.

I called Sandy to see what she thought , but they had gone on a extended vacationin Greece. Her inheritance from her mother had came in and they were talking advanced of the money. I didn't dare bother them any more.

I had to pull myself out of this funk. I made a choice to stay away from Griffin at all cost. I blame him for my problem. Him and the constant threat of the loss of the big city contact was another thing weighing on my mind. I even had a big fight with Jay. It was so bad that we locked our selves in the office to work things out. In the end we were ok again .

I still went to my dad to seek his advice. I told him all about what had been happening for the few weeks. Of course I omitted the BDSM part. He did his best to calm me, but I still was struggling to work past my doubts.

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" Cindy asked me just after lunch. I was hiding in the office because Marc had came to take her to lunch. The past few days Griffin was with him. He keep watching me, and trying to talk to me.

I continue to stare at the computer. I tried to look busy "Not sure. What do you have in mind?" If she was going to Altanta I was going to go. Maybe I could find someone to play with.

"I was wanting to organize a ride Saturday. A bunch of the crew have bought 4-wheelers. I wanted show them how much fun we used to have when we rode with your dad. Remember we would ride in the creeks and all those drit roads?" This was not what I was hoping for.

"I don't know. I was looking for something a little different. If you know what I mean." I stood from the desk and made my way back to the bay with Cindy trailing behind me.

"Well you could still do that. John and a few others will be there." She said to me with a wink. I look over to see Griffin and Marc watching us from the customer area. I looked away quickly before Griffin could catch me looking at him. Thinking of John and getting a second chance at him.

"Can we talk about this after we close the shop?" I ask.

Cindy looked out her shoulder at them. She then turn back to me. "Sure no problem." She walked back to the front desk.

I walked over to my tool box to gathering up the tools I needed for my next job. I was just about get to work on the f150 I had on the rack when I was stoped cold.

"Well, well, Charlie girl!" Mayor Hobbs voice boom through out the entire shop. I turn my head to see him standing just on the other side of the truck I am working on.

"How can I help you Mayor?" I try to act like l am not bothered by him in my space. I return my attention back to getting the tools I need for the break repair.

"I just wanted to come by, and see how things are going now that daddy was out of the shop." My skin crawled at the way his voice sounded as he said the word daddy.

I took a big breath before I turned to face him " Why things are just find. As you can see we are quite busy. So if you don't need gas or your car worked on, I suggest you leave."

"You looked stressed Charlie girl. You know my offer still stands. I will take this shop off your hands you just say the word." He moves closer to me, but he still spoke loud enough for all to hear.

I clenched my hands into fists to keep myself for slapping him. I never considered myself a violent person, but with this man I was willing to go there. "There is no need for me to think over your offer. I will not sell, ever." I tried to sound sturn, but even I could hear the weaver in my voice.

His slimy smile only got bigger. "We'll see how big and bad you are when the city awards me those contacts. This place will look like a ghost town." He gave hefty belly laugh. My stomach twisted with the thought of this man having the job that my dad worked so hard to get. I knew that if we lost the contracts it would be all my fault.

"You just keep what I said in mind little girl." He glared at me looking at the crowd that had gathered. "I will be glad to take it off your hands. I could really make something out of this dump." He had the attention of everyone in the shop plus the customers. I felt my blood boil under my skin.

"Get out." Even though I wanted to shout the words at him. They came out barely above a whisper.

"Have a nice day Charlie girl!" He continued to laugh all the way out to his car.

I stood stock still as I watched his car leave the lot. I can't believed he just came in here with the shop full of customers and did that. The sounds of tools clanking people talking started up again. I felt a hand land on my shoulder. "You ok?"

I look over at Griffin, he just looked at me. I could see the pity in his eyes. That the last thing I wanted. His pity. I pulled my shoulder away from his grasp. My anger made my voice harsher than I wanted. "I fine, customers shouldn't be in the shop area. Our insurance requires for safety that you need to there. The last thing I need is for someone to get hurt." I pointed in Cindy direction. He opened his mouth to say something, but then change his mind. I could tell he was angry with the way I was acting.

He and Marc left not long after. He did not look back at me. I keep telling myself that it was for the best. We could never be together. Sandy had warn me that two dominants couldn't work.

Not that I felt much like a dominant at the moment.

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