Chapter 9

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A/n) it's my birthday >^< writing this because I'm kinda happy kinda sad but haha here's an update
(Y/n's Pov)

I woke up by Jimin's side. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I brought out my phone and checked the time.. WAIT NO WAY ITS 7:45 SCHOOL STARTS AT 8. I shook Jimin lightly but he ended up groaning. I blushed and kept shaking him. He eventually woke up and rubbed his eyes yawning

"Why are you doing thissss" he whined. I shoved the time in front of his face and his eyes widen. He got out of bed and started to get dressed in front of me. I covered my eyes and just went to the bathroom to go fix myself up. "YAHH (Y/N) GET OUT I NEED RO TAKE A SHIT" Jimin yelled banging on the door "FUCKING GOD JIMIN TO MUCH INFO TOO MUCH INFO!!!!" I opened the door covering my eyes and rushed out and tripped on my bag and fell straight on my face

"Aigoooooo....." My eyes fell teary and I just sat on my butt pouting a lot. Jimin finally got out after taking his shit I finally stood up and got my bag. "Yah JIMIN HERES YOUR BAG" I threw him his bag which he swiftly put on his back so skillfully. The fuck dude

"Ok let's go!" He yelled and grabbed my hand and we left. I slipped my shoes on and so did he and we headed to school together. I forgot to check my messages and calls and so I did. While we were running to school. The time read 7:50 and the school is 5 minutes away. I slowed down and Jimin looked confused

"Oh my lord (Y/n) why are you slowing down. We are gonna be late." His voice sounded irritated

"Ah Mianhae(sorry) Jimin I'm just checking my message I'm sorry." I looked at him and he seemed to still be angry. Why is he mad over something so simple as checking my missed calls and texts. "Ya know what if that's so important then I'll just go without you. Man why did I even be nice to you you shouldn't have stayed at my house you filthy rat." My eyes widen. Wait...what...I looked down and just looked at my missed calls and texts as he left

"Mark...Baekhyun....Jackson oppa? They all called? And texted...fuck..." I cursed under my breath. I put my phone away. It was 7:58 and I didn't care. I was 5 minutes away from school. And I know I can't make it. Jimin had already left. I didn't care anymore. I kept walking to school slowly and didn't care what time it was. Wait didn't I give Jimin my number? (She did but I forgot to put it in because I didn't know it would come to play) I shook it off and just headed to school. It was now 8:03 and I just sighed. I went to the bathroom and everyone seemed to be in class. Except Taehyung. I sighed loudly and just continued. I took a pair of scissors out of my bag. And spread the blades apart



I put the blade to my arm and started to cut blankly. I was used to this but I haven't done it ever since I came to America. But now this happens. I cut over the cuts that bts gave me and whimpered slightly. 'It doesn't hurt' I thought. I kept cutting and cutting. (Look I'm experienced to this because I have depression so pls don't read if this is gonna hurt you as well)

I finally reached to my veins on my wrist. I was ready to strike and I did(it's bad to cut on your veins. I went to the hospital because of that) I screamed but covered my mouth. I put the scissors back into my bag before cleaning them. I found bandages in my bag and bandages my arms and cried as I did. It really did hurt. Why did I even say it didn't when it did.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my locker. I twisted my locker to do my combination but my locker still won't open. I punched my locker and kicked my locker and sobbed loudly. Knowing no one will hear me anyway.

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