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(Y/n's Pov) Song By Bts

I sat in my closet holding my knees tightly with one arm. The other arm closed the closet door to make sure no one would come in. I cried softly as I felt sorry for what I did even if I don't know if I did it.

They closet was black and empty. It showed that I was in the dark with no source or light. It showed that I was surrounded by the dark and not let out to be one with the light.

I smiled sadly as I cried more putting my other arm around my knees. I giggled to myself as I was feeling hurt but I just pretended that I was ok.

"Y/n!! You in here???" I heard a voice and I hugged my knees tighter hoping they won't find me. I tried to keep my cries in so they don't hear my sad voices coming out of my mouth. I ended up crying loudly as the persons foot steps came to me. I shook and I shivered

"Y/n....Its me. Your hope and your angel Hoseok." I giggled sadly at the phrase earning a chuckle from Hoseok.

"You don't have to open the door let's just talk seriously about this arasso???" He asked softly as I heard his voice echo through the empty closet.

"O-ok" I stuttered stopping my crying as I listened to his voice for him to talk back to me. I smiled at his voice as I heard

"Taehyung told me to protect you because I knew he needed some time alone so I don't know what to do. I seriously didn't But I followed what he said and decided to protect you...after that happened it became more and more protecting. Because I couhdnt stop protecting you." I flinched at the words and clenched my fists.

I opened the door revealing my crying figure that was on her knees. Hoseok widened his arms for me and I accepted the arms as I hugged him tightly feeling as if it was Taehyung. He smiled and patted my head hugging me more saying shh it's gonna be ok

"Let's talk about this properly ok? So don't cry anymore" he wiped the tears away as I smiled softly even if it was coming from my fake mouth and fake happiness right now. He sat me on the bed and laid on my bed putting one arm above his head and one on his stomach.

"Why did Taehyung skip school so much?" I asked and he answered "Because he couldn't face Jungkook" Hoseok lied and I just nodded not knowing it was a lie. "He's going to school don't worry." I nodded hearing my phone ring. I picked it up to see the caller id. I picked it up and said

"Yoongi?? Hey what ya need?" I asked

Yoongi: Is J-Hoe with you?
You: J-hoe? I only know J-Hope.
Yoongi:*scoffs* is he with you or not.
You:Yes of course he is why are you asking?
Yoongi: I'm in the front of your house with Taehyung
Yoongi: Ne now open your door so I can come in

I hung up and Hoseok was already opening the door. I went down to see Taehyung here and Yoongi here as well. Now there's 3 boys in my house-

"I knew J-HOE WAS HERE" Yoongi yelled sarcastically shocked and I giggled escorting them into my house. Once they sat on the couch I face them each a glass of water and sitting on the separate seat. "We came here because Taehyung needs to go to the hospital tomorrow." I tilted my head not knowing what was gonna come on

"WAE???" I asked trying not to yell "It's none of your business. We will see each other tomorrow. I will explain his business tomorrow in the mean time by (Y/n) let's go J-Hoe" Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's ear and Hoseok was whining. I would whine too Hoseok. That looks painful. Taehyung looked at me sadly before leaving with the others. I sat there with their cups untouched or not even drank out of.

Did I do this
Was it me who did this

Please say it wasn't me.

(The next day)
(Third Person's Pov)

The night went by slow for the four of them.

(Y/n) felt like if was her fault that Taehyung was in this condition because he's been skipping school and (Y/n) sensed Hoseok was lying about having Taehyung not be here at school. She thought that if she visits the hospital tomorrow something will go wrong and Taehyung might run away. The suicidal thoughts that (Y/n) had just thinking about what is gonna happen just made it worse. She thought if she killed herself then the problems would stop. But if she does the pain would just continue.

Hoseok felt the betrayal he gave to Taehyung he promised he wouldn't fall in love with the people Taehyung loves. But it's getting worse just thinking about it that he likes (Y/n) Hoseok couldn't get out of (Y/n) being in his mind as he heard voices of (Y/n)'s cries as he wanted to protect her even more. Seeing that Jimin and Jungkook do so many things to (Y/n) hurts him even more. Taehyung himself promised Hoseok that everything will soon be alright and he will gain to protect (Y/n) again. But Hoseok thinking that he's selfish doesn't want to get away from (Y/n) at all....

Yoongi who thought at (Y/n) was distanced from (Y/n) himself like Taehyung. Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about the possible things that would have happened to her. Yoongi hasn't been their for (Y/n) since he heard that Taehyung was the one who was getting bullied. He thought that one day Yoongi too might become her bully again but hoped that day would never come for the two of them. Right now all Yoongi really cared about was Taehyung's condition. Instead of having (Y/n) take care of him Yoongi was by his side now (TAEGI).

Taehyung who was avoiding (Y/n) because of the school gap Taehyung didn't want to cause anymore problems. Taehyung thought he was a burden for having this kind of condition at this kind of time. He wanted his control to stop but of course he couldn't blow it. Taehyung loved (Y/n). Loved. But for some reason if changed it really did because of the things that came to play. Taehyung did too have suicidal thoughts at night. But kept it to himself as if they weren't a big deal to him.


I'll continue this tomorrow and by the men's time...I'm thinking of putting this into a book 2. The next chapter might be the last chapter actually. But for their "Highschool days." Book 2 will actually be "Adult Days" but I'm not sure if I'll be making it. But as you can see this book has been shedding off views day by day so I'm thinking of actually making a book 2 to this book because....i kinda was planning it all along from the start.

Anyway lol I don't have a name for it tho
But maybe I might name if They All Changed.
Anyway thank you for reading!
And please do not cry in the next chapter.
A surprise ending (no kissing just....sadness.) will come
And by surprise.....

Something will happen to Taehyung.
Word count: 1,262

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