Chapter 22

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(Y/n)'s Pov)
Credit to KARD
Song: Don't Recall
(Warning: Rape)

School was now over and I got off my seat heading to detention. Do I seriously have to have a private detention with this teacher? I don't want to. I seriously don't. I opened the door to see Mr Kim there standing for me to take the only seat that was only there. I gulped and put my things down and took my seat facing the front to see the teacher smirking already. Is this why he wanted a private detention with me? I'm starting to get creeped out and I don't know why...

He's a teacher pfft of course he would have a reason for me to have a private detention with only him. "I can your mind and of course have a damn reason of why you're here." I gulped and he went to me taking my jaw to look at him. I pulled my face away from Mr Kim and made a run for it. But he took my wrist and pinned me harshly onto the wall smirking harder

"Seriously? You shouldn't disobey your teacher like that you ugly bitch." Mr Kim lifted my chin again and kissed me roughly and hungrily I kicked and tossed hoping id be free. You aren't Taehyung you aren't Taehyung let me go!!!!!!!

"Oh sweety I won't let you go easily you whore! You wish you had Taehyung huh ? So he could do this to you huh bitch? Huh?! He can't you feel as good as me you bitch!!!" I cried out kicking him more "Let me GO! THIS ISNT RIGHT PLEASE STOP!" Mr Kim didn't listen at all he kept hurting me more and more. Shouldn't he be fired for this?! Why isn't no one helping me!!! Why can't they hear me! Please!!!

Me. Kim ripped my clothes and threw me onto the ground as he saw my naked body I sobbed out Taehyung's name "Taehyung Taehyung please please help me please-" I was slapped by the teacher and Mr Kim who started to strip stared down at me. "I'll make you damn pregnant you slut. Wonder if your other boyfriends did this forcing you to have sex with them but don't worry. Your boyfriends never ever loved you~" I tried to reach my phone in my bag to call my brother. I never had another boyfriend I never had sex. I'm innocent I can't have sex with my teacher.

I hate this help me someone please. I cried harder as the teacher took me by the wrist and pinned me to a desk attacking my poor breasts that have already been marked by Jimin. I cried instead of moaned I felt pain instead of pleasure. I can't feel pleasure. This is wrong. This is wrong

"O-OW OW PLEASE S-STOP I DONT LIKE THIS MR KI-KIM OW!!!!" I grunted and winced in pain and pushed him away causing him to bump back into a desk I cried more finally grabbing my phone having a chance to call Taehyung or anyone. I called Dialed Taehyung's number and was about to click call but the teacher got me by my leg I screamed as he dragged me to the wall trapping me hurting me by killing me by the pain.

I pushed him harder away trying to defend myself more harder I sobbed tears falling non stop crying for help but my voice was too soft. My face was pale my eyes were blank. Mr. Kim choked me while making sure to tie my naked body with ropes. Let's spread out and arms tied up to my legs. I whimpered the rope burning my skin. Mr Kim positioned at my entrance as I widened my eyes

"DONT DO IT NOT TO YOU I WONT LOSE MY VIRGINITY TO YOU YOU FUCKING PERVERTED TEACHER YOU WILL BE SEWED YOU SON OF A-" the pain went into my hole as I screamed in pain loudly. He entered me. No stop don't ah I can't it hurt so much.

"Stop stop please please you can't do this..." I tried to get his cock out of my virgin hole trying to not let him do anything else next. I cried more as he choked me again wiggling my face with his palm while saying dirty and nasty things to me "You wanna go? Come on don't be like that(Y/n) let's have some fun~" mr. Kim thrusted into me harder and faster. I didn't feel pleasure it hurt so much the pain wouldn't stop darting at my stomach hitting me in bad places hitting me I'm hard places. Blood came out of my now lost virgin hole as it made me want to pass out I screamed for help everytime her thrusted. I can't breathe

I can't breathe anymore I can't see everything's turning black. Is Mr. Kim still choking me, because it's making me black out. I whimpered and screamed more but my screams are now being muffled by the hard grunts by Mr. Kim

"TELL ME YOUR ENJOYING THIS (Y/n) MM ITS SO GOOD YOURE MY DAMN NEW SEX SLAVE YOU BITCH HAHA~ IT FEELS SO GOOD RIGHT? YOU WANT MORE?!?!?!?" Mr. Kim Laughed hard thrusting more into me. The door flew open as I saw someone there. I passed out not struggling anymore.

(Rape scene 895 words)

(Next Warning: Violence)

(????'s Pov)

I was walking around escaping from detention. Man it was so boring in there with the bangtan boys. Didn't (Y/n) get detention? But why so privately we could have done something to her so she would shut up. She blamed us for Taehyung's hospitalized body and really it was (Y/n)'s fault because I'm always right.

I turned around the corner to see (y/n)'a private detention room. I smirked and opened the door violently seeing the Scene in front of me. I saw (Y/n) now passed out. I cracked my knuckles and looked over at "Mr Kim" I clicked my tongue and punched him to get off of (Y/n).

"Seriously Mr Kim?! You don't do this to your damn students. Be glad I stopped you before you shot your disgusting cum into her you man whore." I tried to untangle (Y/n) free but was hit to the side by Mr Kim. I grunted and saw him try to enter her again but I stopped him before he could tackling him to the floor. He winced as we were both hit to the pile of desks. I got off of him and ran to (Y/n). I have to save her because this is wrong.

I untied her rope seeing her naked bruised body. I lifted her up bridal style. I saw the teacher charging for me again. I let go of (Y/n) " Seriously Mr Kim? I'll have you under fire for what you did to (Y/n)." The teacher rose me up and I smirked down at me

"Have my word Min Yoongi but I am much stronger than you are. As I know you bully (Y/n) don't you? I can have you instead expelled for what you do to her." I smirked harder "but don't you remember that there are cameras here Mr. Kim??" I mocked his voice and he let go of me harshly. I put my jacket on (Y/n) after putting her bra and panties on for her. Seems like her other clothes were ripped from the process.

"TCH sure there's cameras here if there were-" we were cut off by men lined up by the door. "Yeah there's cameras here if there here then you would be taken away. And you are right now." I laughed as the men took him away. I looked at (Y/n) with my jacket on her. I put her on my back. Why did I agree to saving her.

Before I left I made sure to have her phone in her bag and her back itself. I started to leave the room and go to our own detention room. I'll stop them from hurting (Y/n) for now.

To be Continued

Should Suga be released from being a bully to (Y/n)? Because if so I'll make it good as to what he will and has to do to stop bullying her and to be forgiven. In the next chapter there will be some fighting with words again. And a result to Taehyung's condition. Till then fellow A.R.M.Y's and stay tuned

Btw you guys did see Bts's new logo right? Forgot to mention that like 1 or 2 days ago.

Beyond the Scene my dude but they won't change it to that of course.

Bye bye please vote and add it to your library

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