Kim Taehyung

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Credit Goldentokki

(You're welcome)
Song by Got7 My Swagger

(Y/n's Pov) (because Taehyung isn't with them)

I decided to tap my foot putting my hand on my chin as I analyzed all of them. There were only 6 of course and I can't forget about Taehyung so why not hang out with Taehyung? Leave these guys to hang out by themselves so they can do what they want because 5 of them hate me and only 1 is my friend out of them.

I decided to speak up and say who I want to hang out with "You guys go ahead and hang out with each other I'm gonna hang out with Taehyungie cause he might wanna hangout with me so I should go now. Have fun and here's half of my money for you guys" I gave Yoongi the money and he began to open his mouth but I stopped him

"I'm sure Yoongi and don't worry I'll be just fine besides Taehyung told me on the phone earlier that he might not enjoy without me there" he nodded and smiled saying be careful and I just smiled back after leaving him to hang out with his friends.

Once I started walking I called Taehyung on my phone dialing his number and putting my phone to my ear "Taehyungie I'm meeting up with you, I'm gonna be hanging out with you instead of the boys is that ok with you?" Once the phone call started that's what I said to him and he screamed causing me to close my ear with my free hand

"YES YES HURRY COME HERE WE ARE AT THE FOOD STANDS" I giggled and said "Ok Ok but why at the good stands?" I questioned and he replied quickly "Because we got hungry so Jackson treated us >~< and Baekhyun said he wanted to go home since he felt like we were ruining the markson moment. So yeah Baekhyun-eomma is going home now and heading his way home" I hummed in response

"Then I'll be there so we don't ruin their date ya know" I said and he yelled yes I giggled again and decided to hang up on him. Once I put my phone into my pocket I headed over to the food stands. I searched every seat and table to find them and once I did Taehyung and me made eye contact with me. He grinned and went up to me. "So you decided to hang out with me huh?" He said looking at me but not lifting up his head

"Yup and besides you're the first person from bangtan that became my best friend. So just be glad that I chose chu" I said cutely and he grabbed my hand holding if firmly as I looked at Markson "We are gonna go now Jackson oppa and Markie see you soon and don't have to much funnnnn" I said teasingly and Jackson oppa looked at me before leaving the opposite way of us. I was still holding Taehyung's hand and we finally let go once we were heading to the stands

"So which game do you wanna play first?" I asked him. He thought and said "I want you to be my game" I was confused but blushed slightly and hitting him lightly with no effort but he dodged it

"What do you mean?!" My face was all red as I was asking many questions and freaking "I want to play with you" he said and I just pouted and held his hand "Not now we need to enjoy our stay here" i said before leaving him but he caught up with me

"So there's a later~?" He teased and whined clinging onto me while hugging me from behind I pouted more crossing my arms "It's a maybe." He giggled and jumped up high trying to reach the sky since he seemed so happy. I smiled back and held his hand walking to some games we could play together

(Taehyung's Pov)
(Like finally)

I was playing some games while (Y/n) held all my stuffed toys that I finally won. They were all mine of course

What I was playing was the hit the balloons with darts game and decided to hit the last balloon with my last dart. After doing so I won a small stuffed animal for (Y/n) and that's all I was gonna be giving. She was pouting and struggling to hold all of them dropping all of the stuffed animals.

I chuckled and pecked her lips giving her the stuff Toy for her. I bought a bag from the store and put all the stuffed toys into it except the one I gave her. I put the bag on my shoulder like a purse and held her hand with my other hand

"Sorry about that (y/n) can I do anything for you?" I asked her and she thought for a bit before saying something, "How bout we just decide to go lay in bed together? We have been playing for like hours and we won or you won lots of stuffed toys." I whined "But don't you wanna stay here longer??? I'm not even tired!!" She looked at me frowning

"I knew he was from a different planet!" (Y/n) thought. I didn't read her mind of course. I walked over to her whispering in her ear "Why do you wanna go home already? You want me to play with you already?" I licked her earlobe making her squeak. I chuckled and held her hands putting her stuffed toy in my bag(purseeee) and kissed her deeply closing my eyes as she was already closing hers

I smiled into the kiss and kissed her more putting a hand on her waist and a hand to her cheek. She did the same thing but gripping my shirt from the back. I heard yelling and I pulled away looking at the people who were staring at us.


I rolled my eyes but not at (Y/n) or Yoongi Hyung and crossed my arms. "Why are you guys looking after us?" I asked and Jimin decided to speak up first mocking me by crossing his arms too.

"Because you are kissing so many girls-" I cut him off by leaving him alone. I left with (Y/n) with a straight face. "You shouldn't have left him hanging he's chasing after us now" I looked behind me and he was breathing out fire. Well at least he's breathing fire instead of jams

"DASI RUN RUN RUN" I sang running with her to her house. Once we reached there I closed the door and and slammed it. I looked at (Y/n) who was panting and tired. "How come we had to run that fast you literally made me fall on jams and made me take his jams" (Y/n) said laughing at the jokes she's making.

"Fine fine anyway lets go to your room. We can lay down now" she nodded and laid on her bed. I dropped my bag with stuffed toys and climbed up on top of her and turned her half way around since she was laying on her side. She looked up and me and as she did I kissed her quickly not wasting any time. She kissed back wrapping her arms around my neck.

I pulled away whispering in her ear "Please open your mouth and stick out your tongue" I said using the please so it's polite and she nodded opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue for me. I used my tongue and had a fight with her tongue. (Y/n) was moaning and trying to be quiet but she couldn't be quiet. I kissed her more exploring her mouth. We fought for dominance but I won. I pulled away as I needed air.

I trailed my hands under her shirt as I put my index fingers on her hard nipples. (Y/n) was squeaking and closing her eyes as her knees were coming together and her arms were above her head. I chuckled and kissed her again pulling her shirt off not taking her shirt off.

I trailed down to her breasts and sucked on them like a baby wanting his milk. She giggled shakily. I bit her nipple and she whimpered moaning out instead of giggling. I pulled away and took her pants off sliding her panties off and putting my face in her hot toasted area putting my tongue on her clit. She moaned gripping my hair as I groaned out. I pulled away and said

"Save the rest for next time baby~" she pouted now really wet. I put her pants back on and pulled her shirt down. She snuggled into the blankets looking at me "Was today that fun?" I asked and she nodded tiredly. I jumped into her bed and kissed her cheek before falling asleep by her.

"I love you (Y/n)...." I said in my mind. I wrapped my arms around her protecting her.

You're mine (Y/n)
Please stay with me like this


Anyway yay done

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