Chapter 19

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This book will be very very long like 100 chapters I'm kidding. Like about 60 chapters
I hope you enjoy this update I'll be finishing this up later
(The bold and the italics writing is the thoughts in their head)
Credit to Ryuseralover
(Y/n's Pov)


The clock clicked as the hand stroke each number. The voices that were in the hallway that were not heard by me, the voices that were silent to me as I tried holding back my breath to not speak at all. I stared blankly at the emergency room

It happened too fast. Too fast to catch too fast to see and hear. Taehyung I said I love you will you remember?  Will you remember that you love me? Will you wake up soon? Or will you not wake up at all? My loves calls for you can you hear it??? Can you see it even if it's obvious your eyes are closed??

You make my heart race the kisses the hugs you gave me. Will that be all thrown away? Will you not be able to feel those feelings anymore like you did to me? Will you bully me again? The clenching of my fists was holding onto the things you gave me

Even if it wasn't visible it was in my hands. The world you gave me. The heart you gave me. The faith you gave me when you stopped bullying my soul. I put my fists to my heart my eye lids not quite open. I stared at the ground as I thought about You.

You you're the only one that makes me think this way Taehyung. You're the only one that treated me like that way. You're the one who knows me the most aside from everyone else. I did so many things wrong....will you be able to forgive me for what I did??? For what I did to you for what made you get into my problems so you can just get hurt???

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my phone. So many text messages and so many missed calls. I scrolled through them and it was Baekhyun. Why did he text me he left me to go somewhere and he didn't even tell me where...

Baekhyun: It's gonna be ok don't lose your hopes. You'll be ok because I know you. I know you're the strongest girl I've ever met.
Sent at 12:30 a.m
Read at 12:50 a.m

Baekhyun: Don't worry so much (Y/n) Taehyung I already know he could hear you from across the whole room. His heart is calling for you and you're calling for him with your heart too! You know you know I know you feel it (Y/n)

Sent at 12:31 a.m
Read at 12:50 a.m

Missed Calls: 42
Baekhyun: 20
Markie: 11
Jackson: 11

They care that much? And mostly why is it Baekhyun? Does he seriously live with Taehyung and know him the most? Who do you think I am Baekhyun....I'm not as strong as Baekhyun or Taehyung what are you guys talking about?

Saying I'm strong as you guys....I'm not....I gripped my hair putting my phone to the side crying my mind going crazy. The suicidal thoughts came. The suicidal thoughts that came not for my depression.

If Taehyung dies can I die too? Can I hang myself so I can be with him? I need to be with him I want to be with him

"And What are you doing here (Y/n)?" I turned my head to see Jimin. I stood up and was about to run but Jimin grabbed me. I sighed and looked at him. He pinned me to the wall and I tried kicking but Jin grabbed my legs. "CAN YOU STOP DOING THIS TO ME?!?!!?!" I kicked and tossed and punched but no use. The others who watched. The others watched me. Jungkook who looked sad. I was freed and I yelled at them



"And you guys are blaming me...? So what if Taehyung seriously dies it's all gonna be your guys fault.... I'm damn glad you guys are gonna be in detention every after school so I don't have to be bullied by ANY of you." I glared at them and they punched my injured arm. Wow it's gonna be more injured now. Wonder if I can wear a damn cast. I backed away from them and looked to the side to the emergency room

"See over there? Taehyung is over there in there. He lost so much blood because of you guys and now how bout you take the blame? Blaming me for you hurt and for your work??? Who does that? Wait I know. You guys. Because you seriously don't know how to treat anyone right. Do you even know what love is? Between you guys love was just a game. Why can't you accept that I wanted to be good to you guys but you just rejected me?  But did Taehyung? He changed because of me and I'm glad he did... " I held my hand to my chest

"Because I love him with all my heart!" I looked at them tearing up. I looked at the door as the doctor went out. I looked at him and so did bts.

"The results are in...."

My heart beat was fast and wouldn't slow down. I held onto my shirt as I took a deep breath. Please be ok

(To Be. Continued)

This chapter is short because it's kinda a filler it's only 900 words and I usually write 1,500 I know you did not enjoy it but I hope you enjoy the next chapter

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