Hey! Heres The Intro To My New Book!

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So!!!!! I really enjoy the intro I made to my new book and I hope you read it! Since I'll be updating my new book and taking a tiny hiatus for this book I wanted to show you WHY I'm doing that!

Here's the intro!


(Third Person's Pov)

Life. Life that's supposed to be destroyed wether pain or no pain. Life. You only have one one that you'll spend with your family. But who is your family. Who was your family. Who treated you like family.

Non of them

Pain. Pain is just a word. A word that describes what people give you. People give you this so called pain. But they do not care. They never cared. Who gave you pain. Who was your pain. Who treated you with pain.

All of them

Family. Family is where they have your backs and never let you die nor let you sacrifice yourself for them. Instead they sacrifice them-self for you. Only you. Gave them what they wanted. Family. Family family family. But what did you get back.

No family.

People say that people change. But family doesn't change.

No one needed you here from the start. Not planned to. Not supposed to happen. But why are you still here? Were you a sin that should be killed for the good? Your family.

Your only sister brother and mom. Abandoned you by chance. Chance that they would never see you ever again. Never would see your dirty body or face again.

But they were wrong.
Wrong that you were dead wrong that you killed yourself.
You came home one day. One day that time your only family saw you with shocked emotions.

"Wh-What are you doing here?!" They asked. You looked at them "I'm not dead right? Not dead not dead mom sis bro I'm not de-" You said happily but was cut off with a slap from my mom that made your eyes widen and your tears fall

"YOU MONSTER. YOU WERE A MISTAKE. A MISTAKE THAT SHOULDVE DIED WEEKS MONTHS YEARS AGO. GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE YOU PIECE OF SHIT." You cried as tears fell harder getting out of this so called childhood house. That day. That day I didn't know where to go. You were on the streets. The streets where no one would pay attention to you. No one who would ever give you money or a place to live with their own family.

You cuddled up your knees to your chest as you sobbed by yourself sitting on a cardboard piece in the cold rain. Homeless people who looked at you who was too young for your age to be on the streets didn't bother to help you at all. Dogs who were with their owners barked at you and tried to bite your legs off

Rich people who you begged to to get money kicked you in the stomach and always yelled the same thing every different person did "YOU BITCH GO TO YOUR DAMN FAMILY" you smiled softly as things began to be the same everyday. You searched through the garbage everyday to get some food but there was no use.

No use as to eating trash like you.

As days past by it became colder and colder. You began sicker and sicker and more dirtier than ever. You smiled at yourself as your eyes decided to close beginning to think negative

"Maybe dying after all was a good idea instead of doing it slowly" people who looked at you didn't do anything and just sat there to have their own money. Their own money for themselves. You giggled to yourself as you dreamt about the past of your true family.

Where they hugged you was there when you cried was there when you fought with them. Even if so your true family was no more.

As soon as you reach your death

They would know right away that you're gone forever

You opened your eyes to see you were in a room full of toys and they weren't any ordinary toys. They were the ones you saw which your mom tortured you with. But the new face was a man. A man who was staring at your dead soul and dead eyes.

"Why am I here..." You said and the man slapped you "You know nothing of what will happen...but let me show you how this all will be done Ms. Kim." You looked at him as my head tilted to the side right after feeling everything getting weak. You laughed  to yourself and looked at him again as he grabbed a whip and slapped your skin with it leaving marks on it.

Screaming In pain you grunted loudly as you were too weak to already budge to get out he hit you harder as lots of blood came out of your arms quickly and losing more and more. You whimpered as he used all the toys onto your poor skin.

He stopped as he saw the door fly open you sighed loudly as he used a belt on your neck choking you slowly to death laughing out loud as they heard. But they were wrong.

It was slow sobbing

"Holy shit man she's bleeding fast"
"Why did we come here this damn mission was supposed to go kill the dude run and not save this damn girl!!!"
"Well fuck you Jungkook if you wouldn't stop panicking and stop being so cold hearted who knows who this girl is?! She might be in danger!"

One of the men left and you looked at the guy who didn't leave. You were blank and crying. He let your ropes off of your poor skin "You're in the hands of someone safe now" you looked at him and he said " I'm Jimin and you'll be safe from now on. Even if we were planning on saving a girl but you're in great danger."

You nodded and as you did you passed out on his shoulder.

Where will he take you?

That was about 998 words so yeah

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