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(Y/n's Pov)
(Next Day)

I woke up by Taehyung side like always. I went to the bathroom and got dressed for school today. I didn't bother to wake Taehyung up because he can wake up himself. I yawned while I ate and looked at my phone for messages

???- you better go to school today
???- we are gone from detention after school now.
???- whatever we didn't really miss you but Taehyung got hurt more haha
???- don't worry we won't hurt you but guess our new target. Starts with a T. Ends with a G.

I put my phone down and ruffled my hair roughly and sighed loudly hearing the words they're saying to me by text. Did they really hurt Taehyung while I was gone? Behind my back and Taehyung never decided to tell me about it??? I looked at Taehyung who was really tired and wanted some food. I gave him food but didn't decide to ask what was going on at school lately. If I asked then it would make Taehyung feel bad.

(So the bullying stopped for you. But they passed the target over to Taehyung.)

I finished eating my food and grabbed my backpack. I waited for Taehyung who was still finishing and once he finished I left my house to go head to the school with Taehyung. If it gets obvious I'll have to do something. And if I don't do something fast then I'm not sure what to do.

We arrived at school and when Taehyung stepped in front of me I panicked and grabbed him before he went inside the school. He looked behind to me and was really confused "What's Wrong (Y/n)?" He asked

I shook and tried to speak but I couldn't speak and I just shook my head taking the front and going to our first period. I sat down and looked at Jungkook who was smirking at me. He was using his phone before school started and there my phone rung.

I looked at my messages beginning to read them but whispering them out loud to myself.

"So u decided to go to school but you don't know what's going on yet??? Are you serious (Y/n) you should really find out its interesting." I grumbled and went to Jungkook putting my phone down on my desk grabbing his collar

"I know its you who's texting me." I said sternly and serious he pulled away from me smirking at himself "and do you have proof???" He asked mocking my stern and serious voice.

I decided to go grab my phone but it wasn't there. I looked at Jungkook then to Jimin. "Jimin give me back my phone!" I yelled at him but he wouldn't budge.

"Messages are nowwwww. Deleted." Jimin said pressing the trash button before tossing me my phone and sitting down once his dad came. I sat down and put my phone in my pocket. I looked at Taehyung who was mouthing sorry and I tapped in mouthing

"Explain later." He nodded and just faced the front of the classroom.

(Taehyung's Pov)

I was sitting down quietly and not really paying attention to anyone in class because I was thinking about what Bts has done over the past few days. I looked at (Y/n) who looked really worried at her phone. I was looking at her phone and I was pretty much paying attention to her conversation on the phone..


???- I'll be hurting Him later. And you don't know which later~
???- HAHA WHAT????
(Y/n)- ARE YA DEAF? Haha whatever....
???- bye sweet cheeks~
(Y/n)- get your own sweet cheeks fucked JungCOCK cause I know you want that cock in your damn ass. Byeeeeee
(Y/n)- yeah you can fuck yourself byeeeeee

Finally the class we'd and we were heading to our lockers to head to lunch. I smiled to myself as I looked at photos of me and Y/n in my locker. I closed the locker and saw (Y/n) stand by me already. I flinched and jumped. "H-Hey!"

" are you serious you're stuttering now. What's going on at school Taehyung you agreed that you'd tell me but I'm suspecting that something else is going on too Taehyung." She said very serious and I just sighed. She was waiting and I snapped

"I CANT TELL YOU." I opened my locker to put my jacket in it and slammed it right in her face leaving her alone. She turned around and grabbed my wrist. "I know you can't tell me but you have to tell me...." She said quietly but I shook her off. "I don't want to tell you. I want you to figure it out yourself because you don't know if something might happen to you too." I left but I heard her yell

"TAEHYUNG U CANt JUST RUN AWAY ANYMORE LIKE YOU SAID YOURE HERE FOR ME RIGHT?! WHY CANT I BE THERE FOR YOU?" She sobbed out dropping to her knees. I went to her and caught her before she did. I looked deep in her eyes as sorrow filled them. "I'm sorry....it's dangerous to protect me-" " NO ITS NOT" she yelled and got out of my embrace and ran away sobbing loudly. I sat on the dirty floor ruffling my hair screaming angrily at myself

"STUPID MOTH FUCKA TAEHYUNG-" "well well well seems like (Y/n) doesn't wanna see you now huh? Should've let her protect you~" I heard a voice say and I already knew who it was. Jimin. Jimin Jimin Jimin....

"What do you want." I said glaring deep into his eyes "(Y/n)." He said quickly and tossed me up to my feet before punching me again. "Ya know this reminds me of when you and I fought over family but who is family to you??" He chocked me and I laughed "(Y/n) is family that's who." He let go of me angrily

"STOP RIGHT THERE JIMIN." I heard a voice and I couldn't believe my eyes.


(Y/n's Pov)

I ran away from Taehyung as fast as I could not knowing which direction I wanted to go which place I wanted to go which area I should go and hide. I was closing my eyes while I ran and I bumped into someone causing myself to fall on the ground. I winced in pain as I looked up to see who it was.

"A-ah! M-Mianhae Hoseok..." I stood up but he stopped me from leaving " Where's Taehyung." He asked me and I looked away feeling tears form into my eyes. "I left him...a-alone..." I said and Hoseok was caught back with surprise

"Aish you don't know what they can do to him let's go right now-" I cut him off "Why are you helping me? And him?" I asked him but he said a short answer "You'll find out soon" I nodded and followed him to go find Taehyung. I haven't felt this pain as much before meaning I left someone behind? Even I left Taehyung behind too?? What's wrong with me...

After we found Taehyung I saw him on the floor and Jimin there I was about to charge until Jhope put his arm in front of me as I was startled by surprise. "What are you doing. Hoseok?" I whispered and he looked at me with a soft face. "Saving your best friend." I was about to speak until he yelled "STOP RIGHT THERE JIMIN"

I flinched at his loud voice and hid behind him so Non of Jimin or Taehyung can see me with Hoseok.

"H-Hoseok hyung?!?!?" Taehyung screamed and Jimin tched before going to Hoseok. I was shaking and trying not to whimper hoping. Jimin wouldn't see me. But took a deep breath silently gaining my confidence.

"Whoa who's that behind you your girlfriend?" Jimin said sarcastically "I moved away from Hoseok's back and cracked my knuckled "Btw the names (Y/n) and no I'm not his girlfriend but he gonna get a girlfriend before you ever get one with your non jams." I giggled while saying and Jimin's eyes widen

"Bitch -" he said but I cut him off by saying "man am I a female dog?? No so how bout ya step aside so I can get Taehyung out of here." He refused putting an arm out. I chuckled darkly and said tiptoeing to his height. "Like I said to Jungkook if you wanna hurt Taehyung you're gonna have to get past me first."

To Be Continued

Eyyyyyy I might take a slight hiatus on this book. Gonna be writing my new book Bangtan Boys x Reader Family [Action] so yeah!

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