Jeon Jungkook

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I decided after TAEGI I'll be making chapter 28. I'm really tired cause I take medication that makes me tired for 24 hours which is everyday. I'm required to take it but I won't take it today. It's too much for me anyway I'll update this and then try to update TAEGI too so maybe I can start on chapter 28 because I already have ideas for chapter 28 and I don't wanna lose the ideas....anyway thank you for supporting this book

(Jungkook's Pov)

"How bout I hang out with the maknae? Maybe he would enjoy harassing me." She laughed while saying a hang on her hip, I rolled my eyes fighting back

" I don't want to hang out with a nobody that thinks I harass them for fun. I harass for justice." I smirked and he rolled her eyes at me this time "You really have the nerve to actually fight back huh? Wow and I was surprised you were the youngest" (Y/n) said sarcastically

"Oh you wish you had the guts to act this way you acting so bitchy when you aren-" i was cut off by Yoongi who has now landed a hand on my shoulder glaring at me intensely

"You guys are going to hang out to make up. Stop fighting or else I will totally not hold back to start swinging." I mentally slapped myself. I don't want to hang out with her. I want to just hang out with Taehyungie Hyung. (My vkook feels). I miss him so much. Yet I hurt him.

"Oh hell nah I ain't hanging out with Him I'm just gonna go home bye." She left but I caught up to her and grabbed her wrist "let's just hang out." I grumbled and she looked back and teased

"Awwww whyyyyy because you like me?" I blushed and went away and was rubbing everywhere on my body stuttering

"P-PSSH WHO T-TOLD YOU THAT YOU PHONY" she laughed and flicked my forehead as I touched it pouting.

"Yeah thanks for calling me chocolate Jungkookie" I blushed and slapped my self to stop blushing and she was caught by surprise. "Self harm is a no no" she said waving her finger back and forth.

"And is that finger supposed to be a stick? That a teacher holds for her studen-" she slapped her hand onto my mouth and was blushing furiously. "Aw LOOK THEYRE BONDING!!!" Jhope Hyung yelling loudly

"WE ARE NOT." we yelled together. We looked at each other. We shook each other off of each other and went away where the boys weren't.

"You self harmed so why is it a no no now..." I mumbled "what did you say Jungcock?" She glared as I mumbled. I'm so glad she didn't hear me. I shook my head saying nothing and walking to the rides. I really love the rides and it's hopeless to even go play in the games when you can't even HIT ONE BALLOON.

"Why are we going on the rides I wanna go play some games!" She pouted whining and I ruffled my hair "Because you can't win a damn thing!" I shook her while I spoke and she was frowning. I let go of her and led her to the rides. I sat in a seat while (Y/n) complained to the worker

"IM ONLY 5 feet TALL (I am in real life.) AND I CANT BE ALOUD ON THE DAMN RIDE?!?!?! HOW TALL DO I HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT TREE OVER THERE JUST NOW SITTING THERE LAUGHING LIKE A DAMN DOOFUS LIKE HOLY SHIT LET ME ON THE RIDE ITS NOT LIKE IM A MUSHROOM" i laughed harder while kicking in my seat as I began to watch her get pulled away by a guard in the shoulder.

I got off and held the guards arm "EY EY buddy too much anyway she's with me since I'm an adult and she's my kid and besides adult super vision right?? So let this mushroom on" I laughed as I said mushroom and she glared at me before fire started to fill her eyes. "Bultoreune." I said monotone and once the guard let her down she went charging for me like a bull. I dodged her obviously and grabbed her shirt from behind and dragged her TO THE RIDE AND THREW HER IN a bit too rough

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