The silence before the crash

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(Sorry I haven't been updating. Summer is not as good as I thought it was and things aren't going as planned.

Anyways enjoy!!!

(Jimin POV)

After four hours being up in the sky, we finally touched down in New York.

We both got off the plane and I was immediately overwhelmed with the scent of humans. The sound of hearts beating and blood rushing made my head spin.

An arm wrapped around my shoulder and I was pulled into a warm chest. This body didn't have a heartbeat, so I knew it was Yoongi.

"Jimin? Hey Jimin. Look at me."
I tore my gaze away from a young couple that I had been staring at and looked up into his now icy blue eyes.

"Just hold my hand and looked at me. Keep your eyes on me." He whispered, gently taking my hand and leading me to the baggage claim.

Our suitcases were plaid patterned. Mine was red his was blue. We made our way outside the airport with difficulty.

The scent of humans was stronger at the entrance that anywhere else. I had to clutch hard on Yoongi's arm to keep from sinking my new fangs into some innocent human and expose us for what we are. I closed my eyes and let Yoongi lead me out of the crowded area.

When we stepped out into the bright sunlight of New York, I felt like I could breath again. The air of New York smelled like fall, food, and lots and lots of people. Yoongi's grip tightened on my arm and I realized I was walking without realizing.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "It's okay Jimin. It happens for your first time. You'll get used to it." He said patting my arm and leading me to a cab. 

We settled in the backseat of the cab and gave the directions to our new house. I stared out the window as we drove down the busy streets of New York, I admired the buildings and the shops. This was my first time going to America and I was really happy that I could live here. Yoongi and I knew a fair amount of English and felt confident enough.

We drove for about 15 minutes before pulling up to our new house.

We turned down the last house because it didn't fit our budget and it wasn't our taste.

Luckily, Yoongi found a beautiful house that was for sale. It was perfect.

It fit the budget, it reminded us of home, and had enough rooms in case the boys came over.

So me and Yoongi, spent the rest of the morning unpacking boxes and placing furniture where it was suppose to go.

It was easy since we had the strength of a million men and could lift anything.

We both plopped down on the red and black bed covers and sighed loudly.

"That's done." I said into his chest. "I may be immortal, but that still tired me out."

"Don't worry. It's just leftover human feelings and senses. They'll go away in a few days." He said into my hair before planting a kiss.

I blushed and hid my face deeper into his chest. We may have been together for about a year, but no matter what he does, even if it is a glance or a brush from his shoulders, he still makes me feel like I did the first time.

"Aww. Is my little Jimin blushing?" He purred softly into my hair, causing me to blush harder than before.

"No." I lied.

I suddenly found myself on my back with fingers digging into my side, neck, armpits, and thighs.

I was laughing hysterically and what made me smile more was his laugh.

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