Tony Montana

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(A dirty part#!!!)

(Yoongi POV)

Finally! I finished writing my new song. It's a rap that I thought of one day and had to get it on paper.

I call it, Tony Montana. I also added in another voice. The whole reason for this song was so I can get Jimin to sing with me.

He hadn't been feeling well after we found out that Jennie was killed a month after she helped us with our  vampire cure.
So I thought of writing this song for Jimin and have him sing it with me will make him feel better.
I set the pen down and glanced at the clock, 5:30 p.m. He should be home soon.

Jimin started working at the Japanese cafe we went too. He works as a cook and sometimes a busboy. I also got a job working for the English leg of BigHit entertainment in America.

BigHit entertainment has companies in Europe, Asia, and America. Their just so happens to be one in New York where we live.

I started working as a producer and already have some songs written.
But, the one I have just finished is made especially for Jimin.

I've heard him sing before and I realized that his voice would fit great into the song.

I closed my laptop. My hearing magnified and I heard the sound of a key in the lock of the front door, then it opened.

Smiling I speeded to the door and scooped Jimin up in my arms.
"Hyung!" He squealed.

"Hi my little blossom." I said kissing his cheek and set him down.
"How was work?"

"The same as usual. Although, Minya told me their is going to be a new employee soon." He said hanging his coat.

"That sounds great." Then the song popped in my head.

"Oh! Jimin, I have a proposition." I said folding my arms. He looked up at me and signaled for me to continue.

"So Jimin, I wrote a song and recently I finished it. I want you to sing it with me."

"Really?" I nodded. His face split into a wide grin and in about a millisecond, he was in my arms attacking me with a hug and yelling, "Thank you Thank you"

After I set him down he peered up at me through his pink hair.


"Yes?" I said pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. He looked down, hiding his face even though he can't blush.

"I love you." He said looking back up. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I love you too." He smiled widely and crashed our lips together. His arms gripped my back as mine trailed down to his hips and lifted him up.
His legs gripped my waist as we continued to kiss. Tongues battling for dominance obviously me winning.
Drawing a quiet moan out of him.
I laid him down on the couch.
I trailed kisses down his neck and left a mark on his collarbone. He moaned loudly when I reached his sweet spot. I grinned against his neck and sank my teeth into his neck.
He let out a small whimper as I began to drink, what you might call vampires blood. It tasted like sweet cinnamon apples, which made me want more.

He in turn sank his own teeth into my neck and drank. We stood there drinking each other's blood and tasting each other and bringing our bond deeper and more stronger.
After we pulled away my cellphone rang. I groaned in annoyance and reached for it.

(RapMon Calling)

I groaned even louder and answered.

( Yoongi

Sup Suga?

Nothing much Rap Monster.

Did I call at a bad time?

No actually you called at a good time. Me and Jimin need a favor.

And after that me and Jimin explained back and forth the situation with Sunbae, Jackson and BamBam.

And she still thinks you want her?!


Even after you rejected her?

Yes Namjoon. She still thinks after 400 years I have changed my mind and thinks that I want her.

Wow talk about desperate. I was never like that with Jin.

Yea we all know what you are like with Jin.

Yeah of course you do. And hey did you hear that Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok are in a three way relationship?

Shut up.

No I'm serious. They came out to us just last week. Apparently Hoseok confessed to liking both of them and they admitted they liked him back.

Wow. I lot has changed since we left huh?

Yeah a hell lot has changed.

Well I got news myself.

Please tell and I also have news. You tell first.

Jimins pregnant.

CONGRATS! Actually I was about to tell you that Jin is pregnant too!

Wow how far along is he?

About a month almost.

Wow Jimin is only 2 weeks along now.

Oh! And we need to figure out visiting dates.

So me and Jimin talked with Namjoon and discussed visiting dates and congratulated them on their baby.
After ending the call we sat down on the couch watching a BL movie called HIStory. (I recommend watching this movie. It's the best!!)

After the movie we headed to our room where we spent a half hour talking to Jimins little bump which had begun to form quickly.

We both did research and noted that vampire pregnancies were shorter than humans. Instead of 9 months, it was at least 6-7 months.

So Jimin looked about 3 months right now for being only 2 weeks along.


"Yes, Blossom?" I asked peaking up from gazing at his stomach.

"What should we name it when she or he are here?"

"Hmm. I was thinking Yoonmin for boy and Yoonji for a girl." He smiled brightly.

"Those are beautiful names, Yoongi." His fingers stroked my hair parting it and letting it fall back over my eyes.

"Just like you." I whispered. He laughed lightly. I leaned up and pecked his nose.

"Good night, Jimin, and good night to you too pumpkin." I kissed his lips and then kissed his stomach.

"Good night Yoongi." He turned to face me in bed and cuddled close to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my hand on his bulging stomach.

Our bodies fitting together like the perfect fortune cookie that held a path in our lives which we were ready to take.
This path, starts with the baby now growing inside Jimin.

Hi guys!! Sorry haven't uploaded in awhile. And the movie called HIStory is the best BL movie I have ever seen. It's a gay couple of course and the story plot is fantastic. The chemistry between the actors is insane, you would think they are together in real life. It's sad at some parts but mostly happy and tons of kisses.

Well hope to see you guys in the next chapter!!

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