The New Family

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(Just imagine this baby having little pink highlights

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(Just imagine this baby having little pink highlights.)

(Jimin POV)

Finally, our son is born. He looks a lot like his father, but has my eyes. And believe it or not, but he's got a combination of me and Yoongi's hair color. He has mostly Black hair, but there are strands of bubble gum pink hair too.

Min Yoonmin, our little sunshine. Sorry Hobi!

The rest of the boys got to meet him and they absolutely loved him.

"I'm gonna spoil him with pink! Pink clothes, pink shoes! Pin-"

"I swear if you say pink one more time Jin, I'm gonna make you go into labor early." Yoongi said causing the elder to silence himself.

Jin has been going on and on about spoiling Yoonmin with pink stuff. Even though I'm okay with Yoongi's idea of spoiling: books, mint colored room, and pretty much his own game room.

We don't want to spoil him bad. Jin can give all the pink things he wants to his own baby.

Which reminds me. Wait hold on a second.... *looks into distance*
Yep Jin is going into labor. I wonder how Namjoon is taking this.


(Hours later third POV)

Jin has been giving birth for about 2 hours now. His screams were heard and it's a wonder how our neighbors can't hear this. Namjoon was sitting outside with us, because Jungkook said it was best for him not to be in the room, since he wrecks everything he touches.

Jimin was in the living room feeding Yoonmin and talking on the phone with his parents who knew about him being pregnant and being born.

Hours later, cries were heard from the guest room and we all sighed in relief that Jin is okay.

Jungkook came out of the room and smiled.
"Its a boy." Namjoon cheered and Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jungkook in a hug, careful not to get any blood on his shirt.

We all went into the room to the room and saw Jin holding a white bundle in his arms. Namjoon ran up to them and pecked Jin's head and pecked the babies head.

"Its a boy, Joonie!" Jin whispered as their son was sleeping.
Namjoon smiled as tears shone in his eyes. He caressed the babies chubby cheek and pecked Jin again and again, thanking him for giving him his child.

Their baby was a combination of them both as well. White blonde hair, with little strands of brown and black. He has dimples like his dad, puffy lips like his mom, and brown eyes.

"What's his name?" Taehyung asked. Jin smiled.

"Kim Namjin."

"That's beautiful hyung" Jungkook said cleaning up the supplies.

"Yeah, just hope he doesn't try to date Yoonmin." Taehyung said, which made me freeze but everyone else laugh.


(16 years later)

A teenage boy snuck across the lawn and glanced around to make sure he was alone.

His brown eyes sparkled in the moonlight and his white blonde hair looked like it was glowing, but the highlights of brown and black lessened it's glow.

His parents were going to kill him if they knew he was here.

"I should have listened to Jungtae and Taekook." He mumbled to himself. He knew that if he was caught again he would be in deep shit.

He shook his head and proceeded to the lower window. He peaked inside to see a familiar figure sleeping. Good, I'll surprise him.

He slid the window open and crawled inside, landing softly on the pile of dirty laundry that was placed their for him.

He crept over to the bed, while taking off his leather jacket, which was unfortunately pink. His mom's doing.

He gently shook the figure out of his sleep.

"Yoonmin. Wake up, Mini. Wake up." He whispered. Yoonmin shifted in his sleep and woke up.

He turned to look at who disturbed his slumber.
"Namjin? What are you doing here?" He asked sitting up more and rubbing his eyes. Namjin had to refrain from just kissing him right then and there.

"I wanted to see you." Namjin said stroking Yoonmin's pink and black hair. Over the years, the pink had taken over most of the black making it more pink and having black highlights instead.

"Well you know you could see me tomorrow right? We got school anyways." Yoonmin said.

"Yeah, but I couldn't wait. I wanted to kiss you so bad." With that said Namjin pulled Yoonmin into a passionate kiss.

Yoonmin and Namjin are dating. Their parents knew about it and accepted it, they just don't want them sneaking out at night to see each other.

Yoonmin tugged on Namjin's hair and pulled him into bed with him. Namjin's tongue fought with Yoonmin's and he won, taking his time to explore his mouth.

Yoonmin groaned a little and gripped Namjin harder and kissed more passionate. Namjin realised his lips and kissed and sucked his collarbone where it will be easier to hide.

Yoonmin's fang pierced his own lips as he bit back a loud moan.

Namjin smirked and leaned up and licked the drop of blood. It was sweet. Yoonmin blushed from the sight.

"You're so beautiful, Mini." Namjin whispered stroking the young halflings cheek.

"You're so handsome, Nam." He whispered back. They exchanged more heated kisses and touches.

Suddenly Yoonmin sprang up. His gaze went to his bedroom door.

"Namjin, you got to leave, my Eomma is awake." Yoonmin said quickly buttoning back Namjin's shirt and ushering him to the window.

"Can I come over tomorrow?" Namjin asked hanging out the window facing Yoonmin.

"Yes, I'm sure eomma and appa wouldn't mind you coming over. Just hurry and get home."

"Okay okay, I love you, Yoonmin."

Yoonmin pecked his lips. "I love you too, now go before my eomma finds you."

Namjin gave him his famous dimpled smile, the same smile he had inherited from his father.

Yoonmin returned the gesture with his famous eye smile which he had inherited from his Eomma.

They kissed one last time before Namjin slipped out the window and dashed as fast as he could across the lawn and back down the street where he lives.

Making it just in time before his parents came to check on him.

Yes I skipped ahead 16 years because I really don't have anymore ideas for after they give birth and stuff like that.

So should I make a third book? I'll let you guys decide. Please comment, it's gets awkward when I see how many votes I'm getting and not what people are thinking of this book.

So yes or nah to a third book?

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