Calm and Birth

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(Yoongi POV)(Edited)2 months later

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(Yoongi POV)(Edited)
2 months later

"So, your saying, Jimin got kidnapped?" Jin said finally.

"Yeah." I sighed after about 2 hours of explaining.

"Wow, we sure missed a lot." Hoseok said while wrapping his arms around Taehyung and Jungkook. It was true, Hoseok is in a three-way relationship with Jungkook and Taehyung.

It wasn't awkward but boy it did get pretty disgusting when they first stayed the night. Let's just say, Jimin and I have to fix a dent in the wall behind the bed.

"Yeah, now we got new friends and a baby on the way." Jimin said rubbing his stomach where our child is now currently kicking.

"Oh! How is your baby Jin?" Jimin asked sitting up and staring at Jin's huge belly. The elder laughed lightly and rubbed his stomach.

"He's fine. Kicking mostly." He smiled when Namjoon pecked his stomach. Their baby is going to be born in about a weeks time, but Jimins baby will be born in a few days at the most.

"So how's life treating you guys?" Jungkook spoke up. His cheeks were burning red, well Hoseok is kissing Taehyung and Jungkook looked left out.

"Life's good. Excited for the baby to come."
Suddenly, Jungkook stood up and went to the bathroom without another word. I caught a glimpse of his face, it was red with anger and his eyes were glossing over. He was going to cry.
Jimin noticed this too and nodded.

"Guys is there something wrong with Jungkook?" Jimin asked. Taehyung and Hoseok looked over at us after from being in their little world. "Not that I know of. Why what's the matter?" Taehyung asked sitting up.

"The kid just walked away, he looked like he going to let the waterworks run."

Taehyung looked towards the bathroom door, where I could clearly hear sobbing.
"Yeah, he's upset about something." I said turning back to see Hoseok looking worried as well.

"He's been like that ever since we got together." Hoseok said.

"Well, there's your problem. He thinks you love Taehyung more than him, thinks you'd rather be with Taehyung than him. Jesus, you need to spend more time with him and not just Taehyung." Jin spoke up.

Hoseok looked guilty. He knew he wasn't giving an equality amount of love to each of his boyfriends, instead he was focusing it all on Taehyung and very little of it on Jungkook. Which makes Jungkook feel very unloved and making him think that Hoseok only dated him to get to Taehyung.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." Hoseok said getting up and heading towards the bathroom door. I turn to Jimin and he shrugged.

Three-way relationships were never easy.

After about an hour of catching up, Hoseok and Jungkook finally came back and looked happier. Then after a few minutes, Jimin was fidgeting in his seat.

I looked over at him and saw his face was red and sweat was collecting on his head. His right hand was pressed tightly against his stomach. I knew what it meant.

He's in labor.

A sudden scream was heard and I rushed to his side when he arched his back far enough to break. I held his back and tried to keep his back straight so it doesn't break, because then we'll have even more problems to deal with.

Jimin was sweating and panting. The rest of the boys rushed around to grab various items to help assist with the birth.

Jin grabbed towels, Jungkook and Taehyung went and grabbed a bowl of hot water, Hoseok grabbed extra blankets and a pillow, and Namjoon was grabbing some extra blood bags.

I lifted Jimin up which resulted in another scream of pain and set him down on his bed. Jin came back with the towels and helped me remove his sweat pants.

I placed the towel under him and took the pillow that Hoseok brought and propped Jimin up. Taehyung and Jungkook came back with the water and I took a rag and tossed it in to soak. Jin grabbed the blanket and laid it over his legs to give him some decency.

Namjoon came back with the blood bags and handed one to me to feed to Jimin. It was all settled, Jin was going to help me with Jimin while the others waited outside the room.

After the others left Jin lifted the blanket to check how much he dialated. ( sorry for my bad spelling! We going Ko Ko Bop!)

"He should be ready to give birth in a few minutes, while we're waiting feed Jimin." Jin said looking through his bag and pulling out rubber gloves and a ruler to measure how far he is.

I took one of the blood bags and ripped off the tab. I brought it to his lips where he began sucking feverishly.

"Hey hey, slow down. You'll get it all over." I said chuckling. He smiled sheepishly. "So do you think it's a girl or a boy?" I asked after he downed the the bag.
"I'll accept it no matter what." He said. Blood coating his lips. I leaned down and licked the rest away before pecking his lips.

He smiled before grimacing and arching his back again. I pulled him up and held him while another contraction came and went, this one causing his water to break.

Jimin's screams were evident in the air and I held him while Jin worked in getting the baby out. "Okay Jimin, I need you to push now. 1 2 3 push!"

Jimin pushed with all his might before letting out another scream and falling back.
"Come on Jimin. We waited 6 months for this baby. I know you can do it. Bring our baby into this world. I love you."

"I love you too, Yoongi." I pecked his lips twice and intertwined our fingers.

Jin checked down.

"Okay one more push and I can pull it out. 1 2 3 push!" Jimin curled in on himself as he pushed and let out a pained yell and Jin was pulling something out.

Jimin was groaning in pain, my eyes are tearing up at the sight of him being in pain. A few seconds later, babies cries were heard.

Jimin burst into tears at the sound. "Want to cut the cord?" Jin asked. I took the scissors and cut where he pointed. The baby was born.


"It's a boy."

I took the baby in my arms after Jin cleaned him up and got a good look at him. Rosy pink cheeks, pale skin, little tuffs of black hair, and I swear his has pink highlights, his eyes opened to reveal the most beautiful chocolate brown ever.

This was our son. Born from the love Jimin and I had created. I brought him over to Jimin and he smiled at our son.

"He looks like you Yoongi." I placed our son in his arms and watched as they bonded.
"Does he have a name?" Jin asked. He was washing his hands in the bowel of hot water. I turned to look at Jimin holding our son, Jimin's fingers twirling a strand of our son's pink and black hair. (Yeah their son was born with black and pink hair because the child will gain the color hair that its parents currently have.)

"Yoonmin," Jimin whispered. "His name is Yoonmin."

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