Namjin and Yoonmin

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(Namjin POV)

I slipped through my window and made it to bed just as my mom stuck his head through the door.

I pretended to be asleep so he could leave.

"I know you're awake, Namjin."

Dammit. I got up and turned to him. "How did you know?"

He chuckled and sat next to me. "I'm your mother, I know everything there is to know about you."

"You won't tell dad will you?" I asked. Mom smiled and patted my head. "Consider my lips sealed." He said making a motion to zip his lips shut and locking it. I chuckled. This is one of the reason why I love my eomma. He has my back and will keep secrets if I ask him. He knows when I'm sad and knows what to do. Dad is great and all, he just has a habit of breaking things. 

"Okay, baby, now go to sleep. You got school in the morning." Eomma said getting up and leaving my room. I sighed and changed into my pjs. Laying down back in bed, I look up at the photos on my nightstand. A picture of me, eomma and appa in front of a beach. We had went to Florida beach and Uncle Taehyung insisted on taking a picture. I had wore my new swim trunks that Yoonmin gave me for my birthday. My appa's arm around my shoulders and my eomma holding his hand. 

The other picture was taken a month ago. Me and Yoonmin standing in front of a lake, his arms wrapped around my neck, his face turned to the camera in a smile, while I kissed his cheek. We all had been out on a walk and Appa thought it would be a great picture. 

No one knows about Yoonmin and his parents being vampires. Me, my parents and uncles are the only people who know about them being vampires. When I realized I liked Yoonmin more than a friend. I grew up with Yoonmin and I was kinda scared of loving him at first, because I didn't know what he was capable of, because vampire children was very rare, and they supposedly had very extreme powers.

Yoonmin still has yet to figure his out.  I bet if someone were to look at my life, they would think of me as a weird person who grew up with a vampire child and fell in love with that person. They would think it weird that a human child grew up and fell in love with a vampire child. I didn't, I mean, it's not everyday your boyfriend/best friend was born a vampire. 

The thought was comforting to me, because that means that he can protect me in ways no one else ever could. 

I shook my head and turned to face the ceiling. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. It's me and Yoonmin's first day at school. Well, we won't be the alone, Jungtae and Taekook (Guess who's kids those are!") are going to school with us. You would think that having three fathers was strange but to us, it was normal. We have a big family and I wouldn't change it for the world.

"I should sleep." I mumbled and snuggled deeper into the duvet and drifted off to sleep.

This is the last chapter for this book!!! The next book will be coming soon and I will name it after a New Years Day song just like the other book. 

Hope to see you guys in the next book!!


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