Where is he?!

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(Yoongi POV)

I was just leaving the company when I got a phone call from Jinyoung.


"Yoongi! Get home now! Jackson's got Jimin!"

I hung up quickly forgetting my car and used every bit of speed I could muster from my vampire strength and rushed to my house.

Jinyoung was already outside and we both ran inside.

"JIMIN! JIMIN WHERE ARE YOU?" We both screamed. We heard yelling upstairs and we both took off for the stairs.

I bust opened the door and looked around for a head of bubble gum pink hair. There was a laundry basket sitting on the bed with unfolded clothes. There was a broken lamp and little droplets of really dark blood.
The window was open and I looked out just in time to see a blonde haired man, running away with Jimin in his arms.

I didn't even think about it, I dived out the window and dashed after them. The scenery around me flashed by with mixes of green and brown. We were in the woods.

I could glimpse Jackson ahead of me, and a flash of pink hair in his arms.

I felt a blow to my side and went flying into a tree. Groaning I looked up to see a fuming BamBam.

"Well Well Well. So you must be Yoongi. I wonder what Sunbae sees in you." He sneered at me. I got up, clutching my side and glared at him.

"And you must be BamBam. Is that all you do with Jackson? You BamBam him?" I chuckled as his face turned more red with anger. Then his face formed a smirk.

"And what do you do with Jimin? Fuck him for hours on end? Is that why you want him? For a good fuck?  I bet that child isn't even yours."

Anger boiled in my stomach and this was the first time in years that I wanted to kill someone so badly.

"You don't know us." I whispered coldly. He smirked at me and crouched in a attack position, challenging me, daring me to make the first move. I crouched down.

Then he leapt at me, flying through the air towards me, I moved in a flash, grabbing him by the back of his neck and slamming him face down in the dirt.

I dashed backwards and watched as he climbed to his feet, wiping dirt from his face. He snarled.

He ran at me and I met him half way with a bone crushing blow to his chest and he punched me in the face. He had me around my waist and was trying to snap me in half.

I took advantage of his faulty and grabbed his leg and flipped him over my shoulder and continued to toss him around by his leg until he gave out.

"St-stop please." He begged. I released his leg and stepped back.

I leaned forward, gripping him by his hair and raising his head.
"Where did Jackson take Jimin?" I growled. He was visibly shaking, he was terrified of me. He should be.
"He took him to the logged house by the lake. Sunbae is there too. Just don't hurt Jackson please?" He begged, tears falling down his face and he was now shaking like a kicked puppy. I felt pity for him.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt your precious Jackson. But you are going to lead me too Jimin." I whispered coldly. He nodded. I let go of his hair and help stand him up. He walked off in the same direction that Jackson went. I followed him close, hoping that Sunbae didn't hurt Jimin yet.

We walked through weeds, bushes, and in between trees. I heard water rushing and the creaking and groaning of wind against a building structure.

The trees opened up to reveal a meadow, with a log cabin at the shore of the lake. Through the window, which I could guess was the kitchen window, revealed Sunbae barking orders to Jackson who had Jimin in his arms.
I could faintly hear what she was saying. "Put him in the basement and make sure he is tied up."
"What about BamBam?" Jackson asked sadly. "Oh just forget about him! He's probably dead. You should just move on." She said walking away. I could see a tear make it's way down his face, but he carried Jimin downstairs.

"I got to tell him I'm alright!" BamBam said trying to run away but I held him back. "No BamBam. Besides, I have an idea on how we can free both Jimin and Jackson." I reached for my phone and dialed.

"Jinyoung, assemble your friends. We got a vampire to kill."

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