The Hunters

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New Chapter!!! Enjoy!

(Sunbae POV)

I paced the living room, waiting for the call. He would've updated me now. He would call me and tell me what is going on there. Jinyoung said he would call as soon as he got news.
Now that he moved to New York, there still will be no limit to how hard I will make him mine. Ofcourse, I would have to kill his vampire mate before it's to late.

I've read into vampire mating and turns out if they tie the knot, as in get married, they'll be bonded forever and nothing can tear them apart.
I looked out the window and saw BamBam with Jackson climbing up a tree and exchanging kisses. I shook my head at the sight. I'll admit, I get jealous sometimes. Only because I never felt love before. Yoongi was the one I loved and he doesn't love me back.
But, I'll make him mine. Once Jimins gone, he'll have no choice but to be mine. But if they marry, then it's too late.

My cell rang. I broke the table in half reaching for it and answered.


"Sunbae, it's Jinyoung, I have news."


"Jimins pregnant."

"I knew they would do this. You have any idea what their gonna do next?"

"Yeah, Yoongi already proposed and Jimin said yes."

My heart sunk. He was going to pop the question.

"We have to get rid of Jimin."

"I know Sunbae. But how can I step into a territory that belongs to a vampire that is stronger than myself?"

"I don't know, bring other vampire hunters with you?" I said shrugging my shoulders before glancing out the window at Bambam who was on the verge to undressing Jackson and just doing it in that tree.

"Wait, I got an idea. I got a pair of vampires that are willing to help you with this." I said.

"What? Bambam and Jackson? They would never work for me. I killed their creator, remember?" I winced at the memory.

Bambam and Jackson's creator was trying to make more vampires than he was suppose to and began kidnapping humans to feed his newborns. Bambam and Jackson didn't like what he did and left him. They had left just in time when Jinyoung came and destroyed their creator and along with all the other newborn vampires he had created.

"Yeah, but they hated him just as much as you did, and I know they would be willing to help you with Jimin."
He sighed loudly out of annoyance.

"Why are you so obsessed with Yoongi. It's been 400 years and yet he still doesn't want you."

"In vampire time, 400 years is like 4 years to me. Vampires have all the time in the world. I want him."

"Well I hate to break it to you Sunbae, I can't work for a psychopath who only care about getting a man who doesn't love her back, to forces him into liking her. I should be helping them and warn them about you."

"Jinyoung-oppa...... you don't mean that." I tried to persuade him into not backing out.

"Sorry Sunbae, I don't kill pregnant males and females, I'm not the type to end a relationship and watch the one suffer through losing their soulmates. I'm sorry Sunbae. I can't do this."

Then the line went dead. I cried silently when cold hard reality hit me. Yoongi won't be mine.

But that is Jinyoung's opinion, and it won't matter. I'm not crazy. I'm just in-love. Then again, so is Yoongi, but not with me. I had one more idea. I sat up and ran outside to the tree which is where Jackson and Bambam are still sitting up in and whispering to one another.

"Bambam! Jackson! I need a favor!"

(Jinyoung POV shocker)

I threw down the phone and jumped off the tree. I sped up to Yoongi's front door and knocked loudly.

"Hold on!" I stepped back. Jimin answered the door. His hair was a pink mess, he was in heart patterned pj shorts and a oversized black sweater which hung loosely around his neck and showed off his bump.

He looked at me in confusion. "Who are you?" he asked. I didn't miss the movement of his right hand which was placed over his tiny tiny bump protectively.
"My name is Jinyoung, you may not know me but I know about you and Yoongi being vampires."
He tried to close the door and I prevented that by putting my foot in the door. "Wait wait listen to me." I begged.
"What do you want?" he said through the crack.

"I've come to warn you. There is a vampire girl who is obsessed with Yoongi and will be doing everything she can to kill you, your baby and will take Yoongi away." I said all in one breath.
He froze, then pulled the door open. "Yoongi! Get down here please?"

"What is it Blossom?" I heard a voice call from upstairs. "We have a guest that is here to see you." He called again while grabbing a red blanket and wrapping it around his shoulders. Yoongi came downstairs and stopped at the sight of me.


"Yes it's me Yoongi." He dashed downstairs in a millisecond and stood in front of Jimin with his hand placed on his stomach protectively. "Whoa whoa, i'm not here to hurt you guys. I'm here to warn you."
Yoongi stilled a little and gave me a signal to continue.

"You remember Sunbae? Well, she has gone insane and is trying to steal Yoongi away from you Jimin. She hired me to try and kill Jimin but I turned her down when I realized how crazy she was and that all she cares is just getting Yoongi and not caring if she hurt anyone. But she found out that Jimin was pregnant and that you both are engaged so she got worried and basically told me to kill Jimin. Now, that I quit I think she is going to get her friends Bambam and Jackson, to go after you."

Jimin was shocked and tears glistened in his eyes and Yoongi held him closer. "Jinyoung, is there anyway we can prevent her from killing him." Yoongi asked while stroking Jimin's pink hair.

"Yeah, you get married, tie the knot, and your bonded forever. So if she kills Jimin, you die too Yoongi." I said slowly and afraid for what they thought.

"How did we not know this?" Jimin asked. "There was a witch that always used to tell us more about ourselves. Her name was Jennie Kim." Jimin said quietly. Something clicked in my head. That is the name of the witch that Sunbae killed.

"Sunbae killed her." I said softly. "She did?" Yoongi cried out. I nodded my head sadly. Jimin released a sob and buried his face in Yoongi's chest. "Jimin is friends with Jennie's girlfriend."
I lowered my head.
"Well I should get going. Here is my number. Sunbae may try to send Bambam and Jackson after you two so call me and I will take care of them. I'll be down the street if you guys need me." I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and handed it over.

"Thanks Jinyoung." Yoongi said. "Anytime old friend." I got up and left the house. Looking back and I saw Yoongi comforting Jimin and pressing kisses all over his face. I smiled at the sight and dashed off to my house which I bought when I followed them here.

Sunbae was coming, and she wouldn't be alone. That's three vampires against me. I needed backup. Time to bring in the other hunters.

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