Jennie's Girl

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(Jimin POV)

I woke up the next morning feeling sore in my behind.

The sunlight stung my eyes a little and I could feel it on my skin. I glanced around the room and noticed that I was alone.

Yoongi's side of the bed was unmade and empty. I got up and pulled on a pair of boxers and headed down the stairs.
Yoongi was in the kitchen mixing up what looked like pineapple juice and blood.
He always tried to find a better way to drink blood with normal human beverages. I wasn't surprised anymore.

He looked up. "Hey Jimin!"
"Hey love." I said hopping down the rest of the stairs and jumping into his arms.

He swung me around, pressing his lips to mine and setting me down. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and explored my mouth. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as he delved deeper into my mouth.

I moaned softly as he began trailing wet kisses down my neck. I groaned loudly when his fangs pierced my neck and euphoria soared through my neck, down my back, and to my... err... private area.

He pulled away and looked me deep in the eyes. There was a little bit of, what you could call vampire blood.

It was a very dark red almost black and it stained the corner of his mouth. I leaned up and licked away what was left.
It tastes like apples and vanilla. Now I knew why he liked my blood so much, it was very sweet and left a pleasant feeling on my tongue. I looked up at him to see his eyes flash blue.

And I'll tell you, that was a perfect way to start a morning.

(Hours later)

Me and Yoongi were on our way out to meet up with Lisa, Rose and Jisoo. We had planned to meet at Central Park and hang out for awhile and maybe go out to eat.
I had thrown on one of my fuzzy sweaters that Yoongi bought me, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of worn out converse.

I had thrown on one of my fuzzy sweaters that Yoongi bought me, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of worn out converse

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Yoongi was wearing a gray sweater, black jeans and a pair of old motorcycle boots

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Yoongi was wearing a gray sweater, black jeans and a pair of old motorcycle boots. We waved for a taxi and tried in broken English to direct him to Central Park.

We paid the driver and went to the fountain where they said to meet.

I noticed a large crowd gathered around the fountain, cheering and clapping.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked a boy who looked around our age. "BlackPink is performing!" He exclaimed loudly before cheering loudly.

"BlackPink?" Who in the world is BlackPink? We pushed our way through the crowd and got close enough to see Jisoo, Rose and Lisa singing and dancing.

"Boombaya!" Everyone yelled before dancing wildly. After their performance they bowed and thanked everyone for coming.

We soon met up with them.

"Hey guys! How are you?" Lisa greeted us cheerfully. "We're good." I replied fistbumping her. "That was intense! I never sweated so hard in my life!" Rose said dabing a wet towel on her neck. "Hey, at least we got to perform again. It has been awhile since we last sang in public." Jisoo said taking a long swig of water.

"Oh! Guys, this is Jimin and Yoongi." Lisa introduced us.

"Hello boys." Jisoo said shaking Yoongi's hand and mine. "Hi Jisoo" me and Yoongi said at the same time. "Aww you two are so cute!" Rose squealed at us.

Yoongi visibly cringed at the thought of being called cute. At least they didn't call him oppa yet.

"We we're about to head out and grab some lunch before going to the park actually. Wanna join us boys?"
Rose asked. I glanced over Yoongi to see him just shrug his shoulders in reply and I nodded.
We headed out to Chipotles and ordered a shit ton of burritos and tacos. Apparently Jisoo had a VIP card which would allow her to get as many burritos and tacos she wanted for free.

We headed back to the park and sat by the large pond and ate while playing truth or dare and rock, paper scissors.

"Okay okay, wait how did you end up naked?" Yoongi asked choking back his laughter, while Lisa's face turned red.

"Okay, so I was going to take a shower and my girlfriend was pissed at me about something, I don't quite remember, but she had stole my clothes and towel. So I got out, I was freezing and wet. I didn't know what to do so I just walked outside thinking that she was in the kitchen to the bedroom to get changed, only to see my manager, my eomma, and my noonas all staring at me. I've never been more embarrassed in my life."

We all rolled around laughing. Then something caught my attention.
"Wait, what was your girlfriends name?" I asked.

Her face paled a little and her eyes teared up a little. Jisoo pulled her close.

"Her girlfriend was murdered a few months ago." Rose whispered rubbing Lisa's back.

Lisa pulled away and wiped her tears away.

"Her name was Jennie Kim."

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