A Day Together

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Sorry I haven't been updating. Like I said, the summer is not going as planned so updates are very slow. Well, thanks for reading this chapter and taking the time to even find this book. ENJOY!!


(Jimin POV)

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I sat up and got tangled. I tried to untangle myself the best I can. How did I end up like this?! How in the world did the sheet tie itself around my leg like this. 

I whined as I wrestled the sheets and ended up falling on the floor with a loud thud. I groaned in frustration and rolled around. I finally released myself from my cloth prison and made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and did my morning routine.

I made my way downstairs and saw Yoongi biting into a blood bag. I smiled as his eyes turned icy blue and flared up. He looked like a lion biting into it's prey and looking so pleased at the taste. He turned to look at me and smiled around the blood bag. 

He pulled back and set it down on the counter.

"Good morning." he said walking over to me. "Morning." He pecked my cheek and handed me a blood bag.

"I got your favorite. AB positive." He said walking back to his Type O blood bag.

"Thanks Sweetie!" I exclaimed releasing my fangs and biting into the bag. Oh the sweet taste of AB blood. Who this blood belonged to must have been a really sweet person, because sucking on this blood was like sucking on your favorite lollipop.  In no time I finished the bag. 

Sighing on content I threw the bag away. Yoongi had finished his and was now rubbing my shoulders. 

"Thanks Yoongi." I said leaning back against his chest. He rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then the thought crossed my mind. "Yoongi?" 


"Did you really mean it? On the plane?" he swayed us gently and sighed.

"I meant it Jimin. I meant every word. Why you ask?" he said against my shoulder.

"We did it without protection you know. I just wanted to know if you were ready, in case I am?" I asked turning around and wrapping my arms loosely around his shoulders. "Don't worry. I think we are ready." 

I smiled proudly and leaped into his arms giggling wildly as he spun me around. "Let's go somewhere and celebrate."  He said setting me down and grabbing his car keys. We slipped on our shoes and headed out. 

We walked the streets of New York and were amazed. 

We walked the crowded streets and found a nice restaurant, and believe it or not, it was a Japanese style restaurant

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We walked the crowded streets and found a nice restaurant, and believe it or not, it was a Japanese style restaurant. We had ourselves bowls of Kimchi and Pho. 

"This reminds me of that time when I went to the cafe where you were working." I said placing another slice of meat into my mouth. 

"Yeah. I never told you this but when I first met you, I actually was smelling your neck." He said sheepishly. 

"YA!" I exclaimed and hit his shoulder. 

"But I still love you though." I said kissing his cheek.

He looked around at some of the people weirdly. "What?" I asked.

"You do realize we are in a Japanese restaurant?"

"Yeah? So?" I said taking another bite of kimchi. "And we are speaking Korean. Everyone here is Japanese and we are speaking Korean here." 

"And that's the good thing. Because then no one will know what we are talking about."

"I wouldn't count on that." A voice said.  I turned to look at the person who spoke and saw a girl with straight blond hair, blue eyes, a got7 band t-shirt, and black short shorts. 

"Oh who are you?" Yoongi asked, lacing our fingers together so she could see

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"Oh who are you?" Yoongi asked, lacing our fingers together so she could see. She smiled.

"I'm saying, I can understand Korean, and I'm willing to bet other people here know Korean as well." She gestured to two other girls at a table just 5 feet away from her.

"Ya'll Korean?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No Thai, but we've lived in Korea most of our life." she said. "Hey you're cool. Wanna hang later?" I asked randomly. 

"You don't know my name." she said trying not to laugh.

"Oh sorry. I'm Park Jimin, and this is my boyfriend Min Yoongi." I introduced.  Yoongi gave a side smile and sipped his soda that had a little bit of blood in it.

"I'm Lisa, my friends over there are Jisoo and Rose." she said referring to the girls behind her. They waved at us. Yoongi waved back and so did I. 

"We were going to go for a walk in Central Park. You guys can come with us." She said. I looked over at Yoongi to see his eyes take on a slight red tint. I knew what that meant.

"I'm sorry Lisa, we would love too, but since we just moved here, we have some stuff to unpack." I said and held Yoongi's hand tighter.

"Oh okay. Well, i'll give you Jisoo's number so you can contact us." She said writing the number on a napkin. 

"Bye Lisa." I said she bowed and walked away and rejoined the girls. 

I was suddenly on my feet and being dragged away. I looked up to see Yoongi dragging me out of the restaurant. 

"Yoongi!" I shouted as he dragged me through the city streets and back up to the house. Once we got in he threw me on the couch and began to strip off my clothes. 

"Yoongi what are you doing?" I shouted. He leaned down so fast I didn't see it coming. He sunk his teeth in my neck and I screamed out in pleasure and pain. 

"I'm punishing you."

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