Johnny Rockets

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Writers note: So I wrote this chapter at like 2 am and on my iPod and that doesn't mix very well. I kept accidentally deleting big chunks of the chapter, haha. It was awful. Anyways, so I hope it sounds okay.

Scott's POV

I run my fingers through my long blonde hair and put my Beyonce hat on backwards.

"Mitchie!" I call to him.

I hear him laugh a little, "Coming!" I've noticed that Mitch has been really sad lately and I'm kinda worried about him. I just want to help him but I don't want to pester him about it. Suddenly Mitch walks out of his room and then stops abruptly.

"What? Is something wrong?"

A big smile appears on his face, "No, no" he shakes his head and looking away in embarrassment, "you just look really good."

"Oh, Mitch," I chuckle and reply, "You look good too. Now lets go!" I snatch my keys off the counter when Mitch stops me.

"Ill drive." He insists with a grin.

I shrug my shoulders, "Alright."

I hurry and run in front of him to open the door for him. He blushes and scurries out the door.

"You seem really happy, Mitch." I say with a small smirk on my face.

Mitch puts his hands to his face trying to cover the redness of his cheeks, "I am!!"

We both open the car door simultaneously and hop in. As soon as Mitch starts the engine he turns on the radio and blasts Beyonce. We sang along the whole drive there. Then we finally arrived at the restaurant. We awed at the beauty of the shiny, old fashioned building. A bubbly, blonde waitress showed us to our booth and we ordered some malts.

"Mitch, I have something to tell you."

He looked up from his chocolate malt to show me he's ears were attentive.

"Well, I met a guy.. And we went out for coffee.. A couple times. Anyways, I think we're kinda dating now."

"What?" His eyebrows went up in a confused fashion.

"I have a boyfriend."

"When did this happen? Who is he? Where did you met him?" His voice raised with each question.

"His name is Liam, we bumped into each other on the street. Literally, we ran into each other. This happened.. maybe two weeks ago?" I said with a question in my voice.

"Two weeks? You're already dating?" He kept questioning me furiously.

"Yeah, I guess. Are you angry, Mitch?"

"No, no. Of course not.." He said looking away, "It's just, you and Jacob broke it off like four weeks ago."

"So? What happened with me and Jacob is in the past." I started to get angry with Mitch, why couldn't he just be happy for me?

"Scott, you just broke up with him! And now you're suddenly dating some random guy from off the street?!" His eyes burned with rage. This is when I got furious with him.

"At least I'm moving on with my life and not moping around all day like you!!" As soon as these words escaped my mouth I regretted them. I knew Mitch was sensitive right now, and he was finally starting to be happy again.

Mitch stood up, "I need to get out of here." The brunette stormed out of the door.

I squeezed the top of my nose and leaned my elbow on the counter when I suddenly heard, "Is everything alright, sir?" The bubbly, blonde asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Um, can I get a check please?"

"Of course," she said softly, walking away.

This isn't how I planned the night to go at all.


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