Drug Store

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Writers Note: So far this is probably my favorite chapter. So I hope you enjoy it!!

Scott's POV

Kirstie held mine and Avi's hand as we walked down the road to grab some snacks.

"There's the drug store," Kevin said pointing to a sign glowing against the dark, night sky. We each looked at each other a nodded. Our eyes were rimmed red from the tears we cried for Mitch. I sniffed, thinking about Mitch laying peacefully in a hospital bed, all alone in there. Unknowingly going into surgery hours from now. One tear rolled down my cheek and fell onto the sidewalk. Kirstie squeezed my hand tightly, she must have seen me getting emotional. We arrived at the drug store to get some candy.

"I'm gonna grab some aspirin as well," Avi informed us, "I've got a pretty bad headache."

"I'll come with you." Kevin said in a tired, monotone voice. They both walked silently away.

"I'm gonna grab a soda, you gonna be okay?" Kirstie asked me, studying my eyes.

"Yeah, you go ahead, I'm just gonna look for Skittles," I gave her a small half smile and she returned one. I walked down the candy aisle, bushing by each candy until I arrived at the skittles. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I fell to the ground and was now on my knees. I buried my face in my hands as I sobbed, thankfully it was about 1:00 am so almost nobody was here besides us.

"There he is." I hear Avi whisper to the others.

I could feel Kevin kneel next to me on my right, he put his arm around me, and I lifted my head up.

"I thought you said you'd be okay." Kirstie said leaning down, putting her hand on my back.

I do a small chuckle and hug her. I didn't want to let go but I knew we needed to get home, it was late and we were tired. It had been a long day. I snatch my Skittles and we go to the counter and buy everything. They take me home first because they didn't want to leave me alone again on the street.

"Do you need one of us to stay here tonight?" Avi asks me as they walk me to our door.

"I'd rather just be alone for the rest of the night." I say jingling my keys and unlocking the door.

"Okay, please call one of us if need anything."

"Will do," I give Avi a hug and then walk inside.

I don't think I can sleep tonight, so i decide to sit on the couch and watch Spongebob.


I tap my foot impatiently on the floor and rest my forehead on my knuckles . I've always hated the smell of hospitals, and people around were always sneezing or coughing but the waiting room was empty today. I couldn't stand the suspension any longer. I picked at my nails as a nervous tick. Just think about something else, Scott. But I couldn't, that's my best friend in there. I suddenly heard foot steps walk towards me. I lifted my head up to see the doctor. His facial expressions made me even more nervous, he didn't look happy; he looked like he was trying not to be sad.

I stood up to show him I acknowledged his presence.

"Mr. Hoying, I think you should sit down."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, I sat down and he sat next to me. I took a deep breath and waited for him to tell me the news.

"Mitch didn't make it through the surgery." I could feel a huge sob coming on so I covered my mouth and tears rolled down my cheeks. I took another deep breath, "Mitch is dead?"

He nodded with sad eyes locked on mine, "I'm afraid so.." He responded quietly.

I wake up vigorously, sweaty, and crying. I feel that my muscles are tense and I'm hands are shaking. Its just a dream, it was just a dream, i tell myself over and over again. I force myself to get up and make coffee. I sneak a peak at the microwave clock, it's says 3:17 am. Suddenly I hear my phone ring. I nervously pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer in a tired voice.

"Mr. Hoying, Mitch Grassi's condition has gotten much worse and he needs to go into surgery immediat-"

"I'll be down in 15 minutes!!" I yell into the phone cutting them off. I'm wide awake now. I throw on a jacket and I'm out the door.


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