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Writers Note: It feels like I haven't updated in forever. This chapter was so hard to write!! I literally rewrote it like four times. So thank you guys somaj for waiting!! I'm defiantly gonna try to update on Saturday, I have big things planned for this fan Fic. I know this chapter is kinda similar to past ones but I promise it will lead into something. So again, just bear with me!! I'm learning :P

Mitch's POV

I stared blankly at the tv screen while Spongebob played. I couldn't live life like this, not without Scott. Suddenly I heard a small knock at the door, I didn't feel like answering it. Then I heard it open, I didn't even flinch. It must of been someone from the band and it sure was. Kevin waltzed in carefully saying, "Hey!" With a big grin on his face.

I gave him a horrible fake smile and said hi back. His smile turned into a half frown and then he sat down next to me on the couch.

"How you feeling? You settling in well?" He asked me trying to look me in the eyes. I kept staring blankly at the television screen.

"Scott's staying with you, isn't he?"

He sighed heavily and i felt the couch move as he nodded.

"Are you planning on telling the others?" I questioned him more.

"No." He responded. I moved my eyes towards my soggy cereal bowl. Suddenly I felt my arms around Scott again.

"Im so sorry."

Replayed in my head over and over again. And then I watched him walk out that door.

"Mitch?" Kevin asked for me, interrupting my flashback.

I looked up into his eyes for the first time he'd been here.

"You need anything while I'm here?" I shook my head, refusing for his help.

"Okay, I'll be back later." He got up from the couch hesitantly and walked out the door just as Scott did.


Scott's POV

I could feel the warmth from the sun on my skin as I walked down the street to get my morning coffee. Smiling people passed me swiftly. As I approached Starbucks I noticed something surprising and came to an abrupt stop at the end of the cross walk. Mitch was sitting at a table outside of Starbucks with another man. I panicked and scurried to a table at the restaurant next door. I quickly grabbed a menu and sat it up right in front of my face. I then poked my head out to spy on them. Mitch leaned his elbow up on the table and his hand rested on his forehead, the brunette shook his head in distress. I saw the mysterious man set his hand on Mitch's, I felt jealously rise. Who was this guy? He looked so familiar, his hair and the way it was styled; the position he sat in; not to mention his fashion sense. I suddenly heard a deep voice clear his throat. I looked up to see a waiter standing by my table. I blushed from embarrassment, I can't believe he caught me spying on Mitch..

"Can I get you a drink?" He asked me as I pretended to graze my eyes on the menu.

"Just water is fine." I said with a smile. As soon as he turned around and walked away I peaked out from the menu. Then this unknown face turned and looked straight at me. Travis. Travis made my skin crawl. I shivered as his piercing eyes looked my way. I hurried and hid my face behind the menu again. If Mitch's EX sees me, I'm screwed. When I felt his eyes avert elsewhere I poked my blonde head out again. Mitch looked up at him while Travis's hand still rested on his. Travis then leaned in towards him and Mitch met him half way. I felt my heart sink as their lips touched. I couldn't watch this, it wasn't right. I got up and started to walk back to the apartment. I dragged my feet on the road as I crossed to the sidewalk. I suddenly heard a small voice yell for me. I turned around and saw Mitch waiting for me on the other side. He smiled at me with this adorable dimples and I returned a smile back. I ran towards him and threw my long arms around him.

"Scott.." He pulled away from me but held onto my hands, "I have something to tell you." He looked into my eyes trying to read my feelings.

"Okay." I responded.

"Travis and I are back together and we're getting married." He said with a big grin.

"What?" I said confused, pulling my hands away from his, "Mitch, he broke your heart. He treated you terribly, you can't just marry him!"

He still had a weird big grin on his face, "Yes I can."

"Just yesterday you loved me and now you're marrying Travis?" I said desperately to Mitch, trying to convince him this was a horrible idea.

"Yesterday? That was months ago, Travis and I--" Suddenly Travis butted himself into our conversation. He put his arm around Mitch, "Is something wrong?" He asked me.

I stared at his arm around my pair of dimples.

"Nope. Nothing's wrong." I clenched my fists, holding myself back.

"Okay," he rolled his eyes at me, "Lets go babe, we ha-"

"Yeah, there is something wrong." I said interrupting him. My jaw clenched as he slowly turned his head towards me.

"And what would that be?" He asked me in a sarcastic tone.

"You don't deserve Mitch. He's a sweet, honest, humble man who deserves much better than you. You hurt him and you can never make up for what you did." I let go of my hands in relief.

"Oh yeah?" He said sarcastically again. Then he lifted his arm and threw his fist straight in my face.

I sat up quickly wiping the sweat off my forehead. Everything was dark except for the moonlight that shone in. My hand sunk into the couch cushions. Small drizzles of rain tapped on the window behind me, I put my legs on the ground careful not to hit the glass coffee table next to me. I noticed a small light coming from the kitchen.

"Kevin?" I called with a weak voice. I heard the fridge close and Kevin came out of the darkness.

"Just getting a midnight snack. Did you have a bad dream?" He asked me walking towards the couch, I rubbed my face trying to peace together the nightmare I just had.

"Yeah, kinda." I said resting my head in the palms of my hands.

"You sleep talk," he said chuckling. I sat up straight, surprised and embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you didn't say much. But you're thinking about Mitch?" He asked carefully sitting down on the couch next to me with a glass of milk in hand.

"Little bit," I sighed as he took a sip of his white, creamy drink.

He patted me on the back, "He'll be okay."


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