Spongebob Marathon

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Writers Note: So I wrote this today and I was really sick so hopefully it sounds okay. I feel like I'm really getting somewhere. And thank you so much for 1,000 reads!!! Oh my gosh!! I can't believe this! Thank you so much, I'm so excited people like this. Please keep reading, voting, and commenting! It means the world to me! Comment #fcute if you're reading and think I should keep keep going!

Mitch's POV
2 days later

"Scott, I can do it myself!" I yelled at him as he tried to help me out of the car.
He put his hands on his hips, "Is that sass I hear?"
I laughed, throwing my head back, "Yes!!" I whined, "Im not helpless, I can do it on my own." He threw his hands up and stepped back, "Fine."
I got up on my crutches and hopped my way to our door. He opened it for me as he always does and I wobbled inside. The house was still how i left it. Our beautiful Beyonce picture hung above our couch and the tv stood on the wall in front of it. I looked out the window a bit, the view of the LA sky line was just magnificent. I threw myself on the couch in exhaustion, "Where's my kitten?!" Then Wyatt scurried his little body in the room and jumped on the couch and attacked me in a playful way.
"Wyatt!!" I whined, laughing. I cuddled him as I heard Scott chuckling in the kitchen. The sound of the fridge slamming came from Scott, I hated when he slammed it like that!
"What are you doing in there?" I questioned him, petting Wyatt as he cuddled into my chest.
He came out sipping and Red Bull.
"Of course." I said as he grabbed the remote and turned on Sponge Bob for me. I squealed and clapped with joy. I noticed him lean over and started to set his red bull on the coffee table and just before it touched the counter top, I stopped him by throwing my arms toward the red bull, wiggling my fingers and making a strange noise showing I wanted some. He raised the red bull and then his eyebrow, asking if I wanted some. I nodded my head vigorously. He chuckled as he handed me his drink.
"Yay, thank you!" I said just before taking a big gulp. I loved stealing his red bull. Once I finished my sip I handed it back to him while he was tranced by Sponge Bob. Meanwhile, I was tranced by him. He wore a striped tank and boy, did he look good in it. It showed off his muscly arms and his broad shoulders. His skin didn't look quite as white as usual, he definitely got some sun. Maybe Liam took him to the beach.. I felt my heart sink, he'd probably been with Liam the whole time I was gone. I just need to move on and respect that he doesn't think of me that way. Wyatt must have noticed I was becoming sad because he made his way under my arm to cuddle with me. I scratched his little head and he closed his eyes tightly in a pleased manor. I smiled at his cuteness. I looked up to take another peak at Scott but I found him staring at me. I felt my checks turn red from embarrassment that he caught me studying him. I look away, back at Wyatt and started to pet him again.
"I think I'll go to the store, get some necessities. Ill be back in like an hour, you want anything?" He stood himself up and started swinging his keys around his finger.
I shook my head, "No, I think I'm good."
He nodded his head to show he acknowledged my answer and walked towards the door. Just before shutting it he stuck his hand out and waved to me. I giggled, I loved when he did that. I went back to watching Spongebob and watched an entire episode and another was starting when suddenly I felt vibration on the opposite side of the couch where Scott had been sitting. I sat up and searched through the couch until I felt something between the cushions. I brought my hand up to find Scott's phone. It must have fallen out of his pocket or something. I pushed the home button of his iPhone and noticed the message he had received.

I had a great time last night ;)

It was from Liam. I could feel my heart burning inside from rage, I was hoping my thoughts weren't true. The diamond cased phone vibrated again, there was a new message.

How about we do it again tonight but ill bring the candles this time ;)

Another winking face?! I set the phone down on the coffee table and was frozen from surprise that Scott would actually move this fast with a relationship. I scrambled to grab my crutches and heaved myself up. Then I wobbled out the door. Once my crutches hit the bottom of the steps outside I searched.

Scott's POV

I rushed to the self check out and scanned everything as fast as possible. I can't believe I left my phone at home, what if Mitch needs me? I grabbed the grocery bags and ran out the sliding doors. I threw everything in the back of the car and hopped up front and started up the engine. What if he hurts himself or gets sick again? I need to stop having bad thoughts, he's probably okay. I clutched the steering wheel and cruised down the street until I pulled up to our apartment and parked on the street. I collected the bags of milk, cereal, bread, and other snacks then locked the car. I set the bags down on our welcome mat then unlocked the door and walked in calling for Mitch. He didn't respond. I brought all the bags in and noticed Mitch wasn't on the couch but Spongebob was still playing on our tv. I put all the groceries on the counter in the kitchen. Mitch wasn't in there either, maybe he was in his room. I knocked on his door but he still didn't respond.
"Mitch?" I called on the other side of the door. I opened it and looked around. He wasn't in here either. Did Mitch leave? Where would he go? I ran out to the living room finding my phone on the coffee table. I had received two messages from Liam, I felt butterflies in my stomach when I saw his name on my screen. But I needed to focus on Mitch. I typed in his number and started calling him. It rang for a couple of seconds when he finally picked up.
"Mitch? Where are you?" I asked worried.
"I-I left." He slurried and stuttered.
"Obviously.." I said rolling my eyes. Then it hit me,"Mitch, are you drunk?"
"Pshhh. Nah, just a couple drinks," he burped, "Wanna talk to my new friend?" I could hear the static as he passed it to someone.
"No, no Mitch. Get back on the phone." I protested.
I suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice,"Hello?" They asked me.
"Ill come pick Mitch up right, please make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I hung up the phone and ran out the door to the bar.
I pulled up to the bar and hurried inside. I burst through the door to find Mitch sitting at the bar, gulping down a big drink. I walked up to him and snatched the drink from his hand, spilling some on his chin.
"Hey!" He yelled at me, wiping away the spills.
"Where is your phone?" I asked him, in an angered voice. All the sudden a big guy behind the bar turns around and hands me Mitch's phone. I nod, thanking him.
"Do you have your wallet?" I ask more questions, calming down a bit.
He reaches in his pocket and pulls it out while reaching for the drink in my hand. I pull it away and grab his wallet. I search through it, making sure everything is in there. As I'm preoccupied doing that, he sneaks the drink and takes more sips.
I turn to the bar tender again, "What does he owe?"
He shakes his head and puts his hand up, showing that we didn't need to pay anything. How generous of him. "Thank you."
I grab Mitch off the chair and drag him outside as gracious as possible without hurting his leg. I open the car door for him and sat him down. I throw his crutches in the back and hopped up front. Before turning on the car I turn to him and ask, "What the heck were you thinking, Mitch?"
He turns to me and grabs my chin, "What the heck are you thinking, Scott?" He slurried out as best as possible, "Getting it on with Liam last night." I could smell the alcohol rise off his breath.
My jaw dropped, "Did you read my text messages?"
"Did you read my text messages." He copied me in an annoying voice.
My chest burned in anger, I started the engine instead of yelling at him for invading my privacy. I couldn't even look at him the whole drive home, what has gotten into Mitch? This doesn't seem like him. After we got home I helped him inside and laid him on the couch and got him some coffee, hoping it would sober him up. He watched a couple more Spongebob's until he crashed. Maybe when he wakes up, we could have a real conversation.

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