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"Have a good day at school you guys!" My mom yelled at the window and I smiled weakly and gave her a wave back.

As we walked through the crowded halls, Jason nudged my shoulder and smirked.

"Well at least your hair doesn't look that bad." I faked a smile and "accidentally" slipped and pushed him into the lockers. "Oops. Stupid slippery floors." I smiled. He squinted his eyes and threw me over his shoulder, and I yelped.

"Stop it you two. You're acting like children." Cameron scolded lightly and I bit my lip and looked off to the side. Jason put me down and I stuck my tongue out at him. Cameron chuckled at me and I shot my gaze to the floor. Why'd he have to look so good?

"Oh shut up. I was just playing with her." He laughed at smirked at Cameron and got one back in return. The warning bell rung signaling that we had ten minutes to get to class.

"I'm picking you up for lunch. Call it an early birthday gift." Jason said, kissing my forehead. I gave him a strange look, wondering why he was being so nice but soon shrugged it off.

"You didn't tell her?" Cameron asked him almost on cue, as I opened my locker.

"Tell me what?" I took my biology book out and closed my locker, facing them. Jason shot a "you're so dead" glare to Cameron before locking eyes with me. "Jay..." He started sweetly, holding my wrists. "What?"

His face showcased terror and guilt. "I have to leave tomorrow..." He trailed his voice off. I giggled a bit and freed my wrists looking at them strangely.

"Okay? That's it?" Cameron looked over and swallowed hard, and I can't help but notice how gracefully his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

"No. I'm going to be gone for about a year." He quickly grabbed my wrists and a look of wild terror spread across my face. "A year?! What, why? How long have you known?" I snapped, tears close to brimming in my eyes.

"I just found out yesterday, honest!" He argued desperately. I tried to fight for the freedom of my wrists, but my brother knew me too well. If he let go of my hands, I would try to kill him.

"Why.." I whimpered, just burying my face into his shirt. "Why are you leaving for a year?" He petted me softly before titling my head up. "Terri wants to me to move in-"

"Excuse me?" I snapped, fire spitting through the two words. "Mamas-" Cameron tried to intervene but I cut him off. "No!" The bell cut me off before another word could be said and Jason left rather quickly. I tried to walk away too, but Cameron held onto my sweatshirt strings. "Cam we are gonna be late." I sighed, mostly because being in a two foot radius of him made me sweat. "It's not his fault, Jordan. She's pregnant, she needs him." I snatched away from him. I didn't want to hear that. The same person who set him up and he got stabbed. The same person who faked not one but two pregnancies just so my brother wouldn't leave her. Hell she might've faked this one too.

She didn't need my brother. She needed to go to therapy. Or better yet, she needed me to kick her ass. Yeah that's exactly what she fucking needed.

"I gotta go to class." I huffed, and surprisingly he lets me go. I wiped off the band of sweat forming on my forehead and neck with the sleeve of my sweater.

"You're late." The teacher barked, and I threw my hands up in defeat. "Go take a seat." I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they popped out of my head.

I found an empty space next to Tamara, and hurriedly rushed over to it so no one else could claim it.

"Girl... Your stepbrother though?" Tamara shook her head scolding me after I told her the dream I had. Fortunately for me, I had the best friend ever. On the planet. Maybe in the whole damn galaxy.

"It's not my fault." I pouted while giving her my own side eye. Why'd she have to be so loud? She got the indirect hint and quieted her voice down.

"Well what happened this morning?"

"Um.... I kinda slipped up and told him that I want him to eat me out." She gaped her mouth open and stared at me.

"You did what?" She said, crossing her arms.

"It wasn't my fault!" I repeated, pouting more excessively. She flicked her hand and I grumbled, opening my biology book. I could care less about what was going on in the world of science. 

"This crush you have on him, it's unnatural." She dragged a finger across her tongue and flipped the page.

"We're not really-"

"If you say not really family for real I'm going to slap fire from you." I cleared my throat and decided it was best to not finish.

"Yeah that's what I thought." She gave me the infamous Tamara smirk, which was basically just half you're retarded as hell, and the other half but I still love you to death. I chuckled as she huffed with heavy exasperation and began listen to the teacher speak again.


The library. Where all the books are at the tip of your fingertips. Except Fifty Shades Of Grey. You'd think they would have it because well high school. We do a lot more than foreplay here.

I mean... they do a lot more than foreplay here.

I sat criss cross at the base of a book stand, casually just reading. I wasn't even supposed to be here right now but oh well.

"Okay." Everytime I see that word it makes me smile uncontrollably. Apparently it is a flirting word but I think it only applies to The Fault In Our Stars. I giggled when I get to the part when Augustus and Hazel have sex, because they do with so much passion but also with humor.

The morning after note got me too.

"This isn't the best place to hide from me, Jordan." Someone said cockily and I snapped my neck up to see Jason. "Who said I was hiding?" I retorted smoothly, adjusting my book. I heard a scoff but ignored it.

I stuck my face back in it and begin to get lost in the words. Just when I think that Jason has left, I'm picked up bridal style and towed out of the library. I let out a squeal of surprise and was immediately reprimanded by the librarian.

That's how you know you've fucked up in a library. When you don't even get the "shh" warning you just get a deadly stare.

"Jason, really?" I whispered and begin to thrash in his arms. I didn't want to talk to him.

He didn't say anything yet instead just kept walking and carrying me. When we finally made it onto hard concrete he didn't put me down but instead carried me to his car. I just stopped trying to fight out of his grasp. I didn't feel like fighting with him anymore especially since he's leaving to go to Europe tomorrow. It didn't make me happy but honestly I have no say in it.

He placed me in the passenger seat and I literally melt when I see who is driving. Damn it's Cameron. I swallowed hard as I felt his hands disappear from my waist and replaced with the cushion of the car seat.

"Why couldn't I just get in the back?" I hissed quietly to him and he simply shrugged. I squinted my eyes and faced forward again

I heard faint chuckling come from beside me and I snapped my head towards it. "What, is sitting next to me that bad?"

Yes. Yes it really is.

Instead I just kept quiet and smiled. 

"No.... it's not."

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