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I am so sorry for the delay, I've been working on other stories but 2K guys?! Thank you so much I love you all! ❤ Also, spoilers you guys are going to kill me. 😂


"What?!" I felt my mouth open and scream. "No, that's not possible!" It wasn't possible. Mom looked at me suddenly and I want to scream so more. I felt a vein ready to burst out of my head. This was completely insane.

"Cameron how would you know?" Her question falls on deaf ears as my eyes continue to widen at this statement.

She's pregnant?! Is it my baby?

No shit, of course it was mine. She hasn't been with another guy as far as I know and we had just had sex. No, be reasonable, Cam. A baby wouldn't have happened that fast. But oh God, I felt sick. What if it did? No. No this just wasn't happening. This was all a nightmare and I was going to wake up. She was pregnant, she just wasn't.

"It's not true!" I screamed in fury, my fists punching the arms of the chair repeatedly.

"Cameron, get your potato head self up and talk to your sister! And for the love of God stop screaming." Someone was whacking me upside my head, a lot. "Ugh stop dammit!" I yelled, grabbing the wrist. I heard a surprised yelp as I squeezed tighter. Shit hurt.

My eyes fluttered open painfully and I panted. Oh God not again. It's been almost a month since that little statement came out. It had been almost a month since Jordan's car accident. She had slipped into a coma and hadn't came back out. The weeks seemed to feel like years, and Mom wouldn't stop crying. There were several times that the doctors wanted to quote on quote, "put her out of her misery."

It wasn't fun to hold Mom back from killing them.

"Boy you better let my hand go before you be the one in this hospital." I quickly released the hand when I realized it was Mom's.

"Oh shit my bad." I groaned sleepily just to have my head slapped again.

"Watch your damn mouth."

"What? You just cursed."

"You want to get slapped again?"

I sighed, rubbing the back of my head. But the sudden realization of her words hit back with full force and a full smile stretched on my face. "Wait did you just say talk to my sister? Jordan's awake?!" I could scream in pure happiness. I actually did scream in happiness.

"Yes that's what I've been trying to tell you! Go say hey." She pointed over to the sleeping Jordan. Her face was contorted in one of peace, I can see right through the bruises. "C-cam?" Her weak eyes flickered open and I want to scream in joy. She was so gorgeous. "Cameron..."

"Hey mamas." I cooed, tears falling down my face freely. I let them too. She was so beautiful. I weakly brushed aside stray hairs from her forehead as she closed her eyes at my touch. "Don't c-cry." She whimpered in her soft voice. It was unbelievable how breathtaking she was, even while covered in bandages and bruises.

"W-why-" She started to lift herself and let out a scream of panic, falling back down on the hospital bed. Her eyes welled up with tears and my heart shattered. "I hurt." She cried out. I looked back at Mom, asking for a silent plea to help me out.

"I'm going to get some coffee, I'll be back you two." She exited the room briskly, giving me a thumbs up before she left. I glanced back over at Jordan whose eyes had closed again.

I slapped a hand over my forehead, increasing my headache by a thousand. That's not what I was asking for. She didn't even ask if I wanted some coffee.

"What happened?" I clasped her hand and sighed heavily at her tired raspy voice. She sounded broken. It hurt my soul to see her like this and I felt responsible. A single lone tear snaked down my face. She didn't even remember what happened. And to think it all could've been avoided.

"Mamas...." Her eyes opened once more but they looked glassy, defeated. Not at all like her usual cheery and preppy eyes. Nope, can't do it. Tears immediately began to swarm in my eyes and leak down my cheeks, a weak hand slowly reached up to wipe them away.

"W-what? What's wrong? D-don't cry, Cam. I-it makes me sad." She uttered out slowly and painfully. "I thought... I lost you." I gasped out. Tenderly kissing the knuckles on her hand, I saw her mouth open to speak but no words were spoken. "God, why the hell did you leave?" I cried out, digging my fingertips into the palms of my hands. She hiccupped, grimacing at the amount of pain she must've felt. From a single hiccup.

"I should've stopped you." Gulit A hand came up and clasped my own. "Y-you know... m-me. I would've gone a-anyway. So p-please.." She gasped out, letting out a harsh cough and not finishing her sentence. When her coughing spell was over, she opened her mouth to speak again but I raised my hand to halt anymore words.

"I'm going to ask you something mamas and I don't want you to get angry with me." She puffed her cheeks out, later wincing at the simple motion. "O-okay." She sighed breathy, it coming out scattered.

I took a deep breath of my own before I asked her this question.

"Did you have sex with anyone else beside me?" She jerked her body forward and yelped loudly. The frantic beeping of the machines around us sent her into a panic and quite frankly myself as well. "Don't move!" I yelled. Fearing that she would damage something else, I placed my hands on her shoulders. Wails began to break out of her chest from my yelling and I quickly calmed them and her. "Shh, you're okay. I'm sorry." I cradled her as best as I could and rocked her.

"Mamas, just answer me... please." I sighed. "I-i..." She hiccupped out, tears freely falling down her face. I whispered sweet nothings into her ear, her breathing gradually coming out steady. She let out a breathy jumble of whispers.

"I-i was a-"

"Is everything okay?" She picked the worst time to pop in and out. "Yeah Mom, everything's fine." I'm mentally groaning as Jordan's eyes are filled with pain, despair.

She came closer and I backed away so she could sit with her daughter. It killed me to see her this way and we never finished our discussion. It couldn't be possible though, could it? We just had sex unless... it was someone else's kid. It must've been someone else's. Something clicked; why wasn't Mom going berserk? She heard that too, right? Her daughter's pregnancy. She was carrying a child. Why was no else freaking out like I was?

"Cameron did you hear me?" I heard a scream from Mom. She was right in front of me.  "H-huh? What?" She huffed and a hand went around and smacked the sore spot on the back of my head. "What is up with you and smacking me?" I yelled, rubbing furiously. "If you answered the first time you wouldn't have gotten hit."

I squinted my eyes as my fingers went to massage the tender patch. Jordan was laughing weakly, and I swear my heart swelled in my chest. She was so beautiful and I was so proud of her.

It was crazy that just a short month ago she was having trouble breathing and was hooked up to all these machines. And now she's awake, talking. Not a lot, but she is talking.

"W... when c-can I go home?" Tears threatened to fall from Mom's face and I've noticed that crying confuses her and scares her, so with frantic eyes I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my chest.

Sure enough, Jordan's head weakly tilted in a mask of uncertainty. "E-everything okay?" I nodded and offered a half lidded smile. My ear went to Mom's ear as she attempted to muffle her sobs in my chest. "I know you're upset but crying confuses her. Please be strong."

She nodded, sniffling. Breaking away from my chest, she patted my shoulder two times and backed away. "C-c-cam! W-why is Mom crying? Why c-can't I go home?" I put my head down and listened to heart wrenching sobs. What the hell was I going to do?

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