Gryffindor Tower

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"First years aren't allowed their own broom stick"
This rule was created due to an incident involving first years James Potter and Sirius Black.

"Hey Potter!" Called Benji Finwick, a first year Ravenclaw called. "The Ravenclaw tower is taller than yours! I read it in Hogwarts A History!"
James turned to Sirius and his eyes widened before Sirius nodded. Benji had learned long before that Pitter and Black could communicate without words, but it was always slightly unsettling.
Janes run to the Gryffindor tower and grabbed his broom while Sirius grabbed the Dung Bombs. They both dashed to their next locations splitting up for a short time so that Sirius could drop the Dung Bombs to distract Filch for enough time for James to follow through with his part of the plan.
James stopped by the arithmancy classroom to get a meter stick.
Both of the boys met up outside near the Gryffindor tower. Sirius looked up and down the tower that at James. "You ready?"
"No doubt about it"
Jane grabbed his broom, flew up to the top of the tower, and stick the meter stuck to the top of the tower.
"Sirius, we now live in the tallest tower in Hogwarts."

---- A.N.- Please don't tell me if these are wrong unless you have actual proof, as I said in the bio, these are headcanons

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