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~ Sapna ~

I had started having this strange attraction towards the guy I saw in my dreams. He was incredibly sweet and extremely lovable. If those dreams were actually my memories and the girl was really me, it meant that I had once been madly in love with him. So much that I even promised him things and I had failed to keep them.

It was creepy but I felt like I owed him something. It was the same reason why I always maintained a safe distance from Aadi. Because somewhere deep inside, I felt like I was cheating on him with Aadi. I knew I was being stupid, but the connection grew stronger with every memory I had.

I couldn't deny that I liked Aadi too. I just didn't let my feelings out on the surface to him to see.

Unlike him.

I knew he saw us as more than just friends. I could see it in the way he saw me, or when he would smile just to see if I returned it, to convince him that we were good. I sensed it in his moves, when he tried to come close to me, just enough which wouldn't make me uncomfortable. His holding hands and short hugs had increased in number.

But more than those things, what made me grow fond of him were those little actions of care and affection. The way he wouldn't wake me up until late knowing that I wouldn't have slept all night, the way he would return from his classes as soon as possible and not keep me waiting, the way he would listen to my pompous rants and raves without interrupting me, or the way he would understand just what I needed and give it to me before I asked for it.

He was growing on me and I didn't want him to.

If someone whom I had once loved unconditionally really existed, then it was my responsibility to find him and know him instead of falling for I guy who wasn't him.

But the more determined I tried to turn, the more inclined I was towards Aadi. Somehow, he was becoming very important to me.

And that was why it enraged me when Ma told me about that girl. Here I was, chaotic and annoyed over whether or not I should like someone who I thought liked me, and there he was, already head over heels for some random chick. He told me he would never lie to me and he did. I felt cheated when we weren't together even.

"Sapna? Please, listen to me."

I heard Aadi's desperate voice from outside the door. I was almost about to reach out and turn the knob but I stopped myself.

"We don't need this. You need to trust me, please. Give me a chance. I can explain everything."

"I don't want to talk to you!" I screamed.

"Okay fine! Don't talk to me. Here, there's someone on the phone who wants to talk to you."

I sprung up from the bed, swung the door open and held my hand out. He looked down at me, apologetically, and I shot him a glare. He gave me his phone and I took it, shutting the door close.

"Hello?" I said.

"There! I can't believe he granted me the privilege to talk to you." A sharp yet throaty voice on the other end squealed.

"Who are you?"

"You'll figure out. So, here's the thing. A few days back when you agreed to give that marriage a thought, Aaditya got really upset – enough to get himself so drunk that he couldn't see or walk straight. That's when he bumped into me. We were both high, we made out and I took him to the hotel where I was staying. To my disappointment, he turned out to be a faithful guy who was hurt, torn and awfully fucked up on the inside. He threw up and cried his heart out but he didn't do anything amoral. You know why? ---"

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