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~ Aaditya ~ 

She slept until after noon. The entire time I sat next to her, watching her as she took sharp tiny breaths. A few times, her forehead creased like she was focusing on something. I knew she was dreaming. But I didn't have the guts to wake her up. For one, I could see that she was peaceful and for another, I wouldn't get many chances like these. Though I was being selfish, I believed that I was inherently deserving of the privilege.

I stroked her cheek, tucking a loose strand of her hand behind her ear. She quivered under my touch, shifting uneasily, before turning to the opposite side for her back to face me.

I got up and left the room. I went out, bought lunch, returned home and set the table. When I was about to enter her room to wake her up, she showed up from behind the curtains, dressed in a casual way. Drops of water fell from the ends of her wet hair. She whisked her fingers into them and shook them, causing the water to shower at my face.

"Sorry, I overslept!"

I flashed her a smile, which she returned.

She inhaled deeply and said, "Smells good."

"I'm starving." I motioned for her to sit, and then served her the food.

"What now?" I started the talk.

"What do you mean?"

"Where will you start? You know, searching for the... truth?"

Her face turned hard as she entered into deep thoughts. "I don't really know."

I droned in response, and went back to filling my stomach.

"Aadi?" She said after a while.

I met her eyes.

"The other day, I had heard you arguing with Ma over something concerning me. I pretended that I didn't but I did."

I forced the bite down my throat and stared at her in shock.

"You know something, don't you?"

I know everything, I thought.

"Please tell me." Her eyes pleaded me.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "Sapna, I cannot tell you anything."

The faint smile faded from her face as the words left my mouth.

"But I will take you to someone who can."

And the smile returned as quickly as it left.

I didn't know if it was the right thing to do. Mrs. Tiwari warned me to not give her brain the kind of weight it couldn't take. That would only damage her memories further. She told me that Sapna needed to remember everything on her own. However, I couldn't take her not knowing. After all these years of waiting for her, she was finally sitting across from me with eyes full of hope. I couldn't let her down.

"Let's go, then!" She sprung up from her seat.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Not now."

"Why?" she pouted.

"Because I've got to take classes in half an hour." Even though I hated my profession, I didn't let that come in the way of my student's future. I texted Karan first thing in the morning asking him to inform everyone about my return and that I was taking classes from today itself. Since I returned from the 'vacation' earlier than expected, I wasn't lagging much with their portions and it could be covered in a couple of extra classes.

"I hate you!" Her pout grew deeper and she crossed her arms over her chest and looked away.

"You can call me if you need anything. And," I held her elbow, urging her to look at me. "We'll leave as soon as I'm back. Okay?"

She stared at me with clearly upset eyes for good three minutes before giving a slight nod.

I hurried up the stairs of my apartment. Classes went off swiftly and surprisingly enough, my students had actually tried solving the sums I gave them, which kind of made me proud. Every now and then, I kept on checking my phone to see if Sapna had texted, but she hadn't, and it made me abnormally edgy.

I rang the doorbell. Tapping my foot nervously as I waited for her to open up, my gaze fell on a little piece of paper lying on the floor.

I'll be back soon.

- Sapna

"Fuck!" I groaned and raced downstairs.

I looked around but didn't spot her, so I got myself a seat on one of the swings alongside the parking area.

It still wasn't dark outside. Even then the thought of her roaming around all by her lonesome in a strange city made me anxious. Not that Valsad wasn't safe, but I knew she could be reckless.

And well, I could be paranoid.

Just then, her gorgeous face appeared by the gates and I sprung up.

She saw me and waved her hand.

I rushed towards her and wrapped my arms around her. "You scared the shit out of me!"

I pulled away, still holding her at arm's length, and examined her up and down to check if she was harmed.

Her other hand was holding a plastic bag.

"I went grocery shopping," she tweeted. "Besides, I left a note."

Grocery shopping? Seriously?

"You really thought those four words would be enough to assure me that you were safe?"

She burst out laughing. And I couldn't help but smile.

After she was done arranging whatever she'd bought, she came and sat beside me on the couch. "Are we going now?"

"You're ready?"

"I guess."


I started my bike and we drove off to the bungalow. I parked outside and we entered through the main doors.

Sapna clutched my hand the entire time, sweat beading at her forehead as she walked vigilantly by my side.

The house was usually empty except for the servants occasionally scurrying from one spot to another.

When I finally saw Ramu Kaka, we walked to him. "Is Uncle home?"

"Aadi baba," he stole a glance at Sapna before continuing, "He left before two nights. Business trips. Baroda, then Jaipur and then Delhi. After that, he said he was going to San Francisco."

"Did he say how long?"

"Three weeks at the most."

I cursed under my breath and we turned to leave.

"Aadi baba!" Ramu Kaka called from behind me.

Sapna glanced behind her shoulders but I asked her to go ahead and that I'll meet her outside.

"Is that.." Ramu Kaka whispered cautiously and I knew he wouldn't complete his sentence.

"It's her." I gave him a full smile and nodded.

"God bless you, Aadi baba," he placed both his hands on my head and gently pressed it. "God bless you."    

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