Chapter 14

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                  As kayla stood there laughing at me and taking pictures ashley walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek as she chuckled at the sight of me. Blood was still soaking me and bits of flesh were stuck on me. While they were busy mocking me i spotted multiple lights coming from the distance.

"Help..." I spoke barely hearing my own voice. "HELP! PLEASE!" 

"What the fuck!" Kayla cursed and threw a punch across my face to shut up as ashley shut out the lights. I once again felt the prick of the needle at my neck but that wasn't gonna stop e from calling out for help.

"Help!" I cried, "Help... Please..." I sighed feeling all my energy slowly start to deplete. 

"Fuck it come on!" Kayla whispered untying me and both of them carried my body away as if i was a rag doll. They dragged me for what seemed like forever and threw me down a flight of stairs where i felt my ribs ache. I slowly crawled away but was stopped by a heavy foot pinning me back on the ground.

"Get up!" Kayla ordered pulling my hair and leading me through the halls of underground disney. "You should've died on splash mountain! You know hard it was too cut the bolts and chains on that thing!"

"It was so obvious it was you!" I groaned spitting out the blood in my mouth. "Why KAYLA! Why ASH!" 

"Why not." Kayla smirked slamming me into the wall tying my hands behind my back as ashley duct taped my mouth shut. "we need you alive anyway."

I struggled trying to get away when i saw ashley begin to fill the syringe up, god knows what i was gonna wake up to next. It took all my strength to push kayla back and kick ashley as far as i could to run away and get out of here. I ran as fast as i could with my hands still tied behind my back and my mouth still taped shut. I wasn't gonna stop, not now. I reached the door we came through but it was locked. Shit. I looked around and headed down another way in hopes of finding another exit, i could no longer hear anyone coming after me and i could relax a little and untie my hands. I remembered the knife i still had in my sleeve and used it, careful not to drop it, and cut the rope and freed myself. I ripped the duct tape off my mouth like a band-aid and didn't think much of it. I jogged quickly further down and spotted a staircase up ahead that led up. As i began running i heard a voice that stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Nat! Help me!" Kunos voice pleaded back where i came from. "Please! Dont, no!-"

I ran back wielding the knife in my hand as i ran back to where i was when when more screams sounded. Not from kuno this time.

"Let me go! Kayla stop!" I heard bryana struggle. I heard them coming down this hall and i quickly hid behind a row of costumes and stayed silent. "Help! Lexie! Kuno!" Bryana cried kicking and struggling as they dragged her to the elevator on the other side. I waited till the elevator doors closed completely to go search for kuno. 

"Kuno! I whispered out throughout the halls. As i turned the corner i saw him laying there face down in a pool of blood. I couldnt help but fall to my knees in despair and all i was able to do was crawl to him and hope he was still alive.

"K-Kuno please..!" I sobbed shaking him. "Please dont do this! Kuno come on!" I swung his arm around my neck and got him to his feet. "Come on kuno, we're okay, its fine!" I dragged him into the empty elevator and pushed the only button that leads back up california park. The elevator stopped and i dragged him out a few steps when i collapsed feeling pain surge through my arm feeling more strain on it. 

"Help! Plea-" I turned to see kayla beat bryana and push her into the ferris wheel baskets. "Stay there!"  I hid behind one of the concession stands and quietly made my way to bryana. She was knocked out cold inside the ferris wheel caged gondolas. I positioned myself to drag her when i got shoved inside as ashley slid the gate closed. Before i could even slide it back open ashley placed a padlock on it and smiled. 

"Going somewhere?" She snickered waving goodbye as the ride started. "Have fun!" The ferris wheel started and we were going higher and higher. 

"Bryana!" I panicked shaking her. "Come on bry wake up!" 

"WHa..?" She gasped waking up and the ferris wheel halted to a stop swinging our gondola. We were 49 meters high at the very top and all i could see was darkness at the bottom. "Nat..?"

I took her flashlight and shined it below seeing how kayla and ashley laughed at the bottom waving some type of control. Kayla pressed it and the gondola next to ours exploded from the top and free falled down. 

"Whats going on?!" Bryana got up panicked seeing me covered in blood and grasped onto the bar on the seats. "Nat! What do we do!"

CRASH  Went another one.

"NAT! Please!" She sobbed banging on the cage. My mind went blank, no ideas were coming into my head. Than suddenly i heard ours explode deafening me. But we weren't falling. "Nat... The top.... We can climb....." I was deaf from the sound and bryana pointed to the gondolas rood where it exploded half of it enough to escape through and get out before this fell. Bryana slowly climbed out first as the gondola still swung and i could hear kayla laughing at the bottom. We were out of the gondola that was swinging on a small arc that would tip at any moment. 

"NAT here!" She huffed reaching for my hand helping me down to a beam as she hugged it and slid all the way down gripping it tight. Kaylas plan failed this time.

"Its over kayla!" Bryana bravely confronted. "You couldnt kill me. you and ash are path-"

A gunshot sounded piercing the words from bryanas mouth as she fell to the ground right in front of me. Ashley had a gun and as she smiled looking down at her i quickly reacted and ran away feeling heavy and empty. As i ran all i could hear was my heart beating fast and my breathing.

Ba bump

 I Couldnt do this anymore,

Ba thump

 i had to get out of here, 

Ba bump

i had to run,

Ba Thump

 i had to escape. 



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