Chapter 4: (Trying to) Recover

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Hope everyone is enjoying this so far! ❤️💛💚💙💜

(POV) Lafayette:

As I watch Hercules and John laughing together, I smile. I go to the fridge and grab three cold beers.
"Dinner is served!" I announce with a flourish, and pass them all a cold beer. Mulligan laughs then holds the cool can up to his head.
"I have ice packs in the fridge..." began John but before he could finish Mulligan dashed into the kitchenette. He returned a few minutes later with a bucket of ice and some ice packs.
"This is the best part of summer," he began, "sitting on the balcony with your mates drinking ice cold beer!"
We sat there for hours just laughing at the stupidest things.

(TIME SKIP - The next day.)

(POV) Jefferson:

As I stare at Madison, he stares back at me.
"What do you mean?" I ask for the third time.
"He's dead. He was shot a few nights ago." He replies.
A cold sweat hits me, and I tug on my purple sweatshirt. How? Why? What? Where?

So many questions.

I think of all the times I hit him and told him he he was a piece of shit. Well... he was. But now I feel bad.
"Who did it?" I ask, realising an edge to my voice.
"No one knows," replies Madison, "or at least no one's come forward to the police."
"Oh my god." I say, trying to keep my voice level.
"Do you need a moment?" Asks Madison helpfully.
"Yes, can you go make me a hot chocolate - and a croissant!" Ever since the exchange trip when I went to France, I crave pastries. I always have some in my cupboard.
"Yes sir!" He replies retreating out of the living room into the kitchen.
Me and Madison share one of the biggest houses on the estate. There's infinite guest rooms and attics. Dining rooms - even a ball room. We live the absolute dream!

(TIME SKIP - Next Day:)

(POV) John:

As Mulligan grabs us all a bowl of 'coco-pops' (we're at his and Lafayette's apartment), I lean against the radiator.
I'm going back to school today. Back to lectures by professors and studying. It's better then High School - I have to admit. College there is so much freedom; and parties. As Hercules says: You must never forget the parties! I pick up my bag and everything else I need and head off.

I know I look a mess. My eyes are still bloodshot from crying, my hair scraped into a tangled mess on the back of my head. Even my freckles make me look stupid. I didn't need Jefferson to remind me of that.

Thomas Jefferson. The king of college. And - of course - a bully. Eighth year of slapping lunch trays and being a huge dick! (Hope you get the reference there!) He and James Madison, his stupid copycat friend, basically run this school. They are rich, kinda cute and therefore; mean, snobby and popular.
This time he slams me against the line of lockers.
"Hey turtle boy!" He sneers, laughing. Then he takes my backpack and holds it way above my head, before emptying its contents over my head. "Oops! Sorry 'bout that Turtle Boy!" He laughs. Then he elbows me in the chest making me double over so he can push me over. "Bye!" He then shouts, smiling, "I have a class to get too!" Then the bell rings and everyone scurries off, leaving me to pick it all up. By now I can't stop the tears from rolling down my face.
"I'm okay." I manage to reply.
I love Hercules but he can be a bit overboard sometimes.
He pulls me into a hug and says softly (for once), "You've gotta do something buddy. He won't stop unless you do."
Then he pushes me towards the bathroom so I can clean myself up and I stumble away, watching him pick up everything from my bag and start the tedious task of piling it all back in. Poor guy.

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