Chapter 2: A new home, a new family-part 1

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I make my way back to the camp, and we all begin to eat the s'mores and the hotdogs, but what E.J said never strayed far from my thoughts. Later, as we were all getting ready for bed, I started writing my note:

I'm going exploring again tonight. I wanted to see if the rumors are true. I'll leave at midnight, and I should be back by 3 or 4. If I don't come back, I'm sorry for leaving you all so soon.
Signed, y/n

Ok, that's done. I climb into my tent that I'm sharing with Reed, and I see that he's already asleep. I lay down and check my watch. It reads 11:30. I try to sleep, but My nerves make it impossible. So I just start to think about what my new life at the creepypasta manor will be like.

(Timeskip half an hour because I'm not going over his thoughts for 30 minutes.)


I look up, and I see that E.J is at the front of the tent, her head on the inside of it.

E.J: Come y/n, we are all awaiting you're arrival.

I comply wordlessly. I stand up and set my note where I was sleeping, and I walk outside and I'm Immediately hit in the face by a blast of cold air. I continue to follow E.J through the woods, after taking one last look at my friends. I follow E.J for what feels like hours. Finally, we reach a large manor in the middle of the forest.

It was made of wood and looked broken down, so I could see why nobody ever went in. E.J's head follows my gaze.

E.J: Don't worry, the roofs not going to fall on you.

E.J moves toward the front of the mansion and opens the door. On the inside, it looks far better. You can see a kitchen on one side with a dining room next to it, and a living room on the other with a gigantic flatscreen tv. Directly in front of you is a polished Wooden staircase that leads to the next floor. Everything looks like it's been constantly cleaned. As you're walking beside E.J, you hear two pairs of footsteps pounding upstairs.

?????: Jess, give me back my controller!

Jess: I will if you give me my knife back!

?????:Nooooooo! I told you I was practicing!

You turn to E.J and ask,

You: is it always like this?

E.J: It is most of the time.

You look back at the staircase and the two figures finally come into view. The first had a blood-stained white hoodie and what seemed to be a permanent smile carved on to her face. She had on black sweatpants and even darker hair. Other than her quite obvious insane persona, she had a nice, athletic figure. Following her was another girl who had blonde hair, and looked to be a link cosplayer, but her eyes were pitch-black with small red dots in them. She,too, had a nice frame.

They stop what they were doing and look down the stairs at you and E.J. The blonde is the first to speak.

?????: Oh, hey E.J. Was this the guy you were talking about?He's hot.

E.J: Everyone, this is y/n. Y/n, these are some of the other crepypastas: Benny Drowned and Jess The Killer. Benny is the blonde one and Jess is the other.

E.J leans in close and whispers: "Be careful around Benny. She loves to play pranks."
You nod to E.J, and turn to face Benny and Jess as she leaves.

E.J: Everyone else should be home soon. I'd say in about an hour.

You: It's nice to meet you both.

Benny: It's nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you from E.J.

You: Alright. So, what should we do until the other creepypasta's come home?

Jess: I've got an idea: why don't we play a game?

You: Sure. What do you guys want to play?

Jess: How about hide and seek? Me and Benny will try and find you. If you can hide from us for 30 minutes, you win. If we find you then we win. Don't worry, we won't kill you.

You: What do you win?

Benny: It depends~

Jess: Alright go hide and we'll count. 3...2...1... HIDE!!

You run down the hallway as you hear Jess and Benny counting down from 100. You eventually find a crawl space under the stairs. You look inside and see a small bed, and wizard hat, and some glasses. You turn off the light as Jess and Benny finish counting and start to sing a very creepy song:

After a while, you decide to look at your watch. It showed that you had 5 minutes until you won . 4 minutes....3 minutes....2 minutes....1 minu-BOOM!!

You turned around and saw that Jess had kicked down the door, with Benny behind her.

Jess: It looks like we've won, so now you do what we say.

Benny: Alright. We want you to-

????????????: We are home everyone. I would like to see the new arrival.

Who was that? What do the girls want you to do? Find out in the next chapter....( or you can leave comments for your ideas!) Anyway, stay golden everyone!( new catchphrase. Should I keep it or should I ditch it?)

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