Chapter 14: Wake up, the sun is shining-part 2

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This is officially my longest story, so I'm pretty proud. Thanks to you all I've been able to do as well as I am now. I'm hoping to be able to apply for Wattpad futures so I can do this full time. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Scenario requested by: Dragon078

After a couple hours of recuperating from what Benny said, Ej finally woke up. "What a day to have a headache..."she mumbled as she came down the stairs. "What do you mean by that? Is today special?" "Yeah. It's my birthday today. August 7th. I'm 20 today."She says with a yawn. "Wow you didn't know today was her birthday? You sure are a thoughtful boyfrie-OW!" Benny shouts as Ej hits her on the head.

She's right, you think as Benny and Ej start yelling. I really should take her somewhere... you remember an ad for the amusement park that's about an hour away from your house.

"Hey Ej." You look over to see Benny diving into the tv laughing before Ej can catch her. She sighs. "Yeah?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the amusement park a little ways from here? Since it's your birthday, I mean." She thinks for a minute, then shrugs. "Sure. It would be nice to go somewhere with you. We haven't had a day to ourselves in... how long has it been?"

Chapter 10.

What? What do you mean chapter?

Never mind. Just forget I said anything.

Ignoring what Chara said, you say, " Don't know, but it's been awhile. So, should we start going? There shouldn't be to many people there this early in the day." You grab your keys and head out the door with Ej following you into your car, which you nicknamed Bumblebee (by popular demand) and start the drive to the amusement park. The ride was pretty uneventful, with you and Ej just listening and singing along to old rock albums. Thankfully, the drive doesn't take to long, but that's mainly because there weren't many people up yet. After awhile you reach the amusement park.

You buy the all access bands so you and Ej could ride all you want. The park was rather big, so it would take you awhile to ride them all.

(Time skip throughout the day brought to you by GoldenDeath being to lazy to describe most of the day.)

It was getting a little late. The sun had started to set, casting a reddish glow over the park. "Alright. Last ride. What do you want to do?" You asked. She thought for a moment,then looked back at you and said, "Ferris wheel." You nodded and walked over to the tall structure. The lights were on, so it had a giant pulsating star on the front of it. The line progressed slowly, but there weren't many people in line. Eventually you reached the front and got into your seats as the wheel moved you both upwards. In just a few moments, you and Ej reached the top. You sat there for a few moments, enjoying the scenery. It was as if you were floating above the park, able to see everything. You turned to look into the sockets where Ej's eyes would have been, and she looked at you as well, and the two of you shared a moment. Sadly, that moment was interrupted as the wheel began to move back down.

As you exited the park, you struck up a small conversation with Ej. "So, did you have a good time today?" "Yeah. I enjoyed it. To bad it didn't last any longer." She said with a sigh. "Don't worry. We can always come back la-" you were cut off as your phone buzzed. You looked at it to see you had gotten a text from Benny:

Benny: We got the cake ready. Plus, we found this little girl with a chainsaw in the woods. Bunch of dead people around her. We took her in.

You: Alright. Is she ok?

Benny: Mostly. She said she was chased into the woods, and found the chainsaw in a tree. Ended up killing them all. So, how long till you guys get hone?

You: About an hour. We just got to the car. See you soon.

Benny: See ya.

You put your phone back up as you and Ej enter your car.

(1 hour later...)

You had gotten back to the mansion just as the the moon was directly overhead, casting a ghostly white glow over the mansion. As you approached the door, you could her a chainsaw revving in the house, and someone yelled, "Not the cake!" Really loudly. You opened the door to find a very strange scene greeted your eyes: a small girl chased Benny with a chainsaw,while Slenderwoman was trying to keep a large cake from falling over. After a moment they noticed you and Ej, and slenderwoman looked down with a sigh. "We were trying to make it a surprise..." she turns her head to the girl. "Jewel, come meet one of the tenants." The little girl you now know as Jewel walked up to you shyly. "Jewel, this is y/n and Ej. They live here." Jewel extends her hand shyly. You shake it and Ej does the same. "Now that that's out of the way, let's have some cake!" Slenderwoman exclaims.

Hope your happy with how it turned out, dragon078. And I hope everyone else enjoyed it as well!


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